Steven Aftergood: Leaks That Are Good for National Security

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood

Leak of White Paper Boosts Intelligence Oversight

The unauthorized disclosure last week of a Justice Department White Paper on the legality of targeted killing of senior al Qaida operatives who are Americans had the collateral effect of strengthening congressional oversight of intelligence.

Read full post with additional links.

DoJ White Paper Released as a Matter of “Discretion”

“The Department has determined that the document responsive to your request is appropriate for release as a matter of agency discretion,” wrote Melanie Ann Pustay, director of the Office of Information Policy at the Department of Justice.

This is a surprising statement, because as recently as two or three weeks earlier, the Department had said exactly the opposite.

Read full post with additional links.

Phi Beta Iota:  While Brother Steven makes a lovely argument about the inter-related benefits of some leaks, decent investigative journalism, and Congressional oversight, we fear that he has lit a candle in a pitching sea of corruption.  The Executive has told the Court in writing that it has the right to lie to the Court as it sees fit.  Congressional oversight has never been effective with respect to secret intelligence, with the Government Accountability Organization (GAO) still blocked from doing what it does rather well.  Speaking plainly, as long as the Senate Select Committee for Intelligence is led by an idiot who refers to “so-called Americans,” in striving to justify extrajudicial assassinations and confirm as director of the CIA the one person most responsible for the gross US disregard of the rule of law both at home and abroad, there will be no Congressional oversight, and no rule of law within secret intelligence renditions, torture, secret prisons, and not so secret video-game assassinations.  The moral disengagement of the United States of America is most ably represented by one man: John Brannan.  The FACT that he did not include in his prepared remarks — as he was advised to — an immediate cessation of CIA engagement in any and all drone attack operations (there is still an excellent place for stealth drone imagery and signals reconnaissance) — tells us all we need to know about the future of the CIA: it does not have a future — certainly not one that includes moral engagement, creative collection, or competent analytics.

BREAKING NEWS: US Government Assassinated Martin Luther King (Trial Is Over — 13 Years Ago — But Now People Are Starting To Understand — BEFORE 1 Black Man with a Voice NOW All of Us Who Dissent) + USG Assassination RECAP

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

From Moment of Clarity.  IMPASSIONED 4:55.  Strongly recommended.

Published on Feb 4, 2013

Mongoose: Is General Patraeus Slated for “Suiciding?” + Meta-RECAP on No Rule of Law in USA

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

If General Patraeus appears to commit suicide anytime soon, it will not have been suicide and the White House and the Department of Justice and the FBI will cover up the murder.   Since the dual chain of command got away with the murder of JFK, the impunity with which they are willing to murder American citizens has steadily expanded.  We are at a cross-roads.  The final Obama term will either begin the restoration of the rule of law (very unlikely) or deliver the multiple precipitants for sparking a revolution in the USA,

Berto Jongman: Brennan Set Petraeus and CIA Up in Benghazi, CIA 7th Floor Also Betrayed Him, Dual Chain of Command in Africa + Brennan/Drone RECAP

Phi Beta Iota:  The back chatter on the above post has been extraordinary.  There appears to be a growing anger within the Special Operations community with respect to their being lied to, abused, and put in danger for political advantage — one is reminded of both Jim Webb's book, Friendly Fire, and the murder of Col James Sabow, USMC in the early 1990's.  The trail of murders and uninvestigated suicides associated with the military-industrial-intelligence-terror complex is now easily over 200 in number just in the past 12 years, but evidently no one in the Inspector General, Law Enforcement, of Judiciary oversight world cares to take on the challenge.

If Patraeus is “suicided,” the irony and justice in relation to Petraeus' covering up the murder of Col Ted Westhusing, USA (RIP), is noted.

An honest President would demand that a task force itemize and investigate as a whole all of the “suicides” among all military officers in the past twelve years.  The results are certain to be frightening.  We do not expect such an investigation to occur, because the lack of integrity in the US Government has peaked at what we hope is a final high before public intelligence in the public interest begins to push back to good effect toward 2014 and 2016.  We pray that a non-violent public majority can restore the rule of law in the USA.  The elite and their security state servants are out of control, but from the bottom up, JSOG appears to be reconnecting with its integrity and that should scare the shit of Brennan and a handful of others.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Is General Patraeus Slated for “Suiciding?” + Meta-RECAP on No Rule of Law in USA”

Pierre Cloutier: Rodrigue Tremblay on Congressional Abdication, US Financial Default — Lies, Fears, and The Chicago Plan Option — Save the Country, Screw the Banks

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement
Pierre Cloutier
Pierre Cloutier

The U.S. Congress: From One Crisis to Another

Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay

GlobalResearch, 5 February 2013

One crisis averted, three to come! Indeed, that’s what can be said after the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation on January 23, 2013, to suspend the government’s statutory borrowing limit for three months.

