Rebecca Campbell: FBI Covered Up Clinton Pedophilia & Fraud by Sequestering Emails on Weiner Laptop

06 Family, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Rebecca Campbell

IG Report Confirms True Pundit BOMBSHELL on Hillary’s Emails; Details Comey Was Briefed on Clinton-Linked ‘Sex Crimes Against Children’ Evidence on Weiner Laptop

Ignore The Media's Preemptive And Misleading Spin To Control The Narrative, READ The Damning IG Report For Yourself

IG Report: Hillary Clinton Ran Child Sex Ring

ITNJ: Police Commissioner Calls Out Big 4 Accountancy Firms Complicit in Multi-Million Corporate Fraud As Regulators Turn A Blind Eye

Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

UK Police Commissioner Calls Out Big 4 Accountancy Firms Complicit in Multi-Million Corporate Fraud As Regulators Turn A Blind Eye  

Government Urged To Force Action And End ‘The Great Insolvency Scam’ 

A police commissioner has called on the Government to force regulators to stop turning a blind eye and take action to stem a multi-million-pound tide of company collapses and corporate fraud.

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Norie Huddle: Amy Benjamin on The Many Faces of Secrecy Especially Political Secrecy

Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence
Norie Huddle


The End of Transparency – and Democracy

Amy Baker Benjamin

William & Mary Policy Review, 8.2, 2017

For secrecy, properly understood, is everywhere today. It is the mind-numbing norm rather than the emergency exception, and it has seeped into many key aspects of our political, economic, and legal decision-making structures.

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Phil Giraldi: Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job — How the Zio-Cons Are Fanning the Flames of Hatred with Lies

Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media
Philip Giraldi

Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job.“Who is Driving the Hostility towards Russia?”

Neocons resurrect tribal memories to fan the flames

Alarms about the alleged Russian threat only re-emerged in the neocon dominated media and think tanks when old fashioned nationalist Vladimir Putin took office and made it a principal goal of his government to turn off the money tap.

Berto Jongman: Pope Francis Denounces Culture of Child Abuse within Catholic Church

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics
Berto Jongman

Francis becomes the first Pope to denounce a ‘culture of abuse and cover-up' within the Catholic Church after Chilean pedophile priest scandal

  • Francis told Chilean followers he is ashamed of church's actions over sex abuse
  • He is the first Pope to publicly denounce a ‘culture of cover-up' within the church
  • Pope spoke out amid outcry over the Father Fernando Karadima sex scandal
  • Priest abused teen boys for decades with bishops taking no action against him

ITNJ: Videos & Magazine on Pedophilia Hearings in London — A New Era in Eradicating Pedopredators Begins…

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics

The ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse Commemorative Book and Web Portal featuring the videos from the event are now LIVE!

The Judicial Commission of Inquiry Commemorative Publication  

Official Web Portal Video Testimonies 

Continue reading “ITNJ: Videos & Magazine on Pedophilia Hearings in London — A New Era in Eradicating Pedopredators Begins…”