Marcus Aurelius: How a Single Contractor Spy Turned Pakistani Majority Against the USA

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

New York Times, April 9, 2013

How a Single Spy Helped Turn Pakistan Against the United States


The burly American was escorted by Pakistani policemen into a crowded interrogation room. Amid a clatter of ringing mobile phones and cross talk among the cops speaking a mishmash of Urdu, Punjabi and English, the investigator tried to decipher the facts of the case.

“America, you from America?”


“You’re from America, and you belong to the American Embassy?”

“Yes,” the American voice said loudly above the chatter. “My passport — at the site I showed the police officer. . . . It’s somewhere. It’s lost.”

On the jumpy video footage of the interrogation, he reached beneath his checkered flannel shirt and produced a jumble of identification badges hanging around his neck. “This is an old badge. This is Islamabad.” He showed the badge to the man across the desk and then flipped to a more recent one proving his employment in the American Consulate in Lahore.

“You are working at the consulate general in Lahore?” the policeman asked.


“As a . . . ?”

“I, I just work as a consultant there.”

“Consultant?” The man behind the desk paused for a moment and then shot a question in Urdu to another policeman. “And what’s the name?”

“Raymond Davis,” the officer responded.

“Raymond Davis,” the American confirmed. “Can I sit down?”

“Please do. Give you water?” the officer asked.

“Do you have a bottle? A bottle of water?” Davis asked.

Another officer in the room laughed. “You want water?” he asked. “No money, no water.”

Another policeman walked into the room and asked for an update. “Is he understanding everything? And he just killed two men?”

Hours earlier, Davis had been navigating dense traffic in Lahore, his thick frame wedged into the driver’s seat of a white Honda Civic. A city once ruled by Mughals, Sikhs and the British, Lahore is Pakistan’s cultural and intellectual capital, and for nearly a decade it had been on the fringes of America’s secret war in Pakistan. But the map of Islamic militancy inside Pakistan had been redrawn in recent years, and factions that once had little contact with one another had cemented new alliances in response to the C.I.A.’s drone campaign in the western mountains. Groups that had focused most of their energies dreaming up bloody attacks against India were now aligning themselves closer to Al Qaeda and other organizations with a thirst for global jihad. Some of these groups had deep roots in Lahore, which was why Davis and a C.I.A. team set up operations from a safe house in the city.

But now Davis was sitting in a Lahore police station, having shot two young men who approached his car on a black motorcycle, their guns drawn, at an intersection congested with cars, bicycles and rickshaws. Davis took his semiautomatic Glock pistol and shot through the windshield, shattering the glass and hitting one of the men numerous times. As the other man fled, Davis got out of his car and shot several rounds into his back.

He radioed the American Consulate for help, and within minutes a Toyota Land Cruiser was in sight, careering in the wrong direction down a one-way street. But the S.U.V. struck and killed a young Pakistani motorcyclist and then drove away. An assortment of bizarre paraphernalia was found, including a black mask, approximately 100 bullets and a piece of cloth bearing an American flag. The camera inside Davis’s car contained photos of Pakistani military installations, taken surreptitiously.

Read full article.

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Mini-Me: Guantanamo & New York — Two Sides of Criminal Insanity

04 Education, 11 Society, Academia, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Military
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Detainees, U.S. guards clash at Guantanamo Bay

Carlos Warner, a U.S. lawyer representing some of those detainees, told CNN late last month detainees have become increasingly frustrated with “very dire, dire conditions” and their sense that the current legal process leaves them in limbo indefinitely.

“It leaves them with the prospect of the only way we leave Guantanamo is death,” Warner said. “Unfortunately, I think the men are ready to embrace this.”

Read more.

Students Told to Take Viewpoint of the Nazis

“Your essay must be five paragraphs long, with an introduction, three body paragraphs containing your strongest arguments, and a conclusion,” the assignment read. “You do not have a choice in your position: you must argue that Jews are evil, and use solid rationale from government propaganda to convince me of your loyalty to the Third Reich!”

Read more.

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DefDog: The Technology of Political Control — Hardware, Software, & Liveware

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military

An interesting article….

Turkish Central News

The technology of political control is made up of hardware, software,and liveware

As a people, we are facing the most serious threat to humanity in recorded history – the systematic stripping away of traditional freedoms by governments worldwide. And that includes all governments.   It is a situation far more serious than the plagues of the Middle Ages that nearly wiped us out as a species. It is a threat never before seen in ten thousand years of human history.

