Seymour Hersh: The Vice President’s Men

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, Ethics, Government, Military
Seymour Hersh

The Vice President’s Men

London Review of Books

Vol. 41 No. 2 · 24 January 2019
pages 9-12 | 5853 words

In the beginning, the officer told me, ‘there was a great fear that the Russians were ten feet tall. What we found was total incompetence.’ Moreau’s team were amazed to find how easy it was to reverse Soviet influence – often with little more than generous offers of American dollars and American arms. Across the Third World – in countries such as Chad, Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire – the offer of advanced American electronics and communications equipment was also invaluable. ‘The Russians simply were not liked abroad,’ the officer said. ‘They were boors with shoddy clothing and shoes made out of paper. Their weapons were inoperative. It was a Potemkin village. But every time we found total incompetence on the part of a Soviet mission, the American intelligence community would assume that it was Soviet “deception”. The only problem was that it was not deception. We came to realise that the American intelligence community needed the threat from Russia to get their money. Those of us who were running the operations were also amazed that the American press was so incompetent. You could do this kind of stuff all over the world and nobody would ask any questions.’

Read every word.  Stunning.

Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Eagle.

Book below the fold.

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Rebecca Campbell: Mass Media Blacks Out Yellow Vests While Others Call for Cancelling Davos

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Viva La Yellow Vests!!!! Anti-Globalist Movement Receives Overwhelming Support By Populists On The Right And The Left As U.S. Media Ignores The Popularity

“It's A Reunion For People Who Broke The World”: Author Explains Why Davos Should Be Cancelled


SPECIAL: LA Times is Wrong — Nancy Pelosi is Not Winning — An Open Letter from Robert Steele to Doyle McManus

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Mr. McManus,

I enjoyed your article today on Pelosi winning, “Nancy Pelosi is winning in her battle with Trump,” but I think you are missing a larger context in which Trump is winning across the board and is certain of re-election. Here's why…

Continue reading “SPECIAL: LA Times is Wrong — Nancy Pelosi is Not Winning — An Open Letter from Robert Steele to Doyle McManus”

Zero Hedge: Paul Craig Roberts on Bill Binney, Patriot & Whistle-Blower on NSA Spying (for Blackmail) on Everyone of Consequence

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence

Paul Craig Roberts: The National Security Agency Is A Criminal Organization

Binney turned whistleblower, because NSA was using the program to spy on Americans. As Binney was well known to the US Congress, he did not think he needed any NSA document to make his case. But what he found out was:

Congress would never hear me because then they’d lose plausible deniability. That was really their key. They needed to have plausible deniability so they can continue this massive spying program because it gave them power over everybody in the world. Even the members of Congress had power against others [in Congress]; they had power on judges on the Supreme Court, the federal judges, all of them.

Continue reading “Zero Hedge: Paul Craig Roberts on Bill Binney, Patriot & Whistle-Blower on NSA Spying (for Blackmail) on Everyone of Consequence”

Robert Parry: Bases, Bases, Everywhere … Except in the Pentagon’s Report

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military, Peace Intelligence
Robert Parry (RIP)

Bases, Bases, Everywhere … Except in the Pentagon’s Report

These installations exist somewhere between light and shadow, writes Nick Turse. While acknowledged as foreign military outposts, they are excluded from the official inventory.

Continue reading “Robert Parry: Bases, Bases, Everywhere … Except in the Pentagon’s Report”