Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: Announcement on the New Theory of the Universal Law

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Announcement on the New Theory of the Universal Law

Herewith I announce the donation of

ONE MILLION EURO (€ 1 000 000,-)

to the first scientific institution that recognizes the eternal validity of the New Theory of the Universal Law and complies with the following rules as set below.

The Objective of this prize competition was fairly simple:

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Jean Lievens: Ethical Economics

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Jean LievensRethinking Economics is an international network of students campaigning for pluralism within economics, particularly the economics curriculum, which is, at present, heavily biased towards the methods of the neoclassical school. Rethinking Economics was launched with the 2013 conference, and brought together a number of smaller groups advocating changes to economics. Together, those groups, along with many others, produced the ISIPE open letter, calling for an overhaul of the way … read more

NYC Conference 12-14 September 2014

Ethical Economics Home Page

Mason Gaffney & Fred Harrison, The Corruption of Economics(2007)

Fred Harrison, The Power in the Land: An Inquiry into Unemployment, the Profits Crisis and Land Speculation (1983)

Berto Jongman: Insecticides put world food supplies at risk, say scientists

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, 12 Water, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Insecticides put world food supplies at risk, say scientists

Regulations on pesticides have failed to prevent poisoning of almost all habitats, international team of scientists concludes

The world’s most widely used insecticides have contaminated the environment across the planet so pervasively that global food production is at risk, according to a comprehensive scientific assessment of the chemicals’ impacts.

The researchers compare their impact with that reported in Silent Spring, the landmark 1962 book by Rachel Carson that revealed the decimation of birds and insects by the blanket use of DDT and other pesticides and led to the modern environmental movement.

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Jean Lievens: Sarwant Singh on Smart Cities – A $1.5 Trillion Market Opportunity — With Comment by Robert Steele on the Real $4 Trillion Opportunity Being Ignored

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, True Cost
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Smart Cities — A $1.5 Trillion Market Opportunity

Sarwant Singh

Forbes, 19 June 2014

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “India is to be found not in its few cities, but in its 700,000 villages.” Though that may at one time have been true, it is no longer the case. With about 30 country dwellers moving lock, stock and barrel every minute from Indian villages to become city dwellers, not many villages will be left in India by end of this century.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Towards the end of the last decade, our planet achieved two remarkable feats. First, our human population crossed the seven billion mark and for the first time in history, 50 percent of the world’s population was living in urban areas. This is expected to accelerate to 60 percent before 2025, globally; with the Western, developed world reaching an 80 percent urbanization level during this time frame. Urbanization has become so important that it has elevated some cities, like Brussels, Seoul, Bogota, and many more, to be even more important than the countries themselves contributing to over 40 percent of the country’s GDP. Interestingly, the UK has already demonstrated its efforts in focusing on this Mega Trend of urbanization and city as growth hubs with the creation of a new ministry role called the “minister for cities.” This person is tasked with unlocking the economic potential of cities, thus giving them more empowerment and freedom to do so.

Continue reading “Jean Lievens: Sarwant Singh on Smart Cities – A $1.5 Trillion Market Opportunity — With Comment by Robert Steele on the Real $4 Trillion Opportunity Being Ignored”

SchwartzReport: Fukushima’s Children Dying — and Solar Power Break-Through Obviates Nuclear and Fossil Fuels

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here is the latest on Fukushima, and it is tragically sad. Remember that radiation contamination sourced at the site continues to pollute Japan, Japanese waters, and the world ocean. Note the last paragraphs. In American nuclear accidents the government has been similarly duplicitous. That's because nuclear accidents are so horrible governments everywhere don't want the information to get out. That alone is an argument against nuclear power. !

Fukushima’s Children are Dying

Some 39 months after the multiple explosions at Fukushima, thyroid cancer rates among nearby children have skyrocketed to more than forty times (40x) normal.

More than 48 percent of some 375,000 young people-nearly 200,000 kids-tested by the Fukushima Medical University near the smoldering reactors now suffer from pre-cancerous thyroid abnormalities, primarily nodules and cysts. The rate is accelerating.

More than 120 childhood cancers have been indicated where just three would be expected, says Joseph Mangano, executive director of the Radiation and Public Health Project.

Here is some very good news. It is wonderful to watch the speed with which solar technology is advancing, now that it is getting decent funding. This is exciting news about the trend of transitioning out of the carbon energy age. I find stories like these also very poignant because if we had started seriously focusing on non-carbon energy in the 70s, when President Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House, imagine where we would be today. How much pain we would have saved ourselves. But profit was and remains for a critical mass more important than wellness. Click through to see the very useful diagrams and the video or the facility in operation.

World First: Australian Solar Plant has Generated ‘Supercritical” Steam That Rivals Fossil Fuels’
Science Alert

A solar thermal test plant in Newcastle, Australia, has generated ‘supercritical” steam at a pressure of 23.5 mpa (3400 psi) and 570°C (1,058°F).

CSIRO is claiming it as a world record, and it’s a HUGE step for solar thermal energy.

“It's like breaking the sound barrier; this step change proves solar has the potential to compete with the peak performance capabilities of fossil fuel sources,” Dr Alex Wonhas, CSIRO’s Energy Director, told Colin Jeffrey for Gizmag.

SchwartzReport: Scientists discover plants that can learn and remember

Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Forty six years of doing my own experimental research, plus reading several thousand studies done by others has convinced me — on the basis of data, not ideology, theology, or simple speculation — that all living beings have a measure of consciousness, and that they are all interlinked and interdependent, joined in a matrix of life.

In support of that fact here is some new data that may fascinate you as much as it did me. I remember meeting the late Cleve Backster back in the early 70s when my friends Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins, both also now gone, were working on first a Harper's article and, then, the book that grew out of it, The Secret Life of Plants. Cleve was doing research showing that plants reacted through some kind of nonlocal linkage when shrimp across the room with which they had no physical connection, were dumped into boiling water. At the time materialist biologists derided this work as “fantasy” and “nonsense for the gullible.” They were wrong as several thousand studies showing nonlocal linkages between organisms across the full spectrum of life have subsequently shown. Of course that doesn't stop materialists who, like climate deniers, and creationists, are not really interested in facts on this subject, however prestigious they may be in other areas. A! s with the other deniers they hold their views with religious fervor.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Scientists Discover Plants That Can Learn and Remember
The Mind Unleashed

An interesting addition to the last article we published about the Mimosa plant and memory. The evidence for plant consciousness seems to be stacking more and more each day. How fascinating.

New research from a team of scientists at the University of Western Australia will change the way you think about the difference between plants and animals. Mimosa pundica plants, they found, can learn and remember, despite not having a brain. Those active little fern-like things always did seem sort of smart, though, didn’t they?

Read full article.