Yoda: Trump is a Bodhisattva – The Chosen One — The First President Since JFK NOT Controlled by the Deep State and the CIA?

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

Trump is a genius. He doesn't give a hoot about appearances. He is battling centuries of corruption and they want it all and this is a fight to the death. BLM has spent millions on automatic weapons. All the California fires, year after year are engineered. It's bad. Covid symptoms are from 5G. The vaccine Gates is pushing for, alters the DNA of the recipient. We will have GMO humans very soon if it is not stopped. Trump is what is called a Bodhisattva. Compare that to the serial rapist and murderer Hillary. The satanists will lose but so will our economy IMO. And I am worried they will start a war. Obama was not a president. He was and is a CIA agent as were both Bushes (junior via Cheney) and the Clintons.

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J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – July 2020 Food, Food Security, and Famine!

Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

American Gray Swans – July 2020

Food, Food Security, and Famine!

Let us be real clear, unless you can stare at the Sun to draw enough energy to stay alive than you need Food to survive. It is a concept! Famine is historically the #1 Killer of Humanity, and America, Europe, and China are all positioned for a famine. Cognitive Bias blocks most Americans from seeing this, but take a look and you will see it.

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