Mongoose: 5G Networks Could Pose a ‘Major Risk’ to Your Airplane’s Radar, a New Report Says

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

5G Networks Could Pose a ‘Major Risk’ to Your Airplane’s Radar, a New Report Says

A white paper by the RTCA, a private-public aviation partnership that advises the Federal Aviation Administration, warns that 5G technologies could pose a “major risk…of harmful interference” to radar on business jets and other civilian aircraft.

Yoda: Biosecurity Myth Destroying Small Farms World-Wide

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

The Biosecurity Myth That Is Destroying Small Farming

The biosecurity approach, which standardises and compartmentalises production methods, fails to take account of the risk created by industrial-scale livestock rearing in confined spaces. Large-scale units are presented as the solution to a problem they helped create. While the destruction of nature and wild habitats, often for industrial purposes, has led to the transmission of new viruses, many studies have shown the acceleration of epizootic diseases also owes much to the industrialisation of livestock farming.

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Local Futures: Localization – a Strategic Alternative to Globalized Authoritarianism (2018 Most Popular)

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Localization: a Strategic Alternative to Globalized Authoritarianism

Under globalization, competition has increased dramatically, job security has become a thing of the past, and most people find it increasingly difficult to earn a livable wage. At the same time, identity is under threat as cultural diversity is replaced by a consumer monoculture worldwide.

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Martin Armstrong: 2022 Mass Casualty Pandemic Planned — Postponing Elections a Last Ditch Effort to Retain Control Until Then

02 Infectious Disease, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Officers Call

Postponing Elections – The Plot  Thickens

It is highly likely that we are facing a 2022 pandemic that our model is pointing to and this time it will reduce the population as desired by many in this clandestine group. Given that they are already planning to postpone elections, they will need something far more lethal than what they have introduced so far. They need a virus that will kill not just the elderly, but otherwise healthy people in the form of a real plague. Then they can argue that the lockdowns are necessary and justify ending the protests. Will will see escalating violence starting in April/May 2021 and we have a Panic Cycle is the Euro during August 2021 when there should be the German elections.

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