FBI Wages Its Own Cyberwar on Zombie PCs

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Law Enforcement
DefDog Recommends....

Potential to be very dangerous, although they are requesting permission and suggest there are problems associated with the removal of the malware, it represents another government intrusion under the guise of protecting the public…….requires serious consideration and oversight, both of which are lacking in government….

FBI May Hunt Down and Destroy Botnets in Zombie PCs

FBI May Hunt Down and Destroy Botnets in Zombie PCs

By Erika Morphy


04/27/11 3:26 PM PT

The FBI isn't satisfied with having beheaded the Coreflood botnet. Now it wants to go after all the zombie PCs hosting the malware, uninstall it, and thus prevent the monster from springing back to life. Individuals would be notified and their authorization secured before any action would be taken, a complicated and daunting process. Security experts are hailing the ambitious government plan as nothing short of amazing.

Read rest of story….

Phi Beta Iota: Evidently the FBI a) has done some very decent work in this area; b) Cyber-Command is not defending the USA against this threat that originates in China and Russia among other places; and c) there is still no emphasis on creating hardware and software with integrity such as Apple creates–this is a Microsoft “shitty software” problem, and the taxpayer is paying for it.

See Also:

2010: OPINION–America’s Cyber Scam

1994 Sounding the Alarm on Cyber-Security

US Intelligence & Policy on China & Pakistan Lack Consistency & Common Sense (i.e. Integrity)

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military
DefDog Comments....

Right-Sizing the US Military–Doug Macgregor sparked some discussion out this way.  Combined with New Army Chief of Staff: Out of Touch? NEW: Blistering Bullshit Flag Waved from Afghanistan and so many other related posts at Phi Beta Iota, here are some “inconsistencies” that are obvious to all of us on this side of the world.

From East-Asia Intel.com:

Clapper said during a hearing March 10, when asked which state has the intent to be the greatest U.S. adversary: “Probably China.”  …  “If the question is pick one nation state,” he said, adding that both Russia and China potentially pose a mortal threat to the United States.


The commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific said last week that he did not agree with the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper that China poses the most serious national security threat to the United States.

And finally,

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, accused Pakistan's intelligence agency of a having a longstanding relationship with Haqqani militants targeting U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

Continue reading “US Intelligence & Policy on China & Pakistan Lack Consistency & Common Sense (i.e. Integrity)”

Event: 2-4 May NYC We Create New Economy



WECREATE NYC is a new innovation space in Manhattan. The space has been neurochemically primed to catalyze collaboration, focus, and innovation. WECREATE offers a space to generate a new economy through collaboration & innovation. 2-4 May 2011 Launch 58 East 11 Street New York, New York 1003 8th Floor Event Program RSVP hello@wecreatenyc.com

Sample program element:  Devin Balkind, Director of the Serapis Foundation, leading a discussion about “Envisioning a New Economy” at the opening of WeCreate NYC, a soon to be legendary ‘neurologically primed' coworking space at 58 East 11th St.  It will begin at 1pm on Monday, May 2nd with a presentation about our effort to create a regional exchange network consisting of farms, coworking spaces and local businesses that will use a currency backed by production at places like FLOFarm.

Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Joichi Ito

Alpha I-L, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Ito is the CEO of Creative Commons. He is on the board of Digital Garage, Culture Convenience Club (CCC), Tucows, Machinima.com, EPIC, Technorati, WITNESS and Global Voices Online. He is the founder and CEO of the venture capital firm Neoteny Co., Ltd. In October 2004, he was named to the board of ICANN for a three-year term starting December 2004. In August 2005, he joined the board of the Mozilla Foundation. He served on the board of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) from March 2005 until April 2007. He currently serves as a Board Emeritus for OSI. He was a founding board member of Expression College for Digital Arts as well as the Zero One Art and Technology Network. In 1999, he served as the Associate to Mr. Mount (the executive producer) on the film The Indian Runner. Ito also served as a Board Member of Energy Conversion Devices from 1995 to 2000.

Structured Hits

Ito is a venture capitalist and angel investor and was an early stage investor in Kickstarter, Twitter, Six Apart, Technorati, Flickr, SocialText, Dopplr, Last.fm, Rupture, Kongregate, etology Inc, Fotopedia and other Internet companies. A vocal advocate of emergent democracy and the sharing economy, Ito is a doctoral candidate in Business Administration focusing on the sharing economy at the Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University. He is the author of Emergent Democracy. Ito is Senior Visiting Researcher of Keio Research Institute at SFC.” — Wikipedia:

Recent Headline:

Timothy Leary's godson Joi Ito to head MIT Media Lab, projo.com, 5:23 AM Tue, Apr 26, 2011

Chuck Spinney Inquires: Is Politics Bullshit?

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Chuck Spinney

The US is fighting three wars (either losing them or stalemating at best), its economy teeters on the cusp of a double dip recession, the distribution of income is the most skewed of all the advanced countries, and this is what dominates politics — and to think, we were brought up to hold the decadence of the Roman circuses in contempt.

Obama releases birth certificate to ‘end silliness'

The Guardian World News 4/27/11 9:20 AM Richard Adams, Paul Owen

Phi Beta Iota: Brother Spinney's question is rhetorical.  Politics died with the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, and has been a theatrical performance ever since–over-priced, we might add.  Hybrid networks that harmonize on the basis of shared information are increasingly routing around “imitation” governments.

Autonomous Internet Maxim: NEA

Autonomous Internet
Jon Lebkowsky Bio

NEA, in the context of the Internet and computing, is an acronym which stands for the maxim:

No one owns it.
Everyone can use it.
Anyone can improve it.

The maxim originated with the authors Doc Searls and David Weinberger in an essay of 2003 entitled World of Ends. What the Internet Is and How to Stop Mistaking It for Something Else


See Also: