Mini-Me: Dr. Steve Pieczenik on War in Middle East from 25 September 2012 – Jim Fetzer Reports Plus Interview & Links

02 Diplomacy, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
Who? Mini-Me?


Steve Pieczenik: World War III starts 25 September 2012

by Jim Fetzer

Veterans Today, 21 September 2012

Dr. Steve Pieczenik, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in three administrations, who earned his Ph.D. at MIT, has revealed that he has been told by a high-ranking general–whom I believe to have been Gen. Richard Myers–that 9/11 was a “false flag” attack, which was done by the government in order to arouse the American people to support wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq. On Alex Jones, he has now asserted that Israel is going to attack Iran on Yom Kippur, which begins on Tuesday, 25 September 2011 (sic). He insists that Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu are at odds over this, where Obama and the Pentagon are opposed to any such attack. I think Pieczenik is very honest and has run risks by revealing that he was told it had been a “false flag” operation to induce the public to support wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I wish that I could believe that the US “won’t be drawn into another unpopular war”. Given the coming November presidential elections, however, where a new war in the Middle East would be overwhelmingly unpopular with the American public, Obama needs plausible deniability, which means that it must appear to the public as though this engagement was initiated by Iran, where the most likely scenario has an Israeli sub torpedo the USS Enterprise, our first nuclear-powered carrier, and blame it on Iran. This would not be the first example of monumental hypocisy by Obama.

Read full article and direct interview.

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Marcus Aurelius: CIA Scrambles to Rush Spies and Drones to Libya – Makes Budget Increase Play on the Side

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Marcus Aurelius

More of the same — never mind that the event is over and CIA has nothing serious to contribute.

U.S. Scrambles To Rush Spies, Drones To Libya, September 15, 2012

By Kimberly Dozier, Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The U.S. is sending more spies, Marines and drones to Libya, trying to speed the search for those who killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, but the investigation is complicated by a chaotic security picture in the post-revolutionary country and limited American and Libyan intelligence resources.

The CIA has fewer people available to send, stretched thin from tracking conflicts across the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Much of the team dispatched to Libya during the revolution had been sent onward to the Syrian border, U.S. officials say.

And the Libyans have barely re-established full control of their country, much less rebuilt their intelligence service, less than a year after the overthrow of dictator Moammar Gadhafi.

The U.S. has already deployed an FBI investigation team, trying to track al-Qaida sympathizers thought to be responsible for turning a demonstration over an anti-Islamic video into a violent, coordinated militant attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

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Josh Kilbourn: “Some Kind of Bizarre Intelligence Operation” Says Actor in Sam Basile Anti-Muhammad Video “Innocence of Muslims”

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Knowledge, Law Enforcement, Military, Politics
Josh Kilbourn

The headline quote is a from a participant in the movie!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Nakoula made a notorious anti-Islam film — yet he had worked for an Islamic terrorist

I ask readers to pay special attention to the Eiad Salameh connection, which nails the theory that Nakoula worked for spooks…

Additional added note: Or does it? I've recently received information that places the Nakoula/Salameh linkage in a new light. The claim that Eiad Salameh is a PLO terrorist comes from his cousin Walid — whom some people (including Chris Hedges) have labeled a serial hoaxer. Walid, like so many of the players in this drama, hails from what we may call the “Pam Geller ring.” His accusations against Hilarion Cappucci — an aged Greek Orthodox cleric — appear to be spurious.

Still, I have received convincing evidence that Eiad is indeed a crook.

If you're confused — well, read what follows, and the context should become clear.

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NIGHTWATCH: Silence of the Diplomatic Gerbils, Failure of US Intelligence & USMC

Government, Idiocy, Military

Libya:Multiple sources have reported more details on the events that led to the death of Ambassador Stephens. The details suggest this was another case of well-intentioned but misguided hubris by Americans, as to their own safety, and well-aimed and well- targeted attacks by the Muslim attackers. This appears, in fact, to have been a deliberate assassination of an effective diplomat, within the cover of an anti-US demonstration in Benghazi.The reporting indicates that the number of fundamental US security and intelligence lapses, blunders and examples of ineptitude make the efforts of Libyan security and of a local, loyal militia force to protect the US Consulate look heroic by comparison.

Comment: The State Department admitted that the Ambassador and an information management officer – an ex-US Air Force veteran – were killed. Foreign media reported two US Marines also were killed.

The website for gateway pundit carries video images of US Ambassador Stevens' body being dragged through the streets of Benghazi by his Muslims miscreant murderers. All mainstream US media failed to report that the Muslim miscreants not only killed the US ambassador, they defiled his body.

