Journal: Social Capital–Doing Good AND Making Money

03 Economy, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Methods & Process, Non-Governmental
DuckDuckGo on Social Capital

UpTake Institute October 11, 2010

There are some problems that neither pure capitalism nor charity can solve. Social capital is a new way of looking at solving those problems. This month, people from all over the world came to SOCAP10 in San Francisco to talk about social capital, and put their money where their mouths are.

Over the next several days we’ll be posting stories about companies that have what is called a “triple bottom line” — where they measure results not just in profit, but also in the business impact on people and the planet.

Our first video focuses on just what the social capital movement is about. We talk with people who run social capital companies such as Firefox maker Mozilla, people who are seeking funding for their businesses, and journalists who are covering the social capital movement.

Link to story and video

Tip of the Hat to  Leif Utne at LinkedIn.

See Also:

Review: Building Social Business–The New Kind of Capitalism that Serves Humanity’s Most Pressing Needs

Review (Guest): Cognitive Surplus–Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age

Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny

Review: The Hidden Wealth of Nations

Review: The Monk and the Riddle–The Art of Creating a Life While Making a Living

Journal: RYP thinks news is the killer app

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), Media, Methods & Process, Real Time

RYP Recommends

The Media Equation

A Vanishing Journalistic Divide

Published: October 10, 2010

If you were going to pick an epicenter for mainstream media, The Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz would not be a bad place to land. With his running scorecard on Beltway journalists, his interviews of other scorekeepers on his “Reliable Sources” show on CNN, and his ceaseless fascination with network news, Mr. Kurtz embodied the folkways of the traditional press.

Until last week, when he announced he was leaving his privileged perch to become the Washington bureau chief for The Daily Beast, a two-year-old toddler of the new digital press conceived by Tina Brown and owned by IAC, run by Barry Diller. Mr. Kurtz’s lane change evinced gasps reminiscent of when Dylan went electric at the Newport Folk Festival in 1965.

On the heels of decisions by Howard Fineman of Newsweek and Peter Goodman of The New York Times to go to The Huffington Post, it would seem like a bit of a tipping point.

Read balance of this thorough article…

Phi Beta Iota: Robert has it half right–news you can use.  The value has shifted from the T in IT to the I in IT.  We told NSA this in Las Vegas in 2000, but the money is in the T not the I, so they ignored us.  Public Intelligence about everything is about to emerge as the new arbiter of value.  True cost will be known, transparency will expose corruption as well as waste, and there will be, as our friend and mentor Alvin Toffler has written, a PowerShift.

Worth a Look: Seena Sharp on Competitive Intelligence

Commercial Intelligence, Worth A Look

“What is CI and What's In It For Me” also explains the larger picture of CI and why it's not just competitors.
(less than 3 minutes)

Customers Will Buy When You Give Them What They Want  (80 seconds)

Competitive Intelligence Always Rewards You   (less than one minute)

Sharp Insights: Truth Central to Competitive Intelligence

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence

Home Page

SharpInsights #53: Modern Advice From a Long-Dead Roman

Lucius Annaeus Seneca was a Roman dramatist, Stoic philosopher, politician, and history's earliest proponent of competitive intelligence. Wait…what?

One of Seneca's most famous quotes is a management mantra: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” For executives making decisions in a recession-battered marketplace, “preparation” means more than skimming last year's sales figures or catching up on trade magazines.

Competitive intelligence reveals the current, comprehensive, objective truth about your product or service, brand, company, customers, and industry. The cold hard truth can lead to a warm fuzzy feeling for managers who apply their CI preparation to opportunity.

Journal: 10% Foreclosures, 1-2% Mortgage Default

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Foreclosures in Las Vegas

The Huffington Post is doing a very fine job of raising key issues, but in isolation and out of context.  Here is one story they have brought forward.  As Cleveland found out when they had to raze to the ground 11,000 abandoned units, foreclosures come with very heavy social and financial costs.  It is not to late to stop all foreclosures and evictions as we recommended in October 2008, to no effect.  America is going through a multi-dimensional crisis without any leadership whatsoever.  One way to understand the crisis is to study the Revolution Matrix and the Negative Book List.  The Positive Book List requires some semblance of leadership and legitimacy, at this time not to be found in America, outside of the Virtual Cabinet at The Huffington Post, which does not really exist–it could, but it does not.

Journal: $100 Billion Up in Smoke

Commercial Intelligence, Definitions, Military
David Isenberg

David Isenberg

Author, Shadow Force: Private Security Contractors in Iraq

Posted: October 7, 2010 12:24 PM

A Hundred Billion Dollars Up in Smoke

It is a pity that last week's Senate Armed Services committee hearing on “Department of Defense Efficiencies Initiatives” did not get more coverage, as there were some startling assertions made.

Consider what Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said. McCaskill, by the way, is more qualified than most members of Congress to talk on the subject of contracting. During her years as a prosecutor she conducted performance audits on state programs. She was named as one of the select senators to sit on the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, formerly known as the Truman Committee. In fact, she was a co-sponsor of a major bill that established a modern day Truman Committee called the Wartime Contracting Commission, charged with investigating wasteful, fraudulent and abusive contracts in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In addition to working to establish a committee to examine wartime contracting, in 2009 she was named chairman of a new subcommittee that investigates contracting abuses throughout the federal government. The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight strives to root out government waste by focusing on contracts and the means by which the federal government provides accountability to those contracts.

So when she says the following we should pay attention:

I–I'm a conservative person when it comes to estimating numbers, because of my auditing background. I think it's very conservative to say that we've had $100 billion go up in smoke in Iraq, from bad contracting, that it's not as if there weren't competing people who could have been brought in; it just was easier not to. And so, I urge you to keep us posted on how you're integrating that kind of contracting into the contracting reforms.

Read rest of blog….

Phi Beta Iota: It occurs to us, reading this, that “Deep Corruption” is the equivalent of “Deep Secrecy.”  Deep Corruption is corruption built into the system as legal or “within the bounds of reasonable dishonesty.”  Individuals can claim to be honorable, and believe themselves to be honorable, but in “going along” they are in fact part of Deep Corruption.

Journal: Big Companies Missing the Boat….

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Still in very early Beta, but you can now sign up for a free account in the Peace Cloud. Private studios, publishing tools and more….

Xeden is launching this year and building out over the next year the Peace Cloud which will host to many of the NGOs, non-profits from around the world that address needs on the ground. This year the Peace Day event is a 5 day celebration of the United Nations Millennium…

The official website for the International Day of Peace Broadcast, September 17-21.

Phi Beta Iota: In our view all the big companies: IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Google (in a nose dive now) are missing the boat.  Here are the three C's of the future:  Cellular (free), Cloud (free access, for fee decision-support), Communities (free).