Lee Camp: Featuring Richard Wolff – Everything the Big Banks Don’t Want You to Know

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Offbeat Fun
Lee Camp
Lee Camp

MOC Show featuring RICHARD WOLFF: Everything The Big Banks Don't Want You To Know My New Video


Go here to turn the video into an MP3: http://us.onlinevideoconverter.com/

Keep fighting,


Berto Jongman: End of Net Neutrality? 1.3

Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

INTERNET: animation about the end of net neutrality

INTERNET: apocalypse?

INTERNET: Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications on net neutrality

INTERNET: goodbye net neutrality

INTERNET: net neutrality endangered

INTERNET: net neturality is not totally lost

INTERNET: possible implications of ending net neutrality (Sorcha Faal)

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Gregory Kulacki: DSB Off Point on Open Source Intelligence Reform + Strong Comment

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Military
Gregory Kulacki
Gregory Kulacki

Defense Science Board Off Point on Open Source Intelligence Reform

Gregory Kulacki

Union of Concerned Scientists, 28 January 2013

About the author: Gregory has lived and worked in China for the better part of the last twenty-five years facilitating exchanges between academic, governmental, and professional organizations in both countries. Since joining the Union of Concerned Scientists in 2002, he has focused on promoting and conducting dialog between Chinese and American experts on nuclear arms control and space security. His areas of expertise are Chinese foreign and security policy, Chinese space program, international arms control, cross-cultural communication. He received his Ph.D. in Political Theory from the University of Maryland, College Park in 1994.

Last week the Defense Science Board (DSB) released a report calling for reforms in the way the U.S. government monitors the development and proliferation of nuclear weapons programs around the world. The Board found there are “gaps” in the U.S. intelligence community’s “global nuclear monitoring” capabilities.  It argued that closing these gaps “should be a national priority.” The report recommended adopting “new tools for monitoring,”  including looking at “open and commercial sources” with “big data analysis.”

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Jim Dean: CNN & Amanpour – Lacking Integrity?

Corruption, Media
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean

Did CNN Knowingly Hype an Intel Psyop Atrocity Report?

Geneva II – CNN  throws  a  Curveball  Just  before  Summit

… by  Seth Ferris,  … with  New Eastern Outlook,  Moscow

[ Editor's note:  Corporpate media earned some new stripes in the past week for being in the bag 0f someone's  intelligence agency when they want to herd the rest of us like lemmings to the sea.

The attempt to tag Assad with an anonymous single source mega-atrocity is being laughed at worldwide.

Intelligence people are wondering how could CNN have been suckered into to this when they had to know that the story was just unbelievable.

Continue reading “Jim Dean: CNN & Amanpour – Lacking Integrity?”

Mini-Me: Is Google Stupid? Here’s The Plan — and the Phi Beta Iota Alternative

Commerce, Corruption, Idiocy, IO Impotency
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Google’s Grand Plan to Make Your Brain Irrelevant

Google is on a shopping spree, buying startup after startup to push its business into the future. But these companies don’t run web services or sell ads or build smartphone software or dabble in other things that Google is best known for. The web’s most powerful company is filling its shopping cart with artificial intelligence algorithms, robots, and smart gadgets for the home. It’s on a mission to build an enormous digital brain that operates as much like the human mind as possible — and, in many ways, even better.

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Yoda: The NSA’s Losing Argument

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Military
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

The NSA’s Losing Argument

The Editors, Bloomberg, 26 January 2014

Of the many questions that still surround the National Security Agency’s vast global spying operations, one seems especially pertinent: Do they actually work? That is, have they helped to prevent terrorist attacks against Americans?

In the case of the NSA’s phone-data program — in which the agency vacuums up information about essentially every call made by Americans — it’s getting harder and harder for the government to answer yes. The latest evidence comes from a report last week by the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, an independent federal agency established on the recommendation of the Sept. 11 Commission to balance the right to liberty against the need to prevent terrorism.

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SchwartzReport: NSA Is Making Us All Less Safe

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Military
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

People who are truly knowledgeable about IT are appalled about what the NSA is doing and, as this report shows, they are speaking out.

Open Letter From Top U.S. Computer Security Experts Slams NSA Spying As Destroying Security

The NSA Is Making Us All Less Safe

An open letter today from a large group of professors – top US computer security and cryptography researchers – slams the damage to ecurity caused by NSA spying:

Inserting backdoors, sabotaging standards, and tapping commercial data-center links provide bad actors, foreign and domestic, opportunities to exploit the resulting vulnerabilities.

The value of society-wide surveillance in preventing terrorism is unclear, but the threat that such surveillance poses to privacy, democracy, and the US technology sector is readily apparent.

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: NSA Is Making Us All Less Safe”