Note to analysts: It is important for intelligence analysts to never forget that the fundamental purpose of US intelligence, as stated in the legislative history of the US National Security Act of 1947, is to keep the US, its persons, property and its interests safe. Yesterday, US intelligence apparently did none of them.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: Silence of the Diplomatic Gerbils, Failure of US Intelligence & USMC”

Chuck Spinney: Smart Iranians, Neutral Americans, Fearful Jews, Idiot Zionists….

Corruption, Ethics, Government, Idiocy
Chuck Spinney

The hysteria coming out of Israel regarding the need to attack Iran raises a question  of whether or not Netanyahu is overplaying his hand.  Perhaps he is serious. Perhaps he is bluffing in the hope that he can squeeze a huge increase in the annual US aid budget to Israel; perhaps he thinks he can exert enough influence to tip the election in favor of  Romney.  But if he thinks he can force Obama and the United States into attacking Iran, he is playing a dangerous game that could easily backfire.  Mr. Obama is not rising to the bait.  Moreover, Netanyahu's odious attempt to manipulate the United States' election process borders on the obscene, and my guess is that Americans, especially independents, are beginning to notice.  Netanyahu may be setting himself (and Israel) up for a kind of blowback. Coincidentally or not, Romney's obsequious trip to Israel to harvest Jewish support at home was a public relations bust. Against this background, one wonders what the Iranians are making of this bluster and bombast.  Attached is an opinion piece written by an Iranian for the American Iranian Council, an organization dedicated to  improving US-Iranian relations.  CS

Will Israel attack Iran?

By Shahir ShahidSaless, American Iranian Council

By AIC News – Posted on August 17th, 2012

Israeli threats of an imminent attack against Iran make headlines almost daily. Israel’s media also reflect the latest developments in this respect in a significant fashion. According to Time, “the front pages of the four main Israeli dailies last Friday [August 10] reflected what appeared to be a concerted campaign to create the impression that Israel is preparing itself to start a hot war with Iran sometime over the next 12 weeks.” In an interview with Israeli TV, former Mossad chief Efraim Halevi also said if he were Iranian, he “would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks.”

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Smart Iranians, Neutral Americans, Fearful Jews, Idiot Zionists….”

Owl: Made in Japan Radioactive, Unsafe, Moving Toward Lethal

Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Economics/True Cost, Government, Idiocy, Knowledge, Politics
Who? Who?

The data in this article is phenomenal – it shows tables of information containing test results for radioactivity in major foodstuffs in Japan, and it shows virtually all of it is contaminated beyond safe levels!

Don't Buy Anything Made in Japan!

“The Japanese people are beset by a food chain that has been thoroughly compromised by radioactive cesium. As a result, there is no longer any public confidence in the integrity of Japan’s food inspection system. Almost all edibles tested in Japan contain radioactive cesium, and it has now been verified that shiitake mushrooms in Miyoshi City, Hiroshima Prefecture have tested above the statutory limit for radioactive cesium. Thus, radioactive cesium has now spread far beyond Fukushima Prefecture. Like the HIV-tainted blood scandal of the 1980’s, Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has once again been blindsided due to the lack of a proactive plan…There is now virtually continuous testing of edibles in many prefectures of Japan, and more than 2,300 samples (as of August 2, 2012) have tested over the statutory limits for radioactive iodine and/or cesium. Radioactive cesium is also now being detected in food products manufactured in Japan. Therefore, there is extreme concern about short selling of food sector equities listed on Japanese stock exchanges.

Fukushima. Radiactive Cesium Contamination of Japan's Food Chain.
Almost all edibles contain radioactive cesium. Rivers and lakes are contaminated

One wonders what else besides food is contaminated. Do automobiles, electronics (TVs, laptops, etc.) – which are exported to the US and elsewhere – have dangerous radioactive residues? What will happen if this is the case, and the rest of the world refuses to buy Japanese products and foodstuffs? It would collapse the Japanese economy, leading to possibly incalculable world-wide economic repercussions. Such a possibility or probability is the likely reason why the Japanese government has lied about the truly dire nature of the situation in Japan. In light of this, it seems the worst-case scenario of the entire Japanese population abandoning the island and moving elsewhere – China? or eastern Russia? – becomes much more likely.


Marcus Aurelius: Understanding Amateurs at the White House with Comment by Robert Steele as Posted at Foreign Policy

Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Knowledge, Politics
Marcus Aurelius, August 2, 2012

Thought Cloud

The real problem with the civilian-military gap.

By Rosa Brooks

One of the biggest misunderstandings about the civilian-military gap is that it is cultural — the national security version of the red state-blue state divide.

But the distance between those in and out of uniform isn't fundamentally a matter of Texas vs. Massachusetts or NASCAR vs. Wimbledon. At the most basic level, it encompasses deeply different understandings of how we think — how we plan, how we evaluate risk, even how we define problems in the first place. Ironically, the one place where the gap should be the most avoidable is the place where its effects are the most pernicious: Washington.

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