Yoda: Hippie Saves Bees with Mushrooms

Earth Intelligence

The mushroom dream of a ‘long-haired hippie' could help save the world's bees

In research published Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports, Stamets turned intuition into reality. The paper describes how bees given a small amount of his mushroom mycelia extract exhibited remarkable reductions in the presence of viruses associated with parasitic mites that have been attacking, and infecting, bee colonies for decades.

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Worth a Look: The Octopus of Global Control

Worth A Look
Amazon Page

The Octopus of Global Control is a non-fiction book that offers some thoughtful topics for debate about the world that we live in, how it got so screwed up, whether this was done by design, and how we should go about fixing it. The book features quotes from many professionals that had a hand in some of the most important events in our world's history, and they add context and fill in some of the blanks about what really happened, and why our governments can't seem to tell the truth. A biting and dark sense of humor balances out the heavy topics covered in this book.

The eight tentacles represent Military control, Governmental control, Covert control, Physical, Financial, Media, Spiritual, and Scientific. Author Charlie Robinson explains how these different appendages of the same beast work in unison to manipulate humanity for their own personal and financial gain, and how the dirtiest of tricks are used to silence dissent, from false flag terrorism, used to shape public policy and perception, to global blackmail operations that have ensnared most of our political, corporate, and religious leaders.

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Mongoose: 5G = Bio-War, Mind-Control

05 Energy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, IO Technologies

5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves As Pentagon Crowd Control System

The new cell network uses high-band radio frequency millimeter waves to deliver high bandwidth data to any device within line of sight.

Among the many potential problems with exposure to 5G radio waves are issues with the skin, which is interesting when you consider that this technology is already being used in the military for crowd control purposes.

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Mongoose: Zionist-Jewish Blacklisting and Intimidation

07 Other Atrocities, Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

REVEALED: Canary Mission Blacklist Is Secretly Bankrolled By Major Jewish Federation

For three years, a website called Canary Mission has spread fear among undergraduate activists, posting more than a thousand political dossiers on student supporters of Palestinian rights. The dossiers are meant to harm students’ job prospects, and have been used in interrogations by Israeli security officials.

Now, for the first time, the Forward has definitively identified a major donor to Canary Mission. It is a foundation controlled by the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, a major Jewish charity with an annual budget of over $100 million.

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Henry Makow: Is “Just Do It” Luciferian? Is Self-Restraint Holy?

Cultural Intelligence

“Just Do It” -Nike Slogan is Luciferian

Illuminati Satanists spin self-restraint as “repression,” that causes “neurosis.”  They champion “sexual liberation” i.e. promiscuity and debauchery.

Self-discipline is the essential difference between conservatives and liberals. As I argue below, 9/10th of religion is what we do NOT do. We were made in the image of God. Living up to this ideal is what defines us as human.

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Phil Giraldi: What Sheldon Adelson’s Money Has Bought for Zionist Israel

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Philip Giraldi

Best Government Money Can Buy

Adelson’s recent successes in translating his political donations into policy favorable to Israel have included shifting the US Embassy to Jerusalem, cutting aid to Palestinians, ending the Iranian nuclear monitoring agreement and closing the Palestine Liberation Organization’s diplomatic office in Washington.

Adelson is also widely believed to have had a hand in personnel changes in the White House. He has used his money and influence to advance the careers of United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, National Security Advisor John Bolton, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo while also arranging the removal of H.R. McMaster and Rex Tillerson for “being anti-Israeli” and not sufficiently willing to go to war with Iran. Defense Secretary James Mattis, the only actual adult remaining in the room when foreign policy is discussed, is believed to be the next target for removal.

Read full article.

Betty Boop: Polish Pedophilia Film Breaks Records

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence

Polish film about church pedophilia breaks box office records

Kler (Clergy), a controversial film by Polish director Wojciech Smarzowski, has broken all records at the Polish box office. Almost one million people saw the film on its opening weekend, breaking the previous record held by Fifty Shades of Grey. This despite some conservative local authorities banning the film from being shown in their local cinemas.

The film, which explores the themes of child abuse, romantic liaisons, corruption, greed and alcoholism by Polish clerics, has been harshly criticised by the country’s far-right government, which has close links to the church.