Fred Burks: Sex Abuse by Doctors – with Impunity

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Sex Abuse by Doctors

Doctors Sexually Abuse Patients With Impunity

“More than 2,400 U.S. doctors have been sanctioned for sexually abusing their patients. State medical boards, which oversee physicians, allowed more than half the sanctioned doctors to keep their licenses even after the accusations of sexual abuse were determined to be true.”   ~~  ABC News on sex abuse by doctors, 7/6/16

Read full post with multiple articles and links.

Help Sought: Need $2,500 for Web Services & Computer Updates

Robert David STEELE Vivas

Help if you can.  Defending the web sites now requires a 24/7 webmaster on retainer, and it is working. The database needs to be upgraded, doubling in price. because PBI is a reference web site with over 25,000 posts and close to 40,000 images, all on 100% recall, nothing is archived. Thank you for anything you can do.  I continue to march and I believe that 2019-2020 will see us advance on three fronts: truth channel, #UNRIG election integrity (not the mockery that Democrats have proposded with HR 1), and exposing elite pedophilia & Satanism.

Send email for mail address or Coinbase (BitCoin, Ethereum) donations:

robert.david.steele.vivas AT gmail DOT com will remain free with no ads, always. My life's work remains free online at We will enhance,, and as funds become available.

I am considering a new subscription service, a Public Daily Brief, similar to the President's Daily Brief but better because it is holistic and can be shared. Here is a sample (below). Would this be worth $11 a month?

Offers three services:

01 a pre-screened database of truthful results covering threats, policies, and countries, that can be searched

02 a daily “dashboard” for hits on 10 threats, 12 policies, 8 countries (generally three each for a total of 90 hits

03 my weekly summary that had over 6,000 subscribers until my overseas analyst died with no heirs and took my investment with him.


Email me your thoughts, please.

Zionism Strike 28: 88 Members of the House of Representative Suck Up to Zionist Israel and Demand an Ambassador Censor to Monitor Criticism of Zionist Apartheid Genocidal Israel, a Mafia State

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Officers Call

 House Bill Forces Trump to Nominate “Anti-Semitism Envoy” Who Would Monitor Criticism of Israel

The position of anti-Semitism envoy was created in 2004 over the objections of the State Department, which said it wasn’t needed. It was urged by Israeli Minister for Diaspora Affairs Natan Sharansky, who had formulated a new definition of anti-Semitism that includes criticism of Israel.

Continue reading “Zionism Strike 28: 88 Members of the House of Representative Suck Up to Zionist Israel and Demand an Ambassador Censor to Monitor Criticism of Zionist Apartheid Genocidal Israel, a Mafia State”

Anthony Judge: Multi-option Technical Facilitation of Public Debate – Eliciting consensus nationally and internationally

Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Multi-option Technical Facilitation of Public Debate

Eliciting consensus nationally and internationally

Possibilities suggested by the Grand Débat in France
Current multi-platform technical viability and costs
Eliciting insights from the public via debate
Technical facilitation of insight capture and processing
Enabling consensual articulation — towards a synthesis?
Envisioning consensus and synthesis: what form might it take?
Problematic dynamics of debate
Transcending vulnerability to inadequacy: self-reflexivity?
Consensus on ecological transition: reductionism and misplaced concreteness?