US reportedly bugged EU offices, computer networks, according to Der Spiegel magazine
The United States has been accused of bugging European Union offices and accessing EU computer networks, according to secret documents cited in German magazine Der Spiegel.
The president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, says if the report is correct it will have a “severe impact” on relations between the EU and the United States.
“On behalf of the European Parliament, I demand full clarification and require further information speedily from the US authorities with regard to these allegations,” he said in a statement.
Luxembourg foreign minister Jean Asselborn told Der Spiegel, “if these reports are true, it's disgusting”.
“The United States would be better off monitoring its secret services rather than its allies,” he said.
Phi Beta Iota: It is naive of the Europeans — or they are merely posturing — to object. First off, if they took security more seriously, they could cut all US interception capabilities with ease. NSA is lazy, not brilliant. Rule one is don't live in a glass house. Second off, while Europe does better than many in controlling its own security services — the Dutch lead the way in intelligence with integrity — Europe is incredibly ill-informed and very badly advised at the strategic level for lack of a serious European strategic analytic model within which Europe could get a grip on the true costs of ignoring the ten high-level threats to humanity, and the true costs of incoherent and very often brutally corrupt policies from agriculture to water. Creating a prosperous world at peace is not rocket science — it merely demands intelligence with integrity. If the EU were to collaborate with NATO to create a European Open-Source Decision-Support Centre and Network, and to then collaborate to migrate that model, without seeking control, but rather leveraging Alternative C2, to the African Union and then to other regional organizations, within the year Europe would be in a position to slam down on policies that are rooted in ideology or the financial corruption of those proposing the policies. The only thing worse than the Americans spending over $1.2 trillion dollars on technical collection over the past twelve years is the Europeans not organizing and not funding a proper integrated European public intelligence and multinational operations and logistics collaboration network, with a special emphasis on Africa….on achieving cost-effective stabilization and reconstruction in Africa so that the Africans stay in Africa rather than flood into Europe. We can repatriate every refugee back to their home country and give them free electricity, free clean water, free cellular, and a profit-earning hydroponics agriculture and fisheries foundation, for $500 per person. NATO is about military collaboration and logistics associated with military objectives. The European Union is in theory about all non-military challenges. In reality, the EU needs NATO and NATO needs the EU and they both need the BRICS, but no one wants to talk about that right now. We should (talk about it). How cool would it be for Europe to have an Open Source Agency (OSA) and therefore the power to correct every mistake, every unfounded claim, every foolish calculation, every predatory policy recommendations, and do so politely, non-violently, with neatly lined up facts that the Americans are never going to muster because no one has challenged them with the truth before — truth that has public weight vastly more powerful than lies told in secrecy?
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