Mongoose: US Legalized Government Lying in 1996

Corruption, Government

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False Statements Accountability Act of 1996

It is perfectly legal to lie to Congress, or anyone in the U.S. Government..and they can lie to you, too.  Anyone can do it but you have to know what law your are looking for. Learn about the 1996 law they passed while you were “asleep” to make sure that no one goes to jail.

The False Statements Accountability Act (“FSAA”) was sponsored by a one-term freshman Senator William J. Martini (NJ) who later became a federal judge. It included a bizarre Subsection (b) that permits judges, attorneys and parties to lie to Congress, courts and agencies without liability.

Not of them are going to jail until this law gets revised to reflect equal punishment for equal crime.

Zero Hedge: Trump to Regulate or Close Social Media? “Everything About This Is Insane” – #GoogleGestapo

09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency

Trump Threatens To “Close Down” Twitter, Other Social Media To Stop Them From ‘Rigging' 2020 Vote

“Everything About This Is Insane” – Begging Big Tech To Be Arbiters Of Truth Will Ultimately Backfire

As Liberty Bltizkrieg's Mike Krieger noted so perfectly, “everything about this is insane.”

“The tech giants are out of control, actively laundering national security state talking points via mass media “fact checker” censorship. It's only gonna get worse.”

Continue reading “Zero Hedge: Trump to Regulate or Close Social Media? “Everything About This Is Insane” – #GoogleGestapo”

Phil Giraldi: Zionists Seek to Shut You Up — Free Speech a Felony If It Tells the Truth About Genocidal Apartheid Criminal Zionism (Never to Be Confused with Judaism)

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy

Zionists Have Feelings Too

Words to criticize Israel are fast disappearing

Words are important because how they are used and their context shapes the understanding of the reader or listener. In the United States there has been a concerted effort to equate any criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism while simultaneously making anti-Semitism a hate crime and thereby converting what one might perceive as exercise of a First Amendment right into a felony. This is largely being done as part of the plan to create a legal basis to suppress the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS).

Read full article.