Event(s): Arno Reuser Open Source Intelligence Training

Arno Reuser

The OSINT Pathfinder programme aims to share with delegates a systematic, planned and structured methodology to do in-depth research in open source information to produce actionable intelligence to assist decision makers in the decision making process.

At the end of the training, delegates will have a full set of new capabilities, techniques and tools to do in-depth investigative research in open sources on the Internet as well as in non-Internet sources.

    • OSINT Pathfinder XXI : 16-18- Apr 2019
    • OSINT Pathfinder XXII : 27-29 Aug 2019
    • OSINT Pathfinder XXIII : 10-12 Dec 2019

What you will learn

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Penguin: $25M for New Open Source Software Model


Open source monetization startup Tidelift raises $25m series B

The idea is that companies are willing to pay for open source when they can receive guarantees around issues like critical vulnerabilities and long-term support. In addition, Tidelift handles the mundane tasks of setting up open source for commercialization such as handling licensing issues.

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ITNJ: Pope Francis Admits Child Sex Abuse One of Vilest Crimes

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice

Child sex abuse one of vilest crimes – pope

Pontiff tells diplomats Church is working to deliver justice

(ANSA) – Vatican City, January 7 – Pope Francis said pedophilia was one of the worst crimes it is possible to commit during an audience with the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See on Monday. “I cannot refrain from speaking of one of the plagues of our time, which sadly has also involved some members of the clergy,” the Argentine pontiff said.

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SPECIAL: Yes, Trump Has Authority to Declare National Emergency for Border Wall

Ethics, Government

Yes, Trump has authority to declare national emergency for border wall

The 1976 National Emergencies Act gives presidents sweeping authority as well as allowance in federal regulations to declare an “immigration emergency” to deal with an “influx of aliens which either is of such magnitude or exhibits such other characteristics that effective administration of the immigration laws of the United States is beyond the existing capabilities” of immigration authorities “in the affected area or areas.” The basis for such an invocation generally includes the “likelihood of continued growth in the magnitude of the influx,” rising criminal activity, as well as high “demands on law enforcement agencies” and “other circumstances.”

Democrats have not objected to use of this authority regularly by past presidents, including roughly 30 such emergencies that continue to this day.

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Brandon Smith: Alt-Market Says Trump is a Pied Piper, We’re Being Set Up for a Market Crash & Trump Implosion

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Brandon Smith

Trump Is A Pied Piper For The New World Order Agenda

Trump is part of a grand con game.

The con game is to get liberty advocates to invest themselves fully in Trump, to the point that we end up owning every mistake he makes, and every disaster that is pinned on him.

…there is considerable evidence as I have linked above supporting my position that Trump is controlled opposition working with the globalists to initiate a collapse that will be blamed on conservative ideals and limited government liberty activists.

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Mongoose: US Senate’s First Bill (S. 1) Treason? — Has Israel Bribed & Blackmailed Our Senators, Starting with “Foam Boy” Marco Rubio, to Make Freedom of Speech a Felony? UPDATE 2

Corruption, Government

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in Midst of Shutdown, is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government from Boycotts

S.1 will be a compendium containing a handful of foreign-policy related measures, a main one of which is a provision, with Florida’s GOP Sen. Marco Rubio as a lead sponsor, to defend the Israeli government. The bill is a top legislative priority for AIPAC. It makes it a FELONY for anyone in the US to exercise their First Amendment rights and call for a boycott of the Zionist genocidal apartheid state of Israel.

Continue reading “Mongoose: US Senate's First Bill (S. 1) Treason? — Has Israel Bribed & Blackmailed Our Senators, Starting with “Foam Boy” Marco Rubio, to Make Freedom of Speech a Felony? UPDATE 2″