Steven Aftergood: The Costs of War

03 Economy, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
Steven Aftergood

It is hard even for attentive members of the public to fully comprehend the U.S. military budget.

“The scale of spending alone makes it hard to grasp. Public understanding of the costs of war is further limited by secrecy, faulty accounting, and the deferral of current costs,” I argued recently in a short paper for the Costs of War Project at Brown University. See The Costs of War: Obstacles to Public Understanding, November 14, 2018.

Neta C. Crawford of Brown University estimated the post-9/11 costs of war at $5.9 trillion through FY 2019.

Doug Macgregor: Europe’s Army, Macron’s Disease, Leaving NATO

Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence
Col Dr. Douglas Macgregor

Europe's new regional defense


It’s official. Europe will soon have its own army and, presumably, its own regional defense. At least that is the stated goal of French President Emmanuel Macron. Mr. Macron is restating a position that German Chancellor Angela Merkel adopted some time ago that, “We Europeans must really take our destiny into our own hands.”

Mr. Macron and Ms. Merkel have a point. The time to Europeanize NATO is long overdue. After all, the European Union’s economy is more than five times as large as Russia’s.

. . . . .

Fortunately, there is a cure for Mr. Macron’s disease:

Continue reading “Doug Macgregor: Europe's Army, Macron's Disease, Leaving NATO”

Mongoose: Zion Strike #24 – Israeli Sniper Shoots AP Cameraman Wearing a Press Vest

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Military, Officers Call

‘Israeli Sniper’ Shoots AP Cameraman Wearing a PRESS Vest as He Films Border Protest

Rashed Rashid, 47 was injured in the leg on Monday while covering the weekly protest at the Israeli border wall, AP reported. He received multiple bone fractures above the ankle and will require surgery.

Witnesses say Rashid was standing on an elevated area some 600 meters from the fence, when the shooting happened. He was far from protesters and was wearing a blue helmet and brown protective vest with the word “PRESS” clearly written in white. He was also operating a live camera.

Read full article.

See Also:

Zion Strike @ Phi Beta Iota

Berto Jongman: Has General Vincent Stewart, USMC, Figured Out that US Has Cyber All Wrong? BRAVO ZULU!

Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Military
Berto Jongman

Is the Defense Department’s entire vision of cybersecurity wrong?

“What if the way we’ve structured Cyber Command and our thinking about this space, what if it’s wrong?” Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, deputy commander of U.S. Cyber Command, said during a keynote presentation at the CyCon U.S. conference in Washington Nov. 14.

Cyber Command’s latest command vision states that adversaries are exploiting cyberspace on a daily basis for their own national interests below the threshold of armed conflict, and “in order to improve security and stability, we need a new approach.”

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Has General Vincent Stewart, USMC, Figured Out that US Has Cyber All Wrong? BRAVO ZULU!”

Steven Aftergood: Pentagon Secrecy Undermining National Security

Corruption, Idiocy, Military, Officers Call
Steven Aftergood


Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), the likely chair of the House Armed Services Committee in the next Congress, told congressional colleagues that enhancing national security transparency is among his top oversight priorities.

“Together, we have made strides on national security issues but much more must be done to conduct vigorous oversight of the Trump Administration and the Department of Defense,” he wrote in a November 8 letter to House Democrats, declaring his candidacy for HASC chairman.

“Specifically, we must look to eliminate inefficiency and waste at the DOD; boost oversight of sensitive military operations and ensure that the military works to avoid civilian casualties; protect our environmental laws nationwide; advance green technology in defense; take substantial steps to reduce America's overreliance on nuclear weapons; and promote greater transparency in national security matters,” he wrote.

Continue reading “Steven Aftergood: Pentagon Secrecy Undermining National Security”

Ed Jewett: Preliminary Evalutation of Thousand Island False Flag — DHS Campaign Against Veterans

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call

Tales of Iron Wars, or The Kill-The-Country Two-Step

Phi Beta Iota: the entire document is below in full text and also as a downloadable Word document. Bottom line: this was a false flag operation setting the stage for disarming veterans based on allegations of PTSD and medications. This needs to be stomped by President.

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: Preliminary Evalutation of Thousand Island False Flag — DHS Campaign Against Veterans”