DefDog: What Will Not Recover: Government

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude

What Will Not Recover: Government

Jeffrey A. Tucker

American Institute for Economic Research

So where does the public stand now on lockdowns? It’s not easy to find reliable polls. We do know that 3 in 4 Americans are willing to tell pollsters that the country is headed in the wrong direction.

In the long run, governments need to seek the consent of the governed. They can rule through police powers only in the event of panic. It works for a while. But when people start thinking normally again, the scale of what has happened will dawn on people. Then there could be hell to pay.

Read full article.

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Version 2 — Be Very Afraid

Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency

Google Version 2: The Calculating Predator is the public version of a series of reports prepared for clients in 2005 and 2007.

The topics covered in the monograph, published by a now defunct
publishing company, included an a review of Google's database technology Bigtable which remains today the core data management system after more than 15 years since its invention, Google's artificial intelligence activities, a review of Google's video technology, its programmable search engine (a system likely to be of interest in upcoming government investigations of the company), and technologies enabling Google's “walled garden.”

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Google Version 2 — Be Very Afraid”

Mongoose: 500 Doctors Declare Lockdown to be a Mass Casualty Event Vastly Worse Than the Fake Pandemic

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude

Dear Mr. President:

Thousands of physicians in all specialties and from all States would like to express our gratitude for your leadership. We write to you today to express our alarm over the exponentially growing negative health consequences of the national shutdown.

In medical terms, the shutdown was (sic — and remains) a mass casualty accident.

Read full letter with 500 signatures

Dan Shultz: President Being Betrayed by GOP, Here Is The Fix

Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Non-Governmental

I kept seeing references to Parscale’s Ferrari, so I DuckDuckGo-ed it.  Found this:

Win Or Lose, Trump’s Top Campaign Aides Are Raking In The Cash

So, the question I would pose to President Trump, if I could get face-to-face with him, would be this:

Continue reading “Dan Shultz: President Being Betrayed by GOP, Here Is The Fix”

Robert Steele: OSINT Garbage — Pure Scam Plays

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude

CIA and DoD have done a fine job of killing the OSINT baby and posturing over its digital entrails all these years.  The below market report sums up the state of this cesspool — all crap.  Digital scams spending money on a tiny fraction of the information because — like the drunk looking for the car keys under the light — that's the easy pickings. No HUMINT; no holistic analytics, no true cost economics.  Just crap.  Expensive crap.  BAE should have been in the headline, they are the poster child for super-expensive worthless crap.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Market Top Key Players 2020 are Palantir Technologies, Expert System, Exalead Dassault Systemes, Thales Group, Cybelangel