In fact, the cycle of artificially created crises will go on and on in Washington D.C. Now, the next crises are scheduled for March 1s, for March 27th and for May 19th. Stay tuned. On March 1st, automatic sequester cuts agreed by Congress in 2012 will take effect, causing an immediate cut of $69 billion in public discretionary spending. Then, on March 27, the U.S. government’s ability to fund itself (the “continuing resolution”) will run out. And, of course, come May 19, the melodrama of raising the debt ceiling will be back again in force.

Ever since Republicans took control of the 435-member U.S. House of Representatives in 2010, a fiscal drama with the White House and the U.S. Senate has been replayed time and again. One of the political gimmick is called the “raising of the country’s debt limit.

Why so many artificial crises in the current American political system? Extreme political polarization seems to be the answer.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Pierre Cloutier: Rodrigue Tremblay on Congressional Abdication, US Financial Default — Lies, Fears, and The Chicago Plan Option — Save the Country, Screw the Banks”

Mini-Me: USG Sues S&P for Fraudulent Ratings

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


News Summary: S&P expects to be sued by Justice Dept. over its ratings of mortgage securities

By Associated Press, Updated: Monday, February 4, 8:11 PM

US CHARGES SEEN AGAINST S&P: The U.S. government is expected to file civil charges against Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, alleging that it improperly gave high ratings to mortgage debt that later plunged in value and helped fuel the 2008 financial crisis.Read full article.

Lynn Wheeler at LinkedIn adds:

Congressional hearing Oct 2008 had lots of testimony that rating agencies were selling triple-A ratings on toxic CDOs when both the sellers and the rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A. Commentary at the time was that the rating agencies would likely avoid federal prosecution by blackmailing the gov. with threat of gov. rating downgrade.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: USG Sues S&P for Fraudulent Ratings”

SchwartzReport: Get Police OUT of the Schools

04 Education, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Academia, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Law Enforcement

schwartz reportHere is the latest in the school-to-prison pipeline, part of the New American Slavery trend. This time the outrage comes from

Juvenile Judge: My Court Was Inundated With Non-Dangerous Kids Arrested Because They ‘Make Adults Mad’

The United States is not just the number one jailer in the world. It also incarcerates juveniles at a rate that eclipses every other country. Evidence has long been building that schools use the correctional system as a misplaced mechanism for discipline, with children being sent to detention facilities for offenses as minor as wearing the wrong color socks to school. A juvenile county chief judge testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday that these are not isolated incidents, but rather systemic trends that bombard prosecutors and courts with a glut of cases in which kids pose no danger but merely ‘make adults mad”:

When I took the bench in 1999, I was shocked to find that approximately one-third of the cases in my courtroom were school-related, of which most were low risk misdemeanor offenses. Upon reviewing our data, the increase in school arrests did not begin until after police were placed on our middle and high school campuses in 1996-well before the horrific shootings at Columbine High School. The year before campus police, my court received only 49 school referrals. By 2004, the referrals increased over 1,000 percent to 1,400 referrals, of which 92% were misdemeanors mostly involving school fights, disorderly conduct, and disrupting public school.

Read full article.

SchwartzReport: US Prison System — With or Without the Bars

03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

schwartz reportHere we see the latest in the New American Slavery trend. In the South particularly a culture for the poor of school-to-prison is developing, pushed by the privatization of the prison system. All of this is creating a growing number of disaffected people who feel they have little or no stake in social stability. Additionally, as a result of these trends, the U.S. is beginning to appear internationally, as a Fascist polic! e state. Dealing with this is going to be one of the tests the Obama Administration will face, and history will not be kind to him if he fails.

Human Rights Watch decries U.S. prison system

The NGO's World Report criticizes mass incarceration and U.S. record of torture and extrajudicial killing

By Natasha Lennard

Salon, Thursday, Jan 31, 2013 10:25 AM EST

Human Rights Watch Thursday published its annual World Report, in which it lays out a pointed critique of the U.S. prison system. The enormous prison population  — the largest in the world at 1.6million — “partly reflects harsh sentencing practices contrary to international law,” notes the report.

The 2013 World Report, a 665-page tome which assesses human rights progress in the past year in 90 countries, highlights particular issues undergirding the U.S.’s blighted carceral system. It notes that “practices contrary to human rights principles, such as the death penalty, juvenile life-without-parole sentences, and solitary confinement are common and often marked by racial disparities.” Via HRW:

Research in 2012 found that the massive over-incarceration includes a growing number of elderly people whom prisons are ill-equipped to handle, and an estimated 93,000 youth under age 18 in adult jails and another 2,200 in adult prisons. Hundreds of children are subjected to solitary confinement. Racial and ethnic minorities remain disproportionately represented in the prison population.

HRW cite statistics often used to show racial disparities in the U.S. prison system. For example, while whites, African Americans and Latinos have comparable rates of drug use, African Americans are arrested for drug offenses, including possession, at three times the rate of white men.

“The United States has shown little interest in tackling abusive practices that have contributed to the country’s huge prison population,” said Maria McFarland, deputy U.S. program director at Human Rights Watch. “Unfortunately, it is society’s most vulnerable – racial and ethnic minorities, low-income people, immigrants, children, and the elderly – who are most likely to suffer from injustices in the criminal justice system.”

Read full article.