Dan Shultz: President Being Betrayed by GOP, Here Is The Fix

Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Non-Governmental

I kept seeing references to Parscale’s Ferrari, so I DuckDuckGo-ed it.  Found this:

Win Or Lose, Trump’s Top Campaign Aides Are Raking In The Cash

So, the question I would pose to President Trump, if I could get face-to-face with him, would be this:

Continue reading “Dan Shultz: President Being Betrayed by GOP, Here Is The Fix”

Robert Steele: Is Brad Parscale Going to Betray Donald Trump?

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Idiocy, Peace Intelligence

The absence of professional intelligence and counterintelligence officers on Team Trump continues to cause me concern.  It should have been a huge red flag when over a hundred thousand people signed up for 19,000 seats, and most of them did not have legitimate addresses in the Tulsa, Oklahoma or adjacent states area.

TikTok Teens and K-Pop Stans Say They Sank Trump Rally

There are multiple available applications for verifying the legitimacy of individuals, and it appears that Team Trump knows of none of them. Which leads to my second concern: Brad Parscale's new communications system.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Is Brad Parscale Going to Betray Donald Trump?”