Worth a Look: Life Cycle Assessment Made Simple

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, IO Sense-Making, Worth A Look
Life Cycle Assessment
Life Cycle Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool used to evaluate the potential environmental impact of a product, process or activity throughout its entire life cycle by quantifying the use of resources (“inputs” such as energy, raw materials, water) and environmental emissions (“outputs” to air, water and soil) associated with the system that is being evaluated.

LCA is Not Risk Assessment. This is because LCA does not consider exposure, which is critical for assessing risk. LCA quantifies emissions, but the actual impacts of those emissions depend on when, where and how they are released into the environment.

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Journal: Fight Over the Green North Ramps Up

Earth Intelligence
What's In a Name?
What's In a Name?

Arctic sea route to be renamed ‘Canadian Northwest Passage'

The Northeast Passage opens for business

In Greenland, warming fuels dream of hidden wealth

Greenland Takes a Step Towards Autonomy

TrendLines Poll: Should The Yukon Secede from Canada?

Toward North Corps: Nurturing the Spirit of Inuit Independence while Pre-empting a Movement for Inuit Secession

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Journal: ClimateGate 8 Dec 09 Morning

Earth Intelligence

Gore-Obama ForeverAl Gore meets with President Obama on climate change Obama met with Academy Award Winner and fellow Nobel laureate, Al Gore, on Monday afternoon to discuss the climate change issues in Copenhagen.  Gore, according to AFP, will help by briefing Pres. Obama before his meetings with the business and environmental leaders.

ClimateGate is Watergate redux The real scandal is not the email archive, or even how it was acquired, sorted, and uploaded to a Russian server, but rather the emerging evidence of a coordinated international campaign to target and harass climate scientists, break and enter into government climate labs, and misrepresent climate science through a sophisticated media infrastructure on the eve of the international climate talks.

Blame the Messenger
Blame the Messenger

ClimateGate and the UN: Red Scare Over Green Lies Believe it or not, the UN just whined that climategate is the Russian’s fault. It appears that the United Nation’s position is that the obvious cover-up of the false doctrine that is global warming perpetrated by global warming “scientists” is not the fault of the lying scientists, but that of the assumed “paid” Russian hacker that hacked the globaloney scientist’s emails and exposed the cover-up to the world. Convoluted reasoning, no?

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Journal: IPCC Chairman a Fraud & a Liar

Earth Intelligence

Dr Rajendra Pachauri
Dr Rajendra Pachauri

IPCC Chairman Reacts to Climate Change E-Mail Row

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has told BBC Radio 4’s – The Report program that the claims arising out of the leaked e-mails were serious and IPCC will investigate them as its top priority. However, he is also denying any possibility of a few scientists biasing the advice given to governments by the UN’s top global warming body.

“The processes in the IPCC are so robust, so inclusive, that even if an author or two has a particular bias it is completely unlikely that bias will find its way into the IPCC report,” Dr Pachauri said.

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Journal: ClimateGate, Guardian UK, & CNN

Earth Intelligence

Global media unite over Copenhagen climate change conference editorial
The editorial, calling on rich countries to commit to deep cuts, appeared on the Guardian front page and ran in 56 newspapers in 45 countries

CNN FINALLY Reports ClimateGate — To Downplay It Of Course

It only took CNN six days to notice the growing international scandal known as Climategate, and when it finally reported on the matter, it predictably did so by downplaying the significance. Maybe even more embarrassing for the supposedly “Most Trusted Name In News,” Russia Today did a far better job of detailing what happened at Britain's Climate Research Unit and how the global warming debate is impacted by it.

Phi Beta Iota: This is either mass insanity or much more likely, money talking–the science is dishonest, the politics ignorant, the only ones who benefit are the ones who “bet” on putting climate change over. The Guardian is ignorant, unethical, or both.  The truth teller for us, apart from reading books Campbell Brown has no idea exists, is that Al Gore cancelled–he knows he cannot handle the heat (pun intended).  What fascinated us about CNN's “coverage” of the email-sparked scandal is their lack of reference to anything other than the emails–books, for instance.

Minor Note: Sir Richard Branson, previously very closely associated with Climate Change, has been utterly brilliant: Roll-out for Richard Branson's spaceliner simultaneously divorces him from the mess and reiterates his constant pioneering.  While he may still go to Copenhagen, we hope he will be mindful of the Secretary General's commissioning of an investigation into the fraud, and more mindful of the priorities established by the High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change–Climate Change is NOT in that list, it is a minor subordinate element of Threat #3, Environmental Degradation, which in turn if firmly placed AFTER Poverty and AFTER Infectious Disease.

NOTE: See  Strategic Analytic Model  to understand how seriously we take Environmental Degradation as priority three after Poverty and Infectious Disease.  All of these media commentators are uninformed entertainers who have not got the slightest clue about how to do whole systems analysis or true cost analysis, or any of it.  This is all a huge get rich scheme for Maurice Strong, his mini-me Al Gore, and the financiers that bet they could once again screw over the Third World and get away with it.

Journal: BBC Dishonest on ClimateGate

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Media

Copenhagen summit urged to take climate change action

The arguments made by climate change sceptics

European media on climate summit

Phi Beta Iota: BBC reporting on Copenhagen and Climate Change has been consistently dishonest.  We have urgent questions about how BBC is funded and how it does quality assurance.  The core failing of Copenhagen, apart from its being based on fraudulent politicized science that is beneath contempt, is the fact that there is no Strategic Analytic Model and there is no attention being paid to the much wiser and more useful findings of the High Level Panel on Threats, Challenge, & Change.  Poverty causes more environmental damange than corporations–poverty and infectious disease are both more important than Environmental Degradation BUT Envrionmental Degradation in ALL its forms is more important than everything else.  It's time for a massive audit of the BBC, they are not serving the British or global public as well as they could or should.

Journal: US Navy Right Idea Wrong Level

Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Key Players, Peace Intelligence

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

The U.S. Navy Builds An MMOG

December 6, 2009: The U.S. Navy is looking for a game development company to bid on a project to help create a multiplayer game for training and brainstorming. What they want initially is a feasibility study on the creation of a ” Massive Multiplayer Online War Game Leveraging the Internet (MMOWGLI).” The proposals are due by December 28th.

Phi Beta Iota: This is exactly the right idea but at the wrong level.  This should be sponsored by the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI) in full partnership with the Director of Intelligence (DNI) and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).   It should be multinational and multifunctional in design from day one, with a multinational board of advisors including at a minimum Brazil, China, Indonesia, Russia, Malaysia, South Africa, and Turkey. Earth Intelligence Network knows how to do this for only $4 million a year, but of course the contract will be awarded to a beltway bandit whose sole priority will be to create a close proprietary system that locks the client in and shuts out everyone else.