Yoda: Now to 26 June in Bali, Indonesia – Sacha Stone’s Health Summit and Judicial Commission on Biosphere Weaponization

07 Health, 11 Society, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Missed by most, this is THE event on Earth this month.

20-22 Bali, Indonesia. World Health Sovereignty Summit, hosted by Sacha Stone. https://newearthfestival.com/whss2019/

23-24 Bali, Indonesia. New Earth Festival Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Weaponization of the Biosphere, and Indigenous Leaders, hosted by Sacha Stone. https://newearthfestival.com/

Click on Image to Enlarge

EXCELLENT South China Morning Post Article:

Rocker turned activist who founded a Bali festival on shaking the world up

  • Sacha Stone founded the NewEarth Festival in Bali in 2017 which celebrates art, beauty and consciousness in action
  • This year’s festival centres around a three-day health sovereignty summit exploring topics including vaccines, GMOs, 5G and synthetic medicine

Zero Hedge: James Howard Kunstler on “The” Truth Versus “Your Truth”

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Media

Kunstler: ‘The' Truth Versus ‘Your' Truth

Capital T Truth used to be mankind’s conduit to reality. To even state it that way now may invite censure for sexism, since the word “man” has lately been burdened with toxic overtones; while the concept of sexism itself is tinged with the unreal notion that the hard-wired tensions between men and women should not be allowed to exist and must be abolished. That’s how hopelessly complex it’s getting. The divorce between truth and reality is nearly complete now that everybody has his/her/zhe’s own truth, and the facts are just ornaments subject to rearrangement within anyone’s own story.

Berto Jongman: Conrad Crane on Need for an Information Warfare Command

Civil Society, Ethics, Military, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

The United States Needs an Information Warfare Command: A Historical Examination

Conrad Crane

War on the Rocks

At its core, information warfare is about gathering, providing, and denying information in order to improve one’s own decision-making while damaging the enemy’s.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Conrad Crane on Need for an Information Warfare Command”

Yoda: FCC Oversight Hearing Change to Nail 5G Threat — Citizens Urged to Communicate to Congress — US Navy Medical Slams 5G

03 Economy, 06 Genocide, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics

“Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission”

This coming Wednesday, June 12, the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation is holding an Oversight Hearing, and the FCC commissioners are being called-upon to testify.  This is an opportunity to submit questions about the safety of 5G, and to ask why current guidelines have not been updated in 23 years.

Please call and write the members of the Commerce, Science & Transportation committee with the following (suggested) questions for the FCC.  Please do this before Tuesday:

Continue reading “Yoda: FCC Oversight Hearing Change to Nail 5G Threat — Citizens Urged to Communicate to Congress — US Navy Medical Slams 5G”

SPECIAL: Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe with Dave Janda on NSA Corruption and Sabotage of the Trump Presidency

Civil Society, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Military

In this edition of Insider Insight, made public by our subscribers, Dave sits down with two Legends of the Intel community to discuss the KEY to end the “Russia-Trump hack lie” & shed light on the existence of illegal surveillance. They also discuss the Hammer [HAMR] platform.

Bill & Kirk outline means in which these parallel systems can be used to help but in the wrong hands can cause tremendous harm. This is a must watch interview for anyone interested in how digital intrusion / surveillance really works. Both speak about Seth Rich, Kim.com, Sy Hersch and the many who have tried to shed the light on the enormous corruption festering in every layer of government.

As Kirk stated: “NSA does not want any information out susceptible to shed any light on its wrongdoing for so many years. That is the reason why they go to such an extent to shut up all whistleblowers.”

Zero Hedge: Americans Call Fake News Greatest Threat, Greater Than Terrorism, Racism, or Climate Change. Ready for a Truth Channel, Are We?

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics

More Americans Worried About ‘Fake News' Than Terrorism, Racism And Climate Change: Poll

A new survey from Pew Research Center has found that Americans view fake news as a bigger threat than terrorism, violent crime, climate change, racism and illegal immigration.

Continue reading “Zero Hedge: Americans Call Fake News Greatest Threat, Greater Than Terrorism, Racism, or Climate Change. Ready for a Truth Channel, Are We?”

BREAKING: Bill Binney on Alex Jones with Direct Message for President Trump — Appoint Radical Patriot to Leverage NSA and Have Attorney General Start Putting DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA Traitors in Jail….

Civil Society, Ethics, Government, Media

InfoWars Print & Video Original

Alternative below the fold.

Continue reading “BREAKING: Bill Binney on Alex Jones with Direct Message for President Trump — Appoint Radical Patriot to Leverage NSA and Have Attorney General Start Putting DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA Traitors in Jail….”