Anthony Judge: Historical Misrepresentation of a “Union of International Associations”? Scholastic “demeaning” of global civil society in a period of widespread crisis

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Historical Misrepresentation of a “Union of International Associations”?

Scholastic “demeaning” of global civil society in a period of widespread crisis

Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold

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Wayne Jett: Ending Mercantilism Ends the Deep State

03 Economy


Find and Fix The Real Problems

Capitalists view people as potential customers, not as victims or targets. Capitalism does not seek to depose, disable or disenfranchise the middle class. Capitalism is the economic system of the middle class! Capitalism enables the middle class to exist, to function and to grow. Classical economic theory – also called “the theory of the firm” – was the foundation on which capitalism was built to power the growth of the middle class.

Ending Mercantilism

When we know it is mercantilism which must be stopped, we know better where to look and what to do. We end the Federal Reserve and return to the constitutionally required system of sound money tied to gold and silver. By doing so, we eliminate the outrageous central banking practices which put uncounted trillions of dollars into cabal pockets for use in buying real assets worldwide.

Continue reading “Wayne Jett: Ending Mercantilism Ends the Deep State”

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Update

Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Amazon Update

Sub-Titles Only:

  • Amazon’s Big Quarter
  • Digital Freight Brokerage
  • Amazon: Responding to the Sound of Music
  • Open Source Inside a Closed Amazon: The Rent-a-Car Approach
  • Enter the Lawyers Arrive
  • Alexa, Who Fired Me? [Robots firing people — seriously…]
  • Actual Unemployed Real Journalist Opportunity
  • Amazon’s Jungle Drums
  • Servicers of the Bezos Bulldozer

Read full report.

Read prior reports Arnold Amazon & Phi Beta Iota.

Robert Steele on Turkish Television: Buy Russian Missiles, Leave NATO, Help Syria Kick the Zionists Out of the Golan…

Interviews OF Robert, Peace Intelligence

Other Audio-Visual Interviews with Robert David Steele

ROBERT STEELE:  According to multiple sources, the Israeli military has informed Benjamin Netanyahu they cannot hold the Golan; negotiations are underway for a withdrawal.  I pray that war over this Syrian land is avoided.