Robert Steele: In Defense of Professor Kees van der Pijl, An Open Letter to the President of the University of Sussex, Professor Adam Tickell

Academia, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Dear President & Professor Tickell,

In Re: TEL AVIV – A professor who claimed “Israelis blew up Twin Towers” has prompted a Jewish group to demand the University of Sussex in England strip him of his emeritus status. 

I am a former US spy recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, I urge you to take this message most seriously.

Kees van der Pijl your professor emeritus, is absolutely correct in his assertions with  respect to 9/11 and the role of the Zionists.  What he does not say is that 9/11 started as commercial insurance fraud in 1989 and was quickly converted by Dick Cheney, with the approval of George H. W. Bush, into a future false flag and terrorist event.

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Robert Steele: How Many Died in Puerto Rico? President Right, GMU Wrong

Academia, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Media
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I generally ignore the Crap News Fake News media, but one hard fact — how many died in Puerto Rico as a direct result of the storm — is deliberately — with malice and knowledge of falsity — being mis-represented to the public. The President is right — the number is between 64 and (my worst case estimate) 100 — George Mason University (GMU) is full of shit — they have combined poor data, poor assumptions, and a poor model to speculate that close to 3.000 died.  Bullshit. This is a media hit job funded by enemies of the President.

Related headlines below the fold.

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Berto Jongman: European Science Funders Ban Grantees From Publishing in Paywalled Journals

03 Economy, 04 Education, Academia, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Berto Jongman

European science funders ban grantees from publishing in paywalled journals

Frustrated with the slow transition toward open access (OA) in scientific publishing, 11 national funding organizations in Europe turned up the pressure today. As of 2020, the group, which jointly spends about €7.6 billion on research annually, will require every paper it funds to be freely available from the moment of publication. In a statement, the group said it will no longer allow the 6- or 12-month delays that many subscription journals now require before a paper is made OA, and it won't allow publication in so-called hybrid journals, which charge subscriptions but also make individual papers OA for an extra fee.

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Mongoose: The Emerging Violent Coup Against Trump

Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Media

President is winning, assassination is still on the table, but the Deep State appears to be acutely aware that an assassination of the President would bring out the pitchforks and every mansion of every billionaire will be burned to the ground while every private jet is shot out of the sky by veterans.

Coming Coup Against Trump

The American political class is sick. It is suffering from a psychosis that prevents any understanding of reality. It is living in abject denial of reality, convinced of its delusions about Russia being a hostile enemy, and Trump being a “Kremlin stooge”.

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Norie Huddle: Amy Benjamin on The Many Faces of Secrecy Especially Political Secrecy

Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence
Norie Huddle


The End of Transparency – and Democracy

Amy Baker Benjamin

William & Mary Policy Review, 8.2, 2017

For secrecy, properly understood, is everywhere today. It is the mind-numbing norm rather than the emergency exception, and it has seeped into many key aspects of our political, economic, and legal decision-making structures.

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Phil Giraldi: Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job — How the Zio-Cons Are Fanning the Flames of Hatred with Lies

Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media
Philip Giraldi

Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job.“Who is Driving the Hostility towards Russia?”

Neocons resurrect tribal memories to fan the flames

Alarms about the alleged Russian threat only re-emerged in the neocon dominated media and think tanks when old fashioned nationalist Vladimir Putin took office and made it a principal goal of his government to turn off the money tap.