A question of control

A number of separate threats have recently converged. An extremely dangerous situation has been created. Governments have been given the opportunity – and the means – to permanently wrest control from their populations. Bureaucrats are about to realize their dream of absolute power. It is a nightmare far worse than anything George Orwell might have imagined.

Technology is providing the tools to government. We are now at a point in human evolution where your government – if it so chooses – can control every aspect of your life from cradle to grave.
We face three separate threats. Together these threats combine to give government a stranglehold on our civil liberties – a death grip on our traditional freedoms.

Threat #1 – Computers have taken over surveillance.  Surveillance is now automated. Entire populations can be supervised and monitored in real time. Half your life, including your last credit card purchase, is already on a database. Computers eavesdrop on all electronic and telephone communications using word-recognition and voice-recognition software. Video cameras are everywhere – inside and outside – they can recognize vehicle license plates and even human faces. And all this information, all these databases, are cross-referenced and tied together – by computers. Taken together, it’s called dataveillance. It makes it easy to track certain classes of people. Like minorities. Or dissidents. Or grassroots political movements. Or anyone who dares think for himself.

Threat #2 – Militarization has taken over the police.  The cops are now using some very nasty weapons. Half the stuff they use is prohibited by the Geneva Convention and the Hague Declaration. The government can’t use it in war, buttheir own population is fair game. Modern police technology gives a whole new meaning to crowd control – they use sticky foam laced with chemical irritants. It gives a whole new meaning to interrogation – they use new mark-free interrogation tools. And new friendlier, more humane weapons like plastic bullets, pepper gas, and stun guns – that still maim, scalp, burn, mutilate, and kill.

Threat #3 – Big business has taken over proliferation.  Any government bureaucrat can buy this stuff.   Most of these high-tech gadgets are dual-use. You can use them for benign things like traffic control – or nasty things like people control. Private companies are reaping huge profits manufacturing and exporting this nightmarish technology. Research and development has gone berserk. Who cares about trivial things like human rights when there’s a buck to be made? Heck, if anyone complains just order the $100,000mobile execution vehicle – it comes complete with lethal injection machine, steel holding cell, and areas for “witnesses” and “staff”.

Read full article.

Steve Aftergood: 2014 US Intelligence Community Budget $62.8 Billion

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood

Intelligence Budget Requests for 2014 Disclosed

Some $4 billion is being cut from the National Intelligence Program this year as a result of sequestration, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told the House Intelligence Committee at a hearing today. He said that the consequences will be severe. Acquisition programs will be “wounded,” ongoing programs will have to be curtailed, and the ensuing degradation of intelligence capabilities will be “insidious” with unforeseeable effects, he said.

Meanwhile, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence disclosed yesterday that the FY 2014 budget request for the National Intelligence Program (NIP) is $48.2 billion.  However, this figure excludes the pending funding request for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO), so it cannot be directly compared to previous budget allocations, such as the $53.9 billion that was appropriated in FY 2012, or the $52.6 billion that was requested for FY 2013. A summary of the FY 2014 budget request is here.

The Secretary of Defense also disclosed the FY 2014 budget request for the Military Intelligence Program (MIP) yesterday, which was $14.6 billion. It also did not include the funding request for Overseas Contingency Operations.  This is a slight decline from the $14.7 billion base request for the MIP last year.  (An additional $4.5 billion was known to have been requested for OCO in the past fiscal year.)

Total intelligence spending (NIP plus MIP) peaked in Fiscal Year 2010, and has been on a downward slope since then. Intelligence budget disclosures from the last several years are tabulated here.

The NIP intelligence budget request was publicly disclosed for the first time in February 2011, in response to a requirement enacted by Congress in the FY 2010 intelligence authorization act. The MIP intelligence budget request was disclosed for the first time in February 2012, even though there was no specific statutory requirement to do so.

2012 53.9 billion 21.5 billion 75.4 billion
2011 54.6 billion 24 billion 78.6 billion
2010 53.1 billion 27 billion 80.1 billion
2009 49.8 billion 26.4 billion 76.2 billion
2008 47.5 billion 22.9 billion 70.4 billion
2007 43.5 billion 20 billion 63.5 billion

Phi Beta Iota: With Special Operations now playing a greater intelligence role, one could argue that both the black and the green budgets should be considered together to get a true total of US Government secret and covert operations — and of course that is only what is on the books, not all the stuff funded by Saudi Arabia, indirectly via Israel, and other third party players.  The “priorities” in the highlights are vapor — and reaffirm that the US IC is not at all interested in actually producing decision support for Whole of Government planning, programming, budgeting, and execution (PPBS/E).

