State of the Nation: Trump Cuts Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Trump Enters Uneasy Truce with Deep State

Bush Funeral “Envelope Affair” Solved: The Mexican Standoff Inside the Beltway

Editors, State of the Nation

•  The swamp inside the Beltway will NOT be drained — not even a little — because any prosecutions would make very vulnerable the various crime families.  Convictions could even lead to the exposure of the Khazarian Mafia and Black Nobility that really run the whole show as they have since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and before.  The Illuminati crime families simply posses too much wealth to ever be taken down; LOTs of money buys LOTs of power and influence.

Continue reading “State of the Nation: Trump Cuts Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?”

Berto Jongman: Strategic Monitor 201802919

Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Strategic Monitor 2018‌-‌2019

Tim Sweijs (HCSS) and  Danny Pronk

The Clingendael Institute

The framework utilized in the Strategic Monitor takes a multidimensional approach to evaluating these concepts by considering geodynamics, threat environment, developments in the international order, and the position of the Netherlands.

Phil Giraldi: Attacking Iran — Fake News Pretext for War

Academia, Corruption, Government, Media, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence

Attacking Iran

Fake news about a terrorist connection could serve as a pretext for war

As an ex-CIA case officer who worked on the Iran target for a number of years, I was shocked when I read the Times’ article, primarily because it sounded like a repeat of the fabricated intelligence that was used against both Iraq and Iran in 2001 through 2003.

Read full article.

CENSORED BY GOOGLE NEWS: Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia Is it Trump, or King Jared who is providing Saudi Arabia with nuclear capabilities? UPDATE 1: It Gets Worse – Is Trump At Risk of Patricide?

08 Proliferation, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Peace Intelligence
TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy who was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, regularly answers questions for Tehran Times.

Continue reading “CENSORED BY GOOGLE NEWS: Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia Is it Trump, or King Jared who is providing Saudi Arabia with nuclear capabilities? UPDATE 1: It Gets Worse – Is Trump At Risk of Patricide?”

BREAKING: Benjamin Fulford — Is Trump Being Blackmailed by Kushner? Zionists Press for War with Iran — Alternative to Trump for 2020? UPDATE 2: Has Trump Cut a Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Khazarian mafia play Trump blackmail card in final bid to avoid extermination


Partial post with permission.

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The Khazarian mafia is in a state of deep panic as more and more people, including many Jews, wake up to their horrors.  That is why they are playing their trump card by blackmailing U.S. President Donald Trump into sabotaging the restoration of the U.S. Republic and preventing the start of military tribunals, say Pentagon and MI6 sources.

Trump is also going along with his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s Chabad plan (2,800 goyim slaves for each Jew) to start World War III with a war on Iran, the sources say.  The result is that U.S. military intelligence are coming to the conclusion that Trump must go.

Continue reading “BREAKING: Benjamin Fulford — Is Trump Being Blackmailed by Kushner? Zionists Press for War with Iran — Alternative to Trump for 2020? UPDATE 2: Has Trump Cut a Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?”

Yoda: Our First Right — 1 Representative for Each 50,000 Citizens

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
There is a movement afoot to break up the power monopoly currently held by Congress, reducing the size of districts from their current 800,000+/- residents, down to only 50,000 residents per district.  Sound radical?  George Washington didn't think so.  How would we do that?  By amending the Constitution.  You think the States would never go along with that?  The surprise is eleven (11) have already ratified this proposed amendment!
Learn More at