Gordon Duff: The Deep State’s Secret War on Russia — MH-17, Another False Flag from Israel Soon…

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

The Deep State’s Secret War on Russia

Between PMCs (Private Military Contractors) and the internet monstrosities of Google and Facebook, engineering false flag terrorism and mass murder is likely to become a real market sector alongside the Dow Jones Industrials.

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Evidence from sources in Kiev now indicate that the downing of MH17 in 2014 involved Israeli teams operating in Kiev, Israeli pilots flying from bases in Ukraine and Azerbaijan and the use of MH17 as a “human shield.”

Continue reading “Gordon Duff: The Deep State’s Secret War on Russia — MH-17, Another False Flag from Israel Soon…”

Thierry Meyssan: Trump Keeps Promises, Starts Pulling US from Foreign Wars Serving the Deep State

Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

The United States refuse to fight for the transnational financiers

The US withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan, as well as the resignation of General Mattis, attest to the upheaval that is shaking the current world order. The United States are no longer the leaders, either on the economic or the military stage. They refuse to keep fighting for the sole interests of the transnational financiers. The alliances that they used to lead will begin to unravel, but without their erstwhile allies admitting the powerful ascension of Russia and China.

Subtext: Donald Trump is keeping promises and cleaning house.

Read full article.

Robert Steele: No, Virginia, China Is Not Going to Sink Two US Aircraft Carriers in the South China Sea

02 China, Ethics, Government, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Strategy

Chinese Admiral Wants To “Sink Two US Aircraft Carriers” Over South China Sea

Who does Major-General Luo Yuan speak for?

Alert Reader says:

The rank is academic, not military.  He is not part of the chain of command. He appears to be largely ignored by everyone. Those attempting to alarm the public on Fox et al are debunked.

Long comment with links below the fold.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: No, Virginia, China Is Not Going to Sink Two US Aircraft Carriers in the South China Sea”

Robert Steele: Update & Predictions

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

I have been in France and UK for meetings — I did bring back a Yellow Vest as a gift for Donald Trump from admirers in France.

My laptop suffered a critical failure from a Norton collapse that wiped out some Microsoft system files. It was a $99 fix but kept me from posting for a couple of days.  Posts for 29-31 December being made morning of 31 December.

My predictions:

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Update & Predictions”

Doug Macgregor: Secretary of Defense Jim Webb? UPDATE 8 Acting SecDef Slow Rolling President on the Wall

Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence
Col Dr. Douglas Macgregor

Secretary of Defense Jim Webb?

The Democrat and scourge of foreign wars is drawing praise from many Trump supporters.

Additional headlines & comments below.

Continue reading “Doug Macgregor: Secretary of Defense Jim Webb? UPDATE 8 Acting SecDef Slow Rolling President on the Wall”