John Robb: The National Insecurity State

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

John Robb
John Robb

The National Insecurity State

I'm still writing my next book online.

Today's pages might be of interest to GG readers.

It's entitled “The National Insecurity State

There's also some thinking on the end of bureaucracy if you are interested.

I suspect the only thing the US national security bureaucracy can do is launch new arms races  — as we have done in cyber, drones, and genetics (if you count GMOs)~

  • Weaponized computer worms/viruses/malware. Legal bot networks that control/manipulate society and markets (think in terms of quant hedge funds).
  • Drones/robots. Weaponized drones that at first self-perpetuate by acquiring fuel from the environment. Weaponized drones that can self-replicate ala 3-D fabrication and scavanged materials (think rep-rap).
  • Superbugs/superweeds (some may be aided by engineered modification, but all get their start due to the stupidity of growing food in monocultures). Organisms that can wipe out monocultures and cause the loss of productive farmland and crops ond a global scale.

Berto Jongman: New Patent Mapping Systems Helps Find Innovation Pathways — Doing the Wrong Thing Righter

Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

New patent mapping system helps find innovation pathways

What’s likely to be the “next big thing?” What might be the most fertile areas for innovation? Where should countries and companies invest their limited research funds? What technology areas are a company’s competitors pursuing?

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

To help answer those questions, researchers, policy-makers and R&D directors study patent maps, which provide a visual representation of where universities, companies and other organizations are protecting intellectual property produced by their research. But finding real trends in these maps can be difficult because categories with large numbers of patents — pharmaceuticals, for instance — are usually treated the same as areas with few patents.

Read full article with links.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: New Patent Mapping Systems Helps Find Innovation Pathways — Doing the Wrong Thing Righter”

Berto Jongman: Atrocities, Cyber, War 2.0

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

ARMY: US army looks to replace soldiers with robots

ATROCITY: EUGENICS attack on the biology of humanity

ATROCITY: UK Court Rules Against Pakistani Victim of US Drone Attack

Phi Beta Iota: When legal challenges to persistent atrocities fail, violent alternatives will emerge.

BOOK: Life at the Speed of Light – From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life

CIA: The OXCART Story (1971)

CORRUPTION: Vatican money laundering

CYBER: 750,000+ Phishing and SPAM emails Launched from “Thingbots” Including Televisions, Fridge

CYBER: Aaron Swartz Film on Struggles for Online Freedom

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Atrocities, Cyber, War 2.0”

Jon Rappoport: Monsanto Dishonesty & Rat Tumors from GMO Food

01 Agriculture, 07 Health, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Truth about the Seralini rat-tumor-GMO study explodes

Remember a researcher named Gilles-Eric Seralini, his 2012 GMO study, and the controversy that swirled around it?

He fed rats GMOs, in the form of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready corn, and they developed tumors. Some died. The study was published in the journal, Food and Chemical Toxicology. Pictures of the rats were published.

A wave of biotech-industry criticism ensued. Pressure built. “Experts” said the study was grossly unscientific, its methods were unprofessional, and Seralini was biased against GMOs from the get-go. Monsanto didn’t like Seralini at all.

The journal which published the Seralini study caved in and retracted it.

Why? Not because Seralini did anything unethical, not because he plagiarized material, not because he was dishonest in any way, but because:

He used rats which (supposedly) had an inherent tendency to develop tumors (the Sprague-Dawley strain), and because he used too few rats (10). That’s it. Those were Seralini’s errors.

Well, guess what? Eight years prior to Seralini, Monsanto also did a rat-tumor-GMO study and published it in the very same journal. Monsanto’s study showed there were no tumor problems in the rats. But here’s the explosive kicker. Monsanto used the same strain of rats that Seralini did and same number of rats (10). And nobody complained about it.

Michael Hansen, senior scientist at Consumer’s Union, explains in an interview with Steve Curwood at

Continue reading “Jon Rappoport: Monsanto Dishonesty & Rat Tumors from GMO Food”

Berto Jongman: Global Risks 2014 (1% View)

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Interesting — and a useful counterpoint to the top ten threats identified by the UN in 2004.* A single word, corruption, would seem to cover all ten.

Table 1: Ten Global Risks of Highest Concern in 2014

No. Global Risk
1 Fiscal crises in key economies
2 Structurally high unemployment/underemployment
3 Water crises
4 Severe income disparity
5 Failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation
6 Greater incidence of extreme weather events (e.g. floods, storms, fires)
7 Global governance failure
8 Food crises
9 Failure of a major financial mechanism/institution
10 Profound political and social instability

 World Economic Forum Global Risks 2014

* Poverty, Infectious Disease, Environmental Degradation, Inter-State Conflict, Civil War, Genocide, Other Atrocities, Proliferation, Terrorism, Transnational Crime