Yoda: Stupid Navy — Stupid Northrup Grumman — Death to Sailors From Screens that Kill

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Military

Death by screen — thank you, stupid Navy, thank you stupid Northrup Grumman.  Thank you worthless Inspectors General and worthless  Congress.

Collision Course

When the USS John S. McCain crashed in the Pacific, the Navy blamed the destroyer’s crew for the loss of 10 sailors. The truth is the Navy’s flawed technology set the McCain up for disaster.

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Robert Steele: Open Letter to the President: Reinventing National Security – New Book

03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Ethics, Government, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Short URL:

The original and three copies of this letter, and four copies of the new book, REINVENTING NATIONAL SECURITY — Grand Strategy, Global Reality, and the U.S. Army — Everything Our President Is Not Being Told, were delivered to the White House by FedEx at 0830 on 29 November. Fifteen copies of the letter and the book were delivered to the Secretaries of Defense, Army, 12 active duty flag officers, and one retired flag officer, on Saturday.

Full text of letter and core graphic below the fold.

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Sara Carter: Durham Probe Expands to Pentagon Office That Contracted FBI Spy Stephan Halper

Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence
Sara Carter

Durham Probe Expands to Pentagon Office That Contracted FBI Spy Stephan Halper

Millions spent, no audit trail.

Phi Beta Iota: Office of Net Assessment (ONA) is overdue for termination or redirection.  It does not do what it is funded to do, and is instead a slush fund for neo-conservative war-mongering in violation of all US treaties and executive regulations.

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Robert Steele @ Amazon: REINVENTING NATIONAL SECURITY — Grand Strategy, Global Reality, and the U.S. Army — Everything Our President Is Not Being Told

Ethics, Military, Peace Intelligence, Strategy
Amazon Page – Color Print

This book brings together three monographs on grand strategy, global reality, and re-inventing the U.S. Army as well as the rest of the Department of Defense — and in passing addressing needed changes in diplomacy, development, and intelligence, all of which are just as broken as the military.

Amazon Page – Kindle

The U.S. military today is 50% waste, committing crimes against humanity in over 100 countries — alongside CIA drone assassination operations — and generally not able to win a war nor maintain a peace. Our generals and admirals are not being held accountable for telling the truth — they are themselves sadly divorced from reality and unable to appreciate the truth even when it is presented to them.

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DefDog: Douglas Macgregor: America’s De Gaulle, Unheeded Prophet of Houthi Victory and Saudi Fall

Corruption, Drones & UAVs, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military, Strategy

Douglas Macgregor: America’s De Gaulle, Unheeded Prophet of Houthi Victory and Saudi Fall 

Today, the United States and its allies have received a military wakeup call and warning in the Middle East as epochal as the Conquest of Poland was in 1939.

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Fred Burks: History of USA Human Experimentation

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Military

Human Guinea Pigs: Government, Military, & Business Use Humans as Guinea Pigs

Dear friends,

Are we being used as human guinea pigs? How much are government and business risking our lives and health with dangerous technologies like nuclear power, genetically modified foods, inadequately tested vaccines, and other even worse “experiments”?

Below is a list depicting the rampant use of humans as guinea pigs in government, military, and medical experiments over the last century. Links to reliable sources are provided to confirm the information on each item presented. There are still today officials in the government, military, and even business leaders who sadly feel no need to inform us when we are used in potentially hazardous experiments.

Click for devastating itemization with links.

Mongoose: The Russian Submarine Fleet — Real Threat or US Navy Budget-Building Gambit?

Military, Peace Intelligence

Daily Mail (UK), 31 October 2019: Russian nuclear submarines sailed past UK waters on secret mission into the Atlantic to prove they can strike the United States in largest operation since the Cold War

Mirror (UK), 30 October 2019: Putin deploys 10 heavily armed submarines for secretive mission to the US

Business Insider, 14 October 2019: Russia's submarines are getting harder to find, and the Navy is sending more people to keep an eye on them

Continue reading “Mongoose: The Russian Submarine Fleet — Real Threat or US Navy Budget-Building Gambit?”