Anthony Judge: Encoding Coherent Topic Transformation in Global Dialogue

Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Encoding Coherent Topic Transformation in Global Dialogue
Memorability of cognitive implication in symmetry-preserving operations on polyhedra

Overview of a variety of approaches to dialogue and conversation
Uniquely indicative encoding of processes of educational dialogue
Controversies and consensus in dialogue research
Uniquely systematic approach of potential relevance to dialogue
Metaphors of dialogue and dialogue through metaphor
Re-cognition of N-fold sets of “modes”, “ways”, “moves” and “ploys”
Potential relevance of unrelated patterns of order to dialogue transformation
Re-cognition of clustering of fundamental N-fold sets
“Cognitive tiling” or “conceptual tiling”?
Cognitive implications of operational modification of polyhedra — “global tiling”
Dialogue coherence through formalization of local symmetry-preserving operations
Operations transforming polyhedra as modelling transformations of dialogue coherence
Rendering a 64-fold pattern dynamically comprehensible via 20-fold and 12-fold patterns
Dialogue interpreted morphogenetically
Dialogue as a navigational challenge in knowledge space
Global dialogue via a 17-fold pattern of Sustainable Development Goals?
Embodiment of dialogue operations in crafts and skills

Alexandra Bruce: They’re Manufacturing a Food Shortage

01 Agriculture, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Earth Intelligence

They’re Manufacturing a Food Shortage

Farmer’s son says farmers are being forced to destroy their crops. The Federal Government is telling farmers they will pay them 1.5X the value of their produce to destroy their crops, otherwise, they will no longer subsidize them and they will destroy them economically through taxes.

They are engineering a food shortage. We have 8 months to get our food supply together.

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DefDog: Court Permanently Stops Gavin Newsom From Locking Down Churches

Cultural Intelligence

Under the settlement, California may no longer impose discriminatory restrictions upon houses of worship. The governor must also pay Liberty Counsel $1,350,000 to reimburse attorney’s fees and costs.

Now, the question I have is this: is Newsom PERSONALLY held liable or are the CA tax payers on the hook for it because… the corrupted twit was acting “within the course of his employment”? In which case all those immunity laws will have to seriously be struck down once and for all!

Ann Delap: The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal – Part 12

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

General Overview

The Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal documentary is as mind-blowing as the original! It traces the origins of the Cabal/Illuminati to ancient times and reveals their identity. It discusses their role in historical events throughout the ages and exposes their plan for world domination. Fasten your seatbelts, and get ready for a fascinating history lesson with an urgent warning for today!

Part 12
Part 12 discusses Bill Gates’ involvement in the ultimate apocalyptic tool – gene drive technology and synthetic biology. The Gates Foundation and DARPA are the largest funders of gene drive technology, also known as extinction technology. Through the use of CRSPR or gene splicing, the DNA of any living organism can be modified to create artificial products for food, medicine and agriculture. This technology can be used to edit out genetic diseases and create “designer” babies with specific traits. It can even create new species. While genetic engineering can be beneficial, in the wrong hands it can lead to the extinction of species. Interestingly, MIT Media Lab was hired to promote these technologies with $2M from convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who was funded by Bill Gates.

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Matthew Ehret: Escaping the Brave New World: Transhumanism, Utopias and Eugenics

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

Escaping the Brave New World: Transhumanism, Utopias and Eugenics

What are the roots of the transhumanist movement that is currently shaping so much of today's zeitgeist under such themes as Elon Musk's Neuralink, Ray Kurzweil's “singularity point”, and Klaus Schwab's 4th Industrial Revolution?

In this Escaping the Brave New World Podcast, Chained Muse Editor David Gosselin and Canadian Patriot founder Matthew Ehret unpack the deeper history of transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence and the philosophical roots of the Great Reset by reviewing the eugenics movement that birthed both Adolph Hitler and many of the governing structures of the post-WW2. Among the most powerful of these power structures whose roots are founded in a deeply embedded commitment to eugenics and world government are: Julian Huxley's creation of the United Nations’ Education Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), G. Brock Chrisholm's role in creating the World Health Organization (WHO), John Rawling Rees' creation of the World Federation of Mental Health and the disturbing ideas of Bertrand Russell, Aldous Huxley, John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener in the creation of a new science of social control called “cybernetics”, “machine-learning” and “transhumanism”.

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Matthew Ehret: The Philippines- A Nation Caught Between 2 Systems

Cultural Intelligence

The Philippines- A Nation Caught Between 2 Systems

In this Rising Tide Foundation Dialogue, I had the chance to talk to Butch Valdes on the past, present and hopeful future of the Philippines as a nation today being pulled between two opposing paradigms. Butch is the former undersecretary of education under President Estrada (1998-2001), and a leading builder of citizens' movements with a focus on economic reform, national banking, nationalizing utilities, energy sovereignty and constitutional reform- all topics discussed in this interview.

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