Marcus Aurelius: US Pacific Fleet N-2 (Intelligence Boss) Relieved Under White House Pressure for Speaking Openly About Chinese Military Plans and Activities

Ineptitude, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

In this age of the daily indiscretion, a relatively senior naval intelligence officer has been openly relieved of duty. He said, orally and in writing, things that conflicted with Administration's views. Two articles follow:

First from Navy Times, a summary that says he was relieved, that he said things that SECDEF, CNO, and CSA either disagreed with or new nothing about, and that his relief may have been predicated on mishandling classified info and running a negative command climate.

Second article, from Real Clear Defense and written by a contractor, says that he was telling the truth, and used only UNCLASSIFIED open sources.

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Stephen E. Arnold: Does Amazon Lack Integrity? Where is Due Diligence on Authorship (Including Kindle Spam Fraud Books from Pakistan and India)?

Commerce, Corruption, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Amazon: Not Right for Some Authors

I wanted to call this write up Godforsaken ID. But you might plug in the letter “C” or you might not. I suggest you track down a dead tree edition of the still dog paddling New York Times. Check out the business section and look for the Google pleasing headline “Prominent Editor’s Exit a Setback for Amazon Publishing Unit.” I quite like the juxtaposition of prominent, setback, and everyone’s favorite online WalMart.” You may be able to view a version of the story at this link, but I make no promises in this money oriented era.)

The write up has a great quote or two.

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Berto Jongman: CDC Removes Web Documents Demonstrating Its Ignorance

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

BREAKING: CDC Removes Documents Unearthed On YourNewsWire

The Huffington Post reports in an article entitled “CDC Removed Info On Coughing And Sneezing From Ebola Q&A (UPDATE):  “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has quietly removed some Ebola information from its website. The changes follow claims from news outlets and conservative blogs that the agency hasn’t been forthcoming about how the virus spreads, but it was not clear on Thursday afternoon whether the removal was related to the reports. – See more at:

Jean Lievens: Nationalize Amazon & Google? Absolutely NOT — Let Them Both Die.

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Let’s nationalize Amazon and Google: Publicly funded technology built Big Tech

They're huge and ruthless and define our lives. They're close to monopolies. Let's make them public utilities


Broadband as a public utility? If not for corporate corruption of our political process, that would seem like an obvious solution. Instead, our nation’s wireless access is the slowest and costliest in the world.

Continue reading “Jean Lievens: Nationalize Amazon & Google? Absolutely NOT — Let Them Both Die.”

Berto Jongman: Ebola Airborne?

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Infectious Disease Experts Argue: ‘Ebola Virus Could Be an Aerosol-Transmissable Disease’

Healthcare workers should be equipped with air-purifying respirators because “patients and procedures generate aerosols, and Ebola virus remains viable in aerosols for up to 90 minutes,” they noted.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Ebola Airborne?”

Steven Aftergood: Defense Intelligence Expands — PBI: Spending More While Doing Less

Ineptitude, Military
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood

Defense Intelligence Mission Expands

On October 24, the Pentagon issued an updated version of DoD Directive 5143.01 defining the role of the Under Secretary of Defense (Intelligence), the Department’s principal intelligence advisor and manager of military intelligence programs.

The new directive is about 30% longer than the 2005 version that it replaces.

Continue reading “Steven Aftergood: Defense Intelligence Expands — PBI: Spending More While Doing Less”

Musa Tuzuner: Insights of Intelligence Insiders on (Non-) Sharing Intelligence Behaviors

Cultural Intelligence, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Musa Tuzuner
Musa Tuzuner

Insights of Intelligence Insiders on (Non-) Sharing Intelligence

Musa Tuzuner, Ph.D
Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research, Ankara, Turkey

This study surveys the Turkish intelligence community's (non-) sharing intelligence behavior. The factors affecting failures to share intelligence and now to increase intelligence sharing practices are examined based on the views of Turkish intelligence insiders. These insiders' views reveal that the complexity of bureaucratic structures, lack of trust, compartmentalization, power, egoism, fear, information groupings, lack of reciprocity and lack of feedback are the causes for non-sharing of intelligence. Policy solutions for shifting from non-sharing toward sharing behaviors is discussed in a new framework including respective government willingness, enhancing capacity of intelligence collection, building intelligence aquariums, creating rules for establishing new intelligence sharing, opening up communications channels, training, and support for sharing culture. This framework argues that policy change should start first at the agency level, then at the community level and finally at the international level.

PDF (16 Pages): Turkish Intelligence Non-Sharing Behavior