Betty Boop: 5G & EMF Explained — Will Fry Your Package and Explode Your Pet….

03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society, Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Idiocy, IO Impotency, Non-Governmental, Officers Call

Researcher Explains How Electromagnetic Fields Damage Your Health

by Dr. Mercola, 29 April 2018

Phi Beta Iota: With the new “wi-fi” satellites everyone in an airplane (most dangerously) and on the ground (generally) is subject to deep radiation exposure. Radiation sickness manifests similarly to the flu — the recent quarantined aircraft are a huge warning sign that all governments are deliberately ignoring.

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Yoda: Do You Really Want Pedophilia Legalized?

Cultural Intelligence

Democratsā€™ Equality Act opens the door to legalized pedophilia. Hereā€™s how

April 8, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ā€” Jason is 13 and wants to date his male 21-year-old student-teacher. If the “LGBT” Equality Act passes through Congress, the age of consent barrier may fall and allow him to do so.

Perhaps by now you've heard of the so-called “Equality Act,” a sweeping bill that would declare homosexuality and gender confusion to be federal civil rights equivalent to race, religion, national origin, biological sex, and so on.

This wicked bill, H.R. 5, right now has 240 co-sponsors in the U.S. House of Representatives, and Nancy Pelosi has pledged to bring it up for a vote in late spring or early summer.

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Phil Giraldi: How Israel Has Tried to Occupy Virginia…

03 Economy, 04 Education, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call

Thereā€™s Something Rotten in Virginia: Israel Is a Malignant Force in Local Politics

One of the more interesting aspects of the relentless march of the Israel Lobby in the United States is the extent to which it has expanded its reach down into the state and even local level.

Continue reading “Phil Giraldi: How Israel Has Tried to Occupy Virginia…”

Zero Hedge: Italy Moves To Seize Gold From Central Bank – “It Belongs To The People, Not The Bankers”

03 Economy, Commerce, Ethics, Government

“It Belongs To The People, Not The Bankers” – Italy Moves To Seize Gold From Central Bank

But as The Wall Street Journal concludes, the 5 Star Movement and the League support public ownership of the gold reserves, and with backing from parties comprising 60% of lawmakers, the draft law has enough support to pass. Lawmakers from 5 Star also support nationalizing the central bank, while the League hasnā€™t decided yet, leaving the bill short of a majority with around 40% support.

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Phi Beta Iota:Ā  All Central Banks, without exception, should be nationalized.