Penguin: Assessing the economic impact and business models of open source


Assessing the economic impact and business models of open source

If you combine IBM's acquisition with Microsoft's buyout of GitHub last year, at the very least you could say that the open source game is changing. These events communicate an increasing interest from the enterprise space in open source technologies as bankable prospects, with big tech companies willing to drop serious cash to boost their name in the field and amongst communities. Also, it is for this reason – amongst others – that it has a decent amount of potential as a driver of the digital economy going forward.

Registration required, not recommended.  Just know that open source is becoming VERY profitable and will ultimately destroy Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Google, MeetUp, Microsoft, Oracle, and Twitter, among others.

See Especially:

Robert Steele: Open Letter to GeekWire on Gab, #GoogleGestapo, the ADL/AIPAC, & the Future of Public Cyber

Robert Steele: Plans for Displacement of #GoogleGestapo UPDATE 2

Robert Steele: Trump Truth Channel UPDATE Add Donald Trump Junior Tweet on Need for an Alternative & Class Action Lawsuit Against #GoogleGestapo

Berto Jongman: Davos Elite Worried..Very Worried

03 Economy, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Officers Call
Berto Jongman

Davos elites fear they’re on a toboggan ride to hell

The global winners here in Switzerland aren’t so sure they’re up to the task of running the world anymore.

DAVOS, Switzerland — Populist movements around the world, left and right, disagree in detail but are united around one big idea: The political and economic elites running modern societies are very powerful people who know what they are doing.

What they are doing is often bad — greedy, exploitative, short-sighted — but they are doing it with purpose and confident control.

Let there be pitchforks!

Read full article.

David Icke: Zionist NeoCons, Controlled Narrative, Vaccine Eugenics #GoogleGestapo

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Media

EXPOSED: ‘NewsGuard' organization founded by globalists to censor independent media has ties to pro-Monsanto American Enterprise Institute propagandists

Measles VACCINE linked to 127 deaths in last 15 years; only two deaths linked to humans who contracted measles naturally in that same period

Anand Giridharadas – The new elite’s phoney crusade to save the world – without changing anything

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The new elite’s phoney crusade to save the world – without changing anything

Today’s titans of tech and finance want to solve the world’s problems, as long as the solutions never, ever threaten their own wealth and power. By

Phi Beta Iota: Worth a careful read.  This is going to be the foundation for the presidential campaigns of the Independent and small party candidates in the USA in 2020. The two-party tyranny that has been the enabler of the Deep State and the Shadow Government and the looting of $43 trillion from the US public treasury (and hundreds of trillions from everyone else) is going DOWN.

SPECIAL: God’s Chosen People (Video on Hollywood as a Tool of Zionist Control & Subversion)

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

SPECIAL within the SPECIAL: Watch Sean Hannity melt down when Congressman James Trafficante lays it on the line about Zionist control of Congress….from 05:12 — shows Fox News to be “owned” by the Zionists.

Continue reading “SPECIAL: God's Chosen People (Video on Hollywood as a Tool of Zionist Control & Subversion)”

Charles Hugh Smith: Ban All Collection of User Data – This Heals the Internet

11 Society, IO Impotency, IO Privacy
Charles Hugh Smith

 Want to Heal the Internet? Ban All Collection of User Data

The social media/search giants have mastered the dark arts of obfuscating how they're reaping billions of dollars in profits from monetizing user data, and lobbying technologically naive politicos to leave their vast skimming operations untouched.

I've been commenting on the cancerous disease that's taken control of the Internet– what Shoshana Zuboff calls Surveillance Capitalism–for many years.

Here is a selection of my commentaries:

Read full post with all links.

Penguin: Facebook Fraud #GoogleGestapo Core Value

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency

Facebook Slides After Report Claims 50% Of Its Users Are Fake

Facebook Ripped Off Game-Playing Kids And Their Parents In Multi-Year “Friendly Fraud” Scheme

Internal Facebook Memo Reveals The Company Encouraged ‘Friendly Fraud’

When parents found out how much their children had spent – one 15-year-old racked up $6,500 in charges in about two weeks playing games on Facebook – the company denied requests for refunds. Facebook employees referred to these children as “whales” – a term borrowed from the casino industry to describe profligate spenders. A child could spend hundreds of dollars a day on in-game features such as arming their character with a flaming sword or a new magic spell to defeat an enemy – even if they didn’t realize it until the credit card bill arrived. –Reveal News

Continue reading “Penguin: Facebook Fraud #GoogleGestapo Core Value”