Berto Jongman: Citizens in Brazil Take Over Their Story

01 Brazil, 01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, IO Deeds of Peace, Media, Mobile
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

How social media gives new voice to Brazil's protests

Street protests continue to rock Brazil and, frustrated by mainstream media coverage, a new group of citizen journalists is using digital tools to tell a different side of the story


But the battles are not just being waged on the street. Angered by what they see as a misrepresentation of the issues by traditional media, new independent media collectives and networks have emerged over the past year. Armed with smartphones, digital cameras, and apps such as Twitcasting and Twitcam that allow them to broadcast live online, they are presenting their own version of events. Some of them are reaching a huge audience across the country and are now looking to expand their reach internationally.

One such group is the Mídia Ninja, a self-styled loose collective of citizen journalists, which first emerged during last summer's protests. They are keen to present an alternative narrative to the mainstream media by reporting live from the frontline.

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Rickard Falkvinge: Swedish Media Under Control, As Corrupt As US Media (Yes, That Is a Calculated Indictment)

Corruption, Media
Rickard Falkvinge
Rickard Falkvinge

One Month Before Elections, Swedish Oldmedia’s Pretend-Does-Not-Exist Attitude Toward Pirate Party Reaching Ridiculous Levels

Pirate Parties: In one month, on May 25 at 20:00, the voting stations close for the European Elections. You’re never entitled to complain when media doesn’t cover you, but for some reason, the fifth-largest party out of Sweden’s eight – the Pirate Party – is consistently omitted from listings, events, debates, and coverage ahead of European Elections. For a challenger, this would be acceptable, but not for a defender of title: the pretend-does-not-exist attitude is reaching ridiculous levels.

Sweden has eight parties in the European Parliament, all of which are up for re-election in exactly one month. Of these, the Pirate Party is the fifth largest with two seats out of Sweden’s 20; three political parties are measurably smaller with just one seat. In a reasonable election, these eight parties – defenders of their respective title – would be treated fairly equally, with credible challengers given a go at pointing out the shortcomings of the title defenders.

Yesterday, the Svenska Dagbladet (“Swedish Daily Paper”) – as the name implies, one of Sweden’s largest daily newspapers – published their election assistant with 25 questions to assist people in choosing which party to vote for. Launched on April 25, with the European Elections one month out, on May 25 – perfect timing. There’s only one strange catch: you can’t get a recommendation to vote for the Pirate Party. As in, the party is not even in there. The other seven title-defending parties are, as well as one challenger. The election assistant is effectively saying that the Pirate Party does not exist, but all the other seven do.

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John Rappoport: Exclusive Interview with Sharyl Attkisson, Benghazi & Fast & Furious, CDC Swine Flu Fraud, on Corruption in Media Including Wikipedia

Corruption, Media
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Exclusive: an interview with investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson

Before her recent resignation from CBS, Sharyl Attkisson was a mainstream news star. Multiple Emmys. CNN anchor, CBS anchor on stories about space exploration. Host of CBS’ News Up to the Minute. PBS host for Health Week. Investigative reporter for CBS.

Attkisson dug deep into Fast&Furious, Benghazi, and the ill-effects of vaccines. Too deep. Her bosses shut her down and didn’t air key stories.

She now has her own website, She is writing a book, Stonewalled: My Fight for the Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation and Harassment in Obama’s Washington forthcoming 4 November 2014).

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

It’s not every day that a major mainstream journalist leaves the fold and then seeks to expose the corruption that impinged on her work.

She agreed to do an email interview. Some of the questions I sent went to the heart of her book-in-progress, so she declined to answer them. However, her answers to my other questions were revealing and explosive.

I know you’ve had problems with your Wikipedia page. What happened there?

Long story short: there is a concreted effort by special interests who exploit Wikipedia editing privileges to control my biographical page to disparage my reporting on certain topics and skew the information. Judging from the editing, the interest(s) involved relates to the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry. I am far from alone. There is an entire Wikipedia subculture that exists to control pages and topics, and another one that watchdogs all that’s gone wrong with Wikipedia (Wikipediocracy). It’s a fascinating subject.

All Questions and Answers Below the Fold

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SchwartzReport: Media Self-Censors on Oil Spills & Real World

Corruption, Media
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

As far as I can tell although filed by The Associated Press, this didn't rate a mention on any news network. Further evidence of why we need to leave the carbon era. Instead we have spent a week talking about a story for which no one has a single certain explanatory fact. The NASA report on the collapse of civilization… yawn. Lets speculate instead on whether Martians have d! ematerialized the Malaysian 777 airliner. This and the Crimea, for which there is almost as little certain data. It is the most astonishing display of the complete absence of substance in the American media one can imagine. Literally a week spent on two stories one of which is almost entirely information free and the other which lacks most of the data that would give us insight.

Pipeline Leaks Thousands of Gallons of oil in Southwest Ohio
DAN SEWELL – The Columbus Dispatch

Berto Jongman: Project Censored 2014

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency, Media
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Every year since 1976, Project Censored, our nation's oldest news-monitoring group–a university-wide project at Sonoma State University founded by Carl Jensen, directed for many years by Peter Phillips, and now under the leadership of Mickey Huff–has produced a Top-25 list of underreported news stories and a book, Censored, dedicated to the stories that ought to be top features on the nightly news, but that are missing because of media bias and self-censorship.

Censored 2014: Fearless Speech in Fateful Times; The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2012-13

Berto Jongman: Foreign Affairs on the Shrinking of Foreign News and the Death of Television Coverage

Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency, Media, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

The Shrinking of Foreign News: From Broadcast to Narrowcast

Garrick Utley

Foreign Affairs, March/April 1997


What is being lost, or at least weakened, has long been forecast: the role of a few television network news organizations as a unifying central nervous system of information for the nation, and the communal benefits associated with that. Some may mourn the loss, especially those who grew up with network news. (More than half the audience for the evening network news programs is 50 or older.) Viewers and social critics may debate whether the gains accompanying the growing diversity and flexibility of news and information delivery outweigh the losses. But quite aside from the fact that nothing can be done to stop the technological advances, the benefits in choice and content are clear.

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4th Media: 60 Minutes Pimps F-35 — Not a Single Question (or Source) with Integrity

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Media

4th media croppedJournalism Fail: All the Sources in Stealth Jet Story Are PAID to Praise the Plane

On Sunday, 60 Minutes ran a story about the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter entitled, “Is the F-35 Worth It?” But watching the piece, I saw no debate whatsoever of that very important question.

And for good reason. All the interview subjects were government employees or contractors. They’d have been crazy to criticize their own program.

What I did see on Sunday was an ill-informed reporter—David Martin—touring the military side of the $400-billion F-35 program … and throwing in just a few boilerplate questions.

These questions were softballs, considering how big of a blunder this program actually has been. The F-35 is meant to replace 2,400 existing warplanes in the Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy. Complex and badly compromised by the need to meet all the military branches’ diverse needs, the JSF is overpriced, unreliable and sluggish.

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