Robert Steele: Misis Institute on Too Much Centralization Creating Permanent Crises

Corruption, Government

Too Much Centralization Is Turning Everything into a Political Crisis

Is American politics reaching a breaking point? A recent study by researchers from Brown and Stanford Universities certainly paints a grim picture of the state of the national discourse. The study attempts to measure “affective polarization,”

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Mischa Popoff: COVID-19 and Roundup: An Immuno-Comprised Marriage from Hell

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

COVID-19 and Roundup: An Immuno-Comprised Marriage from Hell

We now know our bodies rely on trillions of microorganisms integral to our immune systems that do employ on the shikimate pathway, leading to the grave conclusion that, more so than other pesticides, Roundup contributes directly to the suppression of our immune systems.

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Andrew Napolitano: The Freedom to Pursue Happiness

09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Alert Reader writes in:

Best legal explanation of why the entire scamdemic and following diktats are so completely unconstitutional that, were I one who lost my business, my job and/or my apartment because of the lockdowns, I would be marching right into a (real) constitutional attorneys practice and explore how to personally sue the crap out of all those politicians and cops who harassed me, in order to recover treble the damages inflicted to me. I might also look into suing all those businesses who forbid entry precisely on the mask issue…

The Freedom To Pursue Happiness