SPECIAL: California Fires, DEW Weapons UPDATE 16: Forest Fire Burns Houses & Cars But Not the Forest?

07 Other Atrocities

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Deep State via the US Air Force dark side….

Conclusive  Evidence Proving California Is Under Attack by DEWs

Interesting…California wildfires map lines up with proposed high speed rail for California

Reference Site: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & Contrived Fires

Updates Below the Fold. Click First Link Above for Photo Essay.

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Robert Steele: Will China “Own” the Southern Hemisphere?

02 China
Robert David STEELE Vivas

China's Building Spree In Poor Nations: Does It Really Help The Local Economy?

A useful analysis that includes the negatives; the bottom line is shown in the image below – China is on a path to “own” the Southern Hemisphere including ports, airports, high-speed rail, and highways.

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Steven Aftergood: Pentagon Secrecy Undermining National Security

Corruption, Idiocy, Military, Officers Call
Steven Aftergood


Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), the likely chair of the House Armed Services Committee in the next Congress, told congressional colleagues that enhancing national security transparency is among his top oversight priorities.

“Together, we have made strides on national security issues but much more must be done to conduct vigorous oversight of the Trump Administration and the Department of Defense,” he wrote in a November 8 letter to House Democrats, declaring his candidacy for HASC chairman.

“Specifically, we must look to eliminate inefficiency and waste at the DOD; boost oversight of sensitive military operations and ensure that the military works to avoid civilian casualties; protect our environmental laws nationwide; advance green technology in defense; take substantial steps to reduce America's overreliance on nuclear weapons; and promote greater transparency in national security matters,” he wrote.

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Review: Life After Google – The Fall Of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy by George Gilder

3 Star, Information Society, Information Technology
Amazon Page

George Gilder

3 Stars Fad Book Limited Value

I gave up on this book after 100 pages (it is 320 pages long). I normally do not waste time writing negative reviews  but in this instance think it appropriate to mention that I found it wanting.

The first third, on Google, is so far-fetched in its effusive praise and its articulation of the Google this and Google that I could not get the image out of my head: George Gilder kissing Eric Schmidt's ass.  Over and over and over again.

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Paul Craig Roberts: Ivy League Discrimates Against White Christians, Jews Are Deeply Over-Represented

Academia, Corruption
Paul Craig Roberts

Why White Gentiles Can’t Get Admission to Ivy League Universities

If you are a top ability student, but white, especially white male, you have scant chance of being admitted to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, Penn, Stanford, MIT, CalTech, Berkeley, or UCLA.

The reason whites cannot gain admission is that in the entirety of the Ivy league, Jews are over-represented, relative to the pool of high ability students, by 381%. High ability Asians are under-represented at 62%, and non-Jewish whites are most under-represented of all with a presence in the Ivy League of only 35% of their presence in the pool of high ability students.

Read full post.


American Pravda: Racial Discrimination at Harvard