John Maguire: An Evolving Systems Analysis of Sandy Hook

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement

sandy-hookAn Evolving Systems Analysis of Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook in a New Light:

Lately I find myself attempting to fit both personal experience and global events into a General Systems framework. General Systems Theory is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry pioneered by biologist Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy. It seeks to expound principles that are applicable to a whole variety of systems, including social systems.

So what, if anything, can Systems Analysis reveal to us about an event such as the Sandy Hook Massacre? What good could possibly come out of such a disorienting debacle? Is it just another sign of how rotten the world is, or can we take a step back and somehow tease out a silver-lining?

We have to approach these sorts of questions with a non-linear brand of logic. It is necessary to leave our dogmatic assumptions at the door. In doing so, we are able to accept that notions of direct causality and random occurrences are illusory within the context of complex, chaotic systems. There are no isolated, meaningless accidents in an open and interconnected world. The collective inertia of human culture is being drawn to what might be called a strange attractor; a destination point.

As fractured constituents of the whole, it is understandably difficult for us to comprehend this larger picture. Regardless, the natural trajectory of ecological systems including our own is toward ever-increasing efficiency, cooperation, and adaptability. Hidden order is nature’s rule, not some special case.

As we continue to develop, mistakes and contentiousness should be expected and thought of as necessities for progress. They are not unpleasant experiences to be avoided. They exist within models of complex systems because they serve as positive feedback mechanisms; they help regulate interdependent ecologies like ours. Over the long term, the dialectic process serves to increase the system’s integrity and stability.

I think most of us understand that we learn and grow wise through both direct experience and peer-to-peer interaction. Sometimes the experience is painful, or uncomfortable, but it is not without merit. With this in mind, we can come to comprehend tragedies such as Sandy Hook and the rabid debates surrounding them on a deeper level. These types of events are in fact turbulent fluctuations that, in time, add up to the constructive reordering of society as we know it. They serve to lead us into a new maturity as a species.

We are witnessing this primordial process play itself out via the flurry of online, wildcat journalism revolving around the Sandy Hook story. We have seen an unprecedented cascade of bi-directional information flow. Abundant dialogue and grassroots intelligence-gathering is emerging from all sides of the issue.

Because our social order is an embedded part of the planet’s ecology, we are unwittingly subject to its flows and processes. This is not to say we are deterministic slaves. Rather, we have the choice to act in accordance with the ebbs and flows of nature or we can choose to vainly struggle against them. We can either co-create or self-destruct.

But before I get too far ahead of myself, let me first dissect the evidence surrounding the December 14th shooting. Since mid-December, it has morphed into a truly surreal and polarizing storyline that has yet to produce a completely coherent narrative or body of evidence. A plethora of logical and evidentiary inconsistencies have cropped up all over the place. These clear patterns of contradiction should give us serious pause; enough so to demand a careful reconsideration of the official story.

Dissecting the Event:

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Berto Jongman: Lessons from the Failed War on Drugs

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Government, Law Enforcement
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Our Right to Poison: Lessons from the Failed War on Drugs

By Jochen-Martin Gutsch and Juan Moreno

SpiegelOnline. 22 February 2013

The global war on drugs has cost billions and taken countless lives — but achieved little. The scant results finally have politicians and experts joining calls for legalization. Following the journey of cocaine from a farm in Colombia to a user in Berlin sheds light on why.


Popeye is a pale, 50-year-old man with a shrill voice — a psychopath who doesn't count his kills.

The longer Popeye talks — about his murders, the drug war and the havoc he and Escobar wreaked and that is currently being repeated in Mexico — the less important my prepared questions about this war become. I realize that I might as well throw away my notepad, because it all boils down to one question: How can we stop people like you, Popeye?

He pauses for a moment before saying: “People like me can't be stopped. It's a war. They lose men, and we lose men. They lose their scruples, and we never had any. In the end, you'll even blow up an aircraft because you believe the Colombian president is on board. I don't know what you have to do. Maybe sell cocaine in pharmacies. I've been in prison for 20 years, but you will never win this war when there is so much money to me made. Never.”

I'm sitting face to face with a killer: Popeye, an evil product of hell. And I'm afraid that the killer could be right.

The drug war is the longest war in recent history, underway for more than 40 years. It is a never-ending struggle against a $500 billion (€378 billion) industry.

Read full article (5 Screens)

Dolphin: Skull and Bones Welcomes Interrogation Facility and Medical Experiments on Immigrants at Yale — Been There, Done That…

07 Other Atrocities, Academia, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

An Interrogation Center at Yale? Proposed Pentagon Special Ops Training Facility Sparks Protests

43 minute video plus full transcript


Students and alumni at Yale University are organizing against a proposed campus center to train special operations forces in interview techniques. The center would be funded by a $1.8 million grant from the Pentagon and could open as early as April. Dubbed an “interrogation center” by critics, the facility would be housed at the Yale School of Medicine and led by Charles Morgan, a professor of psychiatry who previously conducted research on how to tell whether Arab and Muslim men are lying. We speak to two students at Yale who co-authored an editorial titled “DoD Plans are Shortsighted, Unethical,” and with Michael Siegel, professor of community health sciences at Boston University School of Public Health and a 1990 graduate of the Yale School of Medicine. “Yale has now crossed a line,” Siegel says. “Using the practice of medicine and medical research to help design advanced interrogation techniques, or even just regular civilian intelligence-gathering techniques, interviewing techniques, is not an appropriate use of medicine. The practice of medicine was designed to improve people’s health. And the school of medicine should not be taking part in either training or research that is primarily designed to enhance military objectives.” [includes rush transcript]

Continue reading “Dolphin: Skull and Bones Welcomes Interrogation Facility and Medical Experiments on Immigrants at Yale — Been There, Done That…”

DefDog: Gun Grabbers Want Annual Home Searches

Idiocy, Law Enforcement

Of all places — what was once the last bastion of sanity, now suffering from retarded legislators.

