Anthony Judge: Experimental Interactive Display of Crown Chakra in Virtual Reality

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Experimental Interactive Display of Crown Chakra in Virtual Reality

Rotating set of 20 rings of 50 heart-petals in gyroscopic movement — 1,000 petalled lotus (rendered operable within X3DOM by Sergey Bederov of Cortona 3D, to whom thanks)

Explanations: Satellite Constellation and Crown Chakra as Complementary Global Metaphors? (2020)

Click to play.

DefDog: FCC Harms Pentagon, USA — Time To Close Them Down (Along with FDA and CDC)

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

Pentagon official: FCC decision on 5G threatens GPS, national security

Phi Beta Iota: Time to indict, convict, and put in jail every official in the FCC, along with the FDA and the CDC.  There are indications President is aware and taking steps to shut down 5G.  See links below the fold.

Continue reading “DefDog: FCC Harms Pentagon, USA — Time To Close Them Down (Along with FDA and CDC)”

Mongoose: New Republic – Is 5G Going to Kill Us All?

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

Is 5G Going to Kill Us All?

A new generation of superfast wireless internet is coming soon. But no one can say for sure if it’s safe.

By Christopher Ketcham

New Republic, May 8, 2020

Phi Beta Iota: Mainstream media is catching up. Very detailed good read.

See Also:  5G @ Phi Beta Iota