Mongoose: FBI HQ and FBI Washington Field Office Controlled by Deep State Creatures

Corruption, Law Enforcement

Wray Shows True Colors By Rewarding FBI Agent Who Pushed “Whitmer Kidnapping Plot” With Plum Promotion

Alert Reader writes in:

The FBI Washington Field Office just got a new boss.  The WFO is the second largest in the bureau after NYC.  The guy selected had been the head of the Detroit, Michigan office.  Dude supervised the 4 agents involved in what I suspect was total bullshit, the MI militia are gonna kidnap Gov. Whitmer, try her, and kill her.  Usual FBI reindeer games.

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Robert Steele: Insurrection Act on Strip Alert?

Civil Society, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

All my indicators suggest that President Trump will NOT need the insurrection act but firing Mark Esper, as big a pussy as Leon Panetta, was a necessary pre-condition to keeping that option open. The US Marine Corps is ALWAYS available to the President, ALWAYS exempt from Posse Comitatus restrictions. Intelligence readers will remember the USMC protecting the US mail from  thieves. Voting fraud on a massive scale has occurred. Sixteen states will be brought before the US Supreme Court — many of those states will self-police, with legislators demanding state criminal proceedings against Dominion, its local criminal allies, and the criminals behind its designed in criminal fraud — George Soros and “Lord” Mark Malloch Brown.

Below Q graphics from an Alert Reader.

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Wayne Jett: Transcript of Dr. Steve Pieczenik on Watermarks and Massive Election Fraud Discovery

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence

As provided by Wayne Jett.


This is really a sting operation. Contrary to what everybody else said, Trump knew this was happening, Eric knew this was happening and warned the public. I knew this was happening. However, I did not say anything about it. What happened was we marked – watermarked – every ballot with what is called the QFS encryption code. In other words, we know pretty well where every ballot is, where it went and who has it. So this is not a stolen election. On the contrary, we reversed the entire game of war along the lines of Sun Tsu, The Art of War. And Trump was brilliant at it, and still is brilliant at it.

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CSPOA: Deep State Worried About Faithful Sheriffs

Ethics, Law Enforcement

As militia threats rise, far-right Michigan sheriffs say they won’t enforce gun ban at voting sites

Phi Beta Iota: The above article is a hit piece.There is nothing “extemist” about believing in the US Constitution. The Deep State and its own local enforcers the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) that is behind Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the NAACP, among other controlled fronts, are worried.  LOCALIZATION is re-emergent. Elected Sheriffs are the senior law enforcement officers — above the federal, state, and local appointed police and law enforcement officials — and this is going to be a defining aspect of the next four years as we  take down all of the federal, state, and local officials who have bribed or blackmailed to betray the public trust.

CSPOA @ Phi Beta Iota

Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace  Officers Association

Mongoose: One Law for the Rich (Goldman Sachs), Another for the Poor (Blacks)

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Tip of the Hat to  Sven Henrich @NorthmanTrader

One law for the rich:

Goldman Sachs (which has also been the lead in stealing $100 trillion from Main Street over the past ten years while leading the laundering of another $100 trillion in dirty money from trafficking in children, drugs, and more, walks on Malaysian case — $2.9 billion fine and no one goes to jail when the normal jail time for $64,500 median bribery crime is 24-30 months in prison.

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Video (49:00) Crimes against Humanity – International Lawsuit Over Corona Scam & Harm to Global Economy and Society

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:

“Probably the Biggest Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed”

BitChute Safety Copy Below the Fold

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