John Robb: Darknet Creating Global Mesh Network

Autonomous Internet
John Robb

The Darknet Project: netroots activists dream of global mesh network

By Ryan Paul

A group of Internet activists gathered last week in an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel to begin planning an ambitious project—they hope to overcome electronic surveillance and censorship by creating a whole new Internet. The group, which coordinates its efforts through the Reddit social networking site, calls its endeavor The Darknet Project (TDP).

The goal behind the project is to create a global darknet, a decentralized web of interconnected wireless mesh networks that operate independently of each other and the conventional internet. In a wireless mesh network, individual nodes can relay data for other nodes, ensuring that the routing of data remains robust as nodes on the network are added and removed. The idea behind TDP is that such a network would be resistant to censorship and shutdown because there would be no central point of control over the infrastructure.

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Marcus Aurelius: Seven Strategic Trends (Canada Sends)

Articles & Chapters, Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Key Players, Policies, Threats
Marcus Aurelius

Seven Sinister Strategic Trends: A Brief Examination of Events to Come by Lieutenant Nick Deshpande, Canadian Forces (Army), Intelligence Branch

1.  Decline of the United States
2.  Cyber Threats
3.  Fiscal Sustainability
4.  Transnational Organized Crime
5.  Environmental Degradation and Resource Scarcity
6.  Energy Crisis
7.  Global Pandemic

 PDF 9 Pages

Phi Beta Iota:   The two world-class references that remain the global standard are A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility–Report of the Secretary-General's High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change and High Noon 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them.  What the article does not address is the abject failure of all governments to be ethical and intelligent, something we have focused on in our letter to The Most Holy Father and our letter to the President of the United States.

John Robb: Occupy Resilience – Condemn the Regional Power Companies and Then Municipalize Them

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corporations, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
John Robb

Resilient Energy: Municipalization of Power

How can you help your community build a resilient energy system?  One of the first steps is to buy back the energy system from the regional power company by condemning it and then municipalizing it (it can be run as a power co-op or as a standard company …  The structure really depends on the community.).  This moves provides you with the control of the local grid so that your community can:

  • Ensure higher levels of maintenance (tree trimming, etc.) and faster response to failure.  During the two big power outages on the east coast this summer/fall, power was out for much of the region for nearly a week.  In many cases, the municipal power companies get power back on to all of their customers in 1/2 the time of the big regional companies.
  • Cut rates and change energy mix.  As a municipal company, you can select the different types of energy you will use locally.
  • Add advanced micro-grid features.  Everything from community energy markets to local energy backup to power smoothing.   Extra benefit of this approach:  it will prevent the regional power company from using smart grid tech to snoop on everyone in the community by micro-analyzing energy use (which they will then resell to marketing companies or provide to the government w/o warrant for “signature” sniffing).

All of the benefits listed above will double or treble in importance as the global economy nose dives into depression over the next couple of years.  So, it's better to get started early than later.

Here's a few links from the Boulder Colorado effort to condemn and municipalize it's power.  A combo of bad service and a low level of renewables use prompted the effort (use whatever hooks you need to get it done, but get it done):

  • The site of the citizens coalition.  The astroturf site of the national power company.
  • Citizen groups do the hard work.  A technical group does the modelling and analysis for a municipal grid.  They compare rates, costs, and energy mix  Here's an amazingly video of a member of that team, Sam Weaver.
  • Homer software. The software you need to model a municipal grid from rate analysis to energy mix.  The numbers.

NOTE:  Great article in the NYTimes today on how the big regional companies are so focused on acquisitions, regulatory gaming, and extractative finance; they are delivering terrible service.

NOTE:  Great pushback in the comments on how tough it is to do this.  Basically, crony capitalism (revolving door, bribes, etc.)  + regulatory capture (same mindset) + gov't granted monopoly = lots of opposition.

Reference: Rigged Elections & The Antidote

White Papers


Too many critical parts of our electoral process are controlled by private partisan corporations. The counting of our votes is now controlled by these corporations' software inside computerized “black boxes” – entirely in secret.

Evidence leaves little doubt that computerized election rigging is now rampant in the US and that We The People are consistently being “represented” by candidates we did not elect.

It is a huge part of how the 1% maintains control

How can we hope to achieve any of the many demands for change with the ballot box rigged to thwart them?

Read full article.

See Also: