Ralph Cinque, Review of Craig Roberts, The Medusa File II: The Politics of Terror and the Oklahoma City Bombing
Craig made a list of incongruities, including: Ryder truck full of fertilizer could not have caused the damage; the crater was too small, only 8 to 12 feet across; damage to the building and cut columns and rebar means there were shaped charges or plastic explosives on the columns; the building was quickly demolished, hauled off, and buried; all video tapes immediately seized and rendered classified; police and firefighters reported that they saw federal agents removing “unexploded devices” from the building; Bomb expert General Benton Partin said that the asymmetrical damage could not have resulted from a truck bomb, that explosives had to be placed on columns at 4 critical junctions, was barred from the investigation; Jane Graham who saw two government workers puttying something to the columns in the parking garage two days before not allowed to testify.