Ellen Brown: Funding the New Green Deal — Possible!

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Ellen Brown

The Financial Secret Behind Germany’s Green Energy Revolution

The “Green New Deal” endorsed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D.-N.Y., and more than 40 other House members has been criticized as imposing a too-heavy burden on the rich and upper-middle-class taxpayers who will have to pay for it. However, taxing the rich is not what the Green New Deal resolution proposes. It says funding would come primarily from certain public agencies, including the U.S. Federal Reserve and “a new public bank or system of regional and specialized public banks.”

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BREAKING: China, Iran, Russia, Turkey Recognize Nancy Pelosi as the Legitimate President of the United States of America … Cite Trump’s Precedent with Venezuela!

Cultural Intelligence, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

We do not make this shit up (most of the time). Citing Trump's precedent with Venezuela, in which the Speaker of the House in Venezuela has been recognized by the USA as the legitimate President (never mind that the Speaker did not participate in the most recent election which was clearly won by President Maduro, irregularities notwithstanding), China, Iran, Russia, and Turkey today have announced their recognition of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as the “legitimate” President of the United States of America.

Regime Change and Speakers of the Legislature: Nancy Pelosi vs. Juan Guaido, Self-Proclaimed President of Venezuela

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SPECIAL: Jim Stone – Zionist Strike 30 – Vaccine Eugenics Program Exposed

06 Genocide, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Earth Intelligence, Officers Call

The [Zionist] Supremacist Community in America Is Freaking Out – The Vaccine Scam Is Far Worse Than Anyone Realizes

Observation: The [Zionists] are scared sh*tless.

They have been busted rigging elections, destroying our media, poisoning our foods, destroying our children, assaulting our families, intentionally staging the immigrant crisis – EVERYONE KNOWS IT IS THEM yet no one can say it. I will.

Here is the future: The genie is out of the bottle, and the massive unquenchable support for Trump (who is fighting all of the above whether he knows it or not) proves the people know what is happening and want it stopped.

Continue reading “SPECIAL: Jim Stone – Zionist Strike 30 – Vaccine Eugenics Program Exposed”