Mongoose: Zionist-Jewish Blacklisting and Intimidation

07 Other Atrocities, Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

REVEALED: Canary Mission Blacklist Is Secretly Bankrolled By Major Jewish Federation

For three years, a website called Canary Mission has spread fear among undergraduate activists, posting more than a thousand political dossiers on student supporters of Palestinian rights. The dossiers are meant to harm students’ job prospects, and have been used in interrogations by Israeli security officials.

Now, for the first time, the Forward has definitively identified a major donor to Canary Mission. It is a foundation controlled by the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, a major Jewish charity with an annual budget of over $100 million.

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Betty Boop: Polish Pedophilia Film Breaks Records

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence

Polish film about church pedophilia breaks box office records

Kler (Clergy), a controversial film by Polish director Wojciech Smarzowski, has broken all records at the Polish box office. Almost one million people saw the film on its opening weekend, breaking the previous record held by Fifty Shades of Grey. This despite some conservative local authorities banning the film from being shown in their local cinemas.

The film, which explores the themes of child abuse, romantic liaisons, corruption, greed and alcoholism by Polish clerics, has been harshly criticised by the country’s far-right government, which has close links to the church.

Paul Craig Roberts: Joanathan Greenblatt, Anti-Defamation League, Earns Almost $700,000 a Year and Is Overpaid by 57%

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Paul Craig Roberts

An agent of a foreign power, very well paid.

  • Institution Revenue: $55,295,291
  • Institution Total Expenses: $54,166,490
  • Employees: 408
  • Salary: $689,8309
  • Overpaid by: 57%

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is the Zionist secret police, an agent of a foreign power (Zionist Israel) that specializes in censoring and digitally assassinating anyone who dares to address Zionist penetration of all US communications and computing systems; Zionist looting of the US Treasury via their US citizen agents (neoconservatives including Dick Cheney and John Bolton); Zionist genocide against the Palestinians' and Zionists acts of war including false flag terrorist events that have cost the USA over $7 trillion so far, with nothing to show for it except profit to the Zionist leaders of Israel.

Mongoose: Why Is Steve Bannon Visiting Jeffrey Epstein the Pedophile Master?

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics

Steve Bannon trying to get on disgraced Jeffrey Epstein’s good side

Former White House chief strategist Bannon was spotted stepping out of his SUV and entering the registered sex offender’s sprawling 21,000-square-foot mansion at 9 E. 71st St. shortly before 7 a.m. Wednesday.

Sources speculate that the disgraced ­Epstein wants to use his millions to work his way close to political power again.

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Mike Adams: Unhinged Left Planning “Kill Team” Home Invasions?

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy

Mike Adams WARNS conservative Senators, Supreme Court justices: The unhinged left is planning “kill team” home invasions to execute you and your families

We are now learning that left-wing domestic terrorism groups are openly discussing “kill team” tactics on Twitter and Facebook, discussing methods of carrying SBRs (short-barreled rifles) under their clothing, blending in with crowds, then popping out of the crowds to assassinate prominent conservatives such as U.S. Senators, Supreme Court justices and prominent conservative radio personalities. All this was first reported by PJ Media.

In addition to the open discussion of “kill team” tactics on social media platforms, we’re also seeing:

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Berto Jongman: Obama Makes Euro 2 Million Attacking Trump, Nationalism Across Scandanavia

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Berto Jongman

All earned in one week.

Obama takes a dig at Trump by blasting ‘politics driven by racial divisions and rejection of science' as he speaks to audience including Princess Marie of Denmark

In an apparent reference to his successor, the former US president said he was worried about the rise of nationalistic views and rejection of ‘science, expertise and logic' in politics.

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Robert Steele: Con-Con or Convention of States?

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I feel blessed to have come to the attention of so many thoughtful citizens so deeply committed to restoring the Constitution and ending the travesty of an imperial federal government that taxes, borrows, and prints to sponsor both perpetual war abroad and a police state at home.

Below, as both a down-loadable document and in full text  online, is a very thoughtful overview of why we should be seeking a Convention of States rather than a Constitutional Convention. While I have some defined views on the need to strenthen, modify, and reverse a number of the Amendments, there is absolutely no question but that state sovereignty needs to be restored — the federal government should be a LIMITED service of common concern and it should depend on the STATES for authorization & appropriation of funding.

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