Yoda: Jewish law strictly prohibits Jewish people from sovereignty in the Holy Land — Faithful Jews are not Zionists and Oppose AIPAC

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Opposition to AIPAC, Israel and, Zionism Is Congruent with Jewish Values

American Herald Tribune

According to the strict reading of Jewish law, the Jewish people are united as a people but not by a country, state or language. They are united by their faith and their observance of Jewish law. That is why there are Jews who speak Arabic and have dark skin and Jews who speak Yiddish and have light skin and they are all part of the Jewish people. Furthermore, Jewish law strictly prohibits Jewish people from sovereignty in the Holy Land.

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Cynthia McKinney: Deep State is Real, Here, Now — Red Pill Interview

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Voices strong support for President Trump as our legitimate President.

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Zionist Shiksa Meets Her Match — Pelosi Swamped by Uproar Over Censure of Omar for Telling the Truth

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Agents of a Foreign Power

Omar uproar swamps Pelosi

The longtime Democratic leader is struggling to unite her warring factions.

Phi Beta Iota: Zionism (occupation, genocide, apartheid, mafia state, bribery & blackmail of the US Congress) is not Judaism.


Dual citizenship, particularly for serving Members of Congress and in the Executive, is a violation of the US Constitution and the Oath we take to have no other loyalties.


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