Owl: CDC Whistleblower Reveals Massive US Government – Corporate — Media Complicity in Concealing Vaccine Cause of Autism — 340% Increased Risk Documented Long Ago — Lawsuits Planned Legions of Parents Anguished

06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Officers Call
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Major CDC Cover-up on Connection of Vaccines and Autism is About to Blow Open Like Mount Vesuvius

This story about a very big cover-up on the link between vaccines and autism committed by the CDC has been making the rounds on alternative media for the last ten days. The implications to be seen in this story so far are like the loud rumblings of a volcano about to blow. But if this volcano of a cover-up does blow open very soon into the mainstream, as is most likely – since alternative media outlets have reported on massive lawsuits being planned – given the connection, in this case to African-American children, this promises to rain down on the public a greater-than-ever-before awareness of corporatist-government collusion and corruption occurring on a massive, never-seen-before scale. Until now, the identity of the CDC whistle-blower was kept a secret, but his name is now out (highlights are mine):

Continue reading “Owl: CDC Whistleblower Reveals Massive US Government – Corporate — Media Complicity in Concealing Vaccine Cause of Autism — 340% Increased Risk Documented Long Ago — Lawsuits Planned Legions of Parents Anguished”

Eagle: Misery Index 2.0 – Real Unemployment, Real Income, Labor Share, Money Velocity (Charles Hugh Smith)

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

The New Misery Index

Charles Hugh Smith

The Status Quo is desperate to mask the declining fortunes of those who earn income from work, and the Misery Index 2.0 strips away the phony facade of bogus unemployment and inflation numbers.

The classic Misery Index is the sum of unemployment and inflation, though later variations have added interest rates and the relative shortfall or surplus of GDP growth.

Since the Status Quo figured out how to game unemployment and inflation to the point that these metrics are meaningless except as a meta-measure of centralized perception management, the Misery Index has lost its meaning as well.

I propose a Misery Index 2.0 of four less easily manipulated (and therefore more meaningful) metrics:

Continue reading “Eagle: Misery Index 2.0 – Real Unemployment, Real Income, Labor Share, Money Velocity (Charles Hugh Smith)”

Berto Jongman: 9/11 Crime of the Century – Richard Gage on Alex Jones Outlines Progress in Illuminating Truth for the Public

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Richard Gage item starts at 12:00

Phi Beta Iota: Richard Gage is an American hero, ten times more valuable than Edward Snowden, himself a hero, because Richard is taking on the entire architecture of false flag government by lies. As we like to observe, “the truth at any cost lowers all other costs.” The truth about the US Government must become known if We the People are to restore balance to the Republic and cease destroying the world.

See Also: Mini-Me: 9/11 Convergence + NEW Information + Comment by Robert Steele + List of Advance Warnings from Over 13 Countries

Eagle: Democracy is over: Americans have ‘near-zero’ impact on policy and laws; corporations dominate government actions

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Democracy is over: Americans have ‘near-zero' impact on policy and laws; corporations dominate government actions – NaturalNews.com

According to a startling new piece of research by a pair of political science professors, ordinary Americans have virtually no impact at all on the making of national policy. By contrast, reports The Hill, “The analysts found that rich individuals and business-controlled interest groups largely shape policy outcomes in the United States.”

Marcus Aurelius: No Boots on the Ground is a Mantra Not a Strategy Plus Steele to Hagel

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

‘No Boots on the Ground’ Is a Mantra, Not a Strategy

By Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, U.S. Army retired and
Lt. Gen. James M. Dubik, U.S. Army retired

Army Magazine, 15 August 2014

No political or military leader responsible for the lives of citizens who become soldiers ever wants to give the order to put American service members at risk. That desire is even more present after more than a decade of waging and fighting war. The decision to employ American forces should be based upon U.S. interests and an objective assessment of what kinds of forces are needed to achieve the outcome the nation’s interests require, not merely what its leaders desire. The U.S. sustains its military forces to defend itself and its interests. These forces exist to provide options for political leaders. The current “no boots on the ground” mantra is a policy, not a strategy; moreover, it is problematic from five important perspectives: strategically, operationally, institutionally, historically and morally.

Continue reading “Marcus Aurelius: No Boots on the Ground is a Mantra Not a Strategy Plus Steele to Hagel”

Steve Aftergood: Court Told No Fly List Guidance is “Objectionable and Evidence-Free”

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood


The plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging the use of the “no fly list” to bar a US citizen from boarding an aircraft said last week that he would introduce a leaked copy of the government's Watchlisting Guidance “to show just how objectionable and evidence-free Defendants' watch listing process is.”

The government said it did not acknowledge the authenticity of the leaked document, and that the case should be dismissed since the Attorney General had invoked the state secrets privilege concerning core issues that it raised.

Continue reading “Steve Aftergood: Court Told No Fly List Guidance is “Objectionable and Evidence-Free””

SchwartzReport: One Nation Under SWAT — Police Militarization and the Occupation of America

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Idiocy, Law Enforcement
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

The militarization of the police in the United States is a major sociological change in the way our country operates, as this report spells out very clearly. What concerns me as much as the war toys, is that the use of such equipment and the context in which it is used attracts exactly the wrong type of personality for law enforcement. It exerts a siren call to the bully, the thug, the s! hoot first and ask questions later type of individual. And, as Ferguson makes clear, that is exactly who signs up, and how they behave.

One Nation Under SWAT: How America’s Police Became an Occupying Force

Jason Westcott was afraid.

Read full article.