Gold Transformer: US Secretly Deploys B-1 Strategic Bombers, E-6 “Doomsday” Planes Near North Korea

02 Diplomacy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
Gold Transformer
Gold Transformer

US Secretly Deploys B-1 Strategic Bombers, E-6 “Doomsday” Planes Near North Korea

First the US fanfared the placement of two F-22 Raptors in the Osan airbase of South Korea. Then it demonstratively launched a B-2 stealth bomber on a training mission over a South Korean gunnery range. Then it deployed an anti-ballistic missile defense system to Guam and positioned two guided-missile destroyers in the waters near Korea. And now, courtesy of the Aviationist, we learn that the Pentagon has escalated once more in an ongoing cat and mouse game with North Korea, of who blinks first, and dispatched several B-1 (“Bone”) Lancer strategic long-range bombers to Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. What is different this time, however, is that unlike the previous very public and widely trumpeted reciprocal escalation steps, this particular deployment has been kept secret from the public (at least the broader public), “a fact that could be the sign that the U.S. is not only making symbolic moves (as the above mentioned ones), but it is preparing for the worst scenario: an attack on North Korea.”

. . . . . .

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Finally, and most disturbing, is that another aircraft also in the process of deployment is none other than the E-6 Mercury “Doomsday” plane, which are among the pinnacle in US Airforce nuclear war preparedness, tasked with “providing command and control of U.S. nuclear forces should ground-based control become inoperable” and whose core functions include conveying instructions from the National Command Authority to fleet ballistic missile submarines and also to further command post capabilities and control of land-based missiles and nuclear-armed bombers.

You can read more about the military air activity recently monitored by Steve Douglass in an extremely interesting article he posted on his blog that not only summarize the contents of the messages he sent to The Aviationist, but provides some more details about the alleged overseas deployment of E-6 Mercury “doomsday” planes from Tinker AFB, Oklahoma.

Perhaps to Kim Jong-un the military escalation to nuclear war is only one big joke, but to the US it is increasingly appearing very serious. And perhaps this is precisely what the Pentagon wanted all along?

Mongoose: Papa Bush, CIA, Oil, LBJ, and the Assassination of JFK — Best Summary with Links

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call

I don't read much but this has a very strong feeling of authenticity — certainly enough to warrant a Truth & Reconciation Commission before Papa Bush dies.    The photos and graphics in this account, two included below, are best I have seen.

Did George H.W. Bush Coordinate a JFK Hit Team?

by Richard Hooke (with Jim Fetzer)

Veterans Today, 30 March 2013

This is not the first time and surely will not be the last that George H.W. Bush, former Director of the CIA and the 41st President of the United States, has been implicated in the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our 35th president.  In an earlier study, for example, “Was George H.W. Bush involved in the assassination of JFK?”, John Hankey and I both address this question, where he provides a great deal of evidence supporting a role for GHWB in the Dealey Plaza turkey shoot. In this new study, Richard Hooke substantiates that claim and advances additional proof of his own.  I believe that they are right.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Papa Bush, CIA, Oil, LBJ, and the Assassination of JFK — Best Summary with Links”

Mini-Me: Peeling the Syrian Onion

Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Media, Peace Intelligence
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Tip of the hat to PhD student Junichi Hiramatsu at linked in for the leads.

2013-03-30  WARNING: “Final” Psy-Op Vs. Syria Begins

Out of time, out of legitimacy, and out of options, the West is attempting once again to prop up its faltering terrorist proxies with another psychological operation aimed at breaking the will of the Syrian people, despite the West’s multiplying tactical and political shortcomings.

2013-03-29  Russian President orders Surprise Black Sea Naval Exercise as Diplomatic Ties to West keep Deteriorating

The only thing that could be added to Lukyanov´s statement is, that the Russian Bear probably would be sleeping peacefully in his den if it was not for the fact, that “someone” keeps financing backward Wahhabi mercenary forces, waging a war by proxy, violating all main tenets of international law, and dancing other fatal dances in what the bear perceives as his den.

2013-03-30  International Media and Governments, including Russia, Cover-Up True Reasons for Korea Crisis

Rather than adopting the Chinese model, the DPRK is working