Washington State gun grabbers go for searching your home once a year to confirm gun storage compliance

[Editors note:  They got caught trying to put this in a new bill and then claimed  it was a ‘mistake'. They really do think we are that stupid. Now we have to show them what the cost is…Jim W. Dean]

… from  Tim Brown at  Freedom Outpost

Washington State Democrats have sponsored Senate Bill 5737, which has a little provision that apparently was to go unnoticed that would have said that police have a right to search a private citizen’s home once per year if they own certain types of firearms.

According to the legislation:

In order to continue to possess an assault weapon that was legally possessed on the effective date of this section, the person possessing shall … safely and securely store the assault weapon. The sheriff of the county may, no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to ensure compliance with this subsection.

Yes, that means liberal Democrats pushed forward this legislation in open and defiance of the Fourth Amendment. But that’s not all. When they were caught with their hands in the cookie jar, they exclaimed it wasn’t their fault and that they made mistake.

Read full article.

Eagle: Public Fear Over Obama Waffling on Drones Killing Americans Within the USA — Another Reason Not to Confirm John Brennan

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement, Officers Call
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Barack Obama Openly Hints At Desire To Kill Citizens With Drones Inside America…

In a very oddly worded public response to a question posed to him during an online interview, Barack Obama dances around the topic of using military drones to kill Americans inside of the United States. Watch the following response and as you do, keeping in mind at no point does President Obama simply say NO we would never do that…

Phi Beta Iota:  What is frightening is that Obama is incapable of saying, simply, “NO, we will not use drones to kill people inside the USA.”  Taken in combination with the various “suicidings” across the USA, the “natural gas” explosions, and many unexplained “disappearances,” an outside observer would be hard-pressed to offer a vote of confidence for this Administration's grasp of the “rule of law.”  John Brennan was told, in writing, to get the drones off  the table in his opening remarks.  He refused to do that.  For that reason alone (the willful confirmation that he WANTS the drones unfettered), he should not be confirmed and Congress should mandate an end to the CIA drone program —  transfer all of the drones to the military, and turn them into UNARMED organic reconnaissance assets within the Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TIARA) Program.

See Also:

Robert Steele & DNI Anonymous: On Drones & Ethics

Owl: Sixteen Stabs in the Heart for USA — All From Concentrated Wealth — Single Most Common Cause of Revolution…

Owl: Sixteen Stabs in the Heart for USA — All From Concentrated Wealth — Single Most Common Cause of Revolution…

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

America faces more than a dozen deadlines, all caused by billionaires and wealth transfer

Gaius Pblius

AmericaBlog, 12 February 2013

I’ve identified 16 of these game-over situations facing America today, situations from which there is the possibility of no recovery — not the certainty, but the possibility. As I was working on that article though, looking especially what it would take to reverse each trend, I realized it’s really only one story writ 16 times on 16 separate canvasses.

That story? The song of the predator class, the rich and the rest — “All your money are belong to us.

It’s the story, in other words, of worldwide billionaires and the one thing they’re doing — monomaniacly making money while telling each other tales of their Randian goodness.

America’s 16 deadlines

As I said, I see 16 individual, though interlinked, processes in the country today that have potential game-over, irreversible end-points. You may think there are more, or you may think some could be merged, but I think that’s tweakage, “in the noise,” not a useful distinction. For our purposes, this list is good enough.

Here they are, numbered in no particular order, but grouped:

Continue reading “Owl: Sixteen Stabs in the Heart for USA — All From Concentrated Wealth — Single Most Common Cause of Revolution…”

Yoda: Police Murder Lt Chris Dorner, USNR(Sep)

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Law Enforcement
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Dark, the force is.

Murder, this is.

How We Kill:Christopher Dorner and the “Burner”


CounterPunch, Weekend Edition February 15-17, 2013

The tactics employed against Christopher Dorner by the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department are attracting an awkward amount of interest since an audiotape surfaced with law enforcement officials referring to a munition as a “burner”.

As in (all quotes from the Feb. 15, 2013 LA Times report titled “As Dorner fired, tactics got tougher”):

“We’re going to go forward with the plan, with the burner,” the unidentified officer said, according to a recording of police radio transmissions reviewed by The Times.

   “Seven burners deployed,” another officer responded several seconds later, according to the transmission which has circulated widely among law enforcement officials. “And we have a fire.”

. . . . . . . .

The thought processes of the San Bernadino County Sheriff’s Department—which had lost one of their own to Dorner—are probably reflected in an alleged transcription from the radio chatter that the LA Times demurely declined to reproduce, but was reported by the no-holds barred NY Post:

“Burn this motherf–ker!” one officer shouted …Amid sounds of gunfire, voices can be heard shouting, “Burn it down!” and “Shoot the gas!”

Continue reading “Yoda: Police Murder Lt Chris Dorner, USNR(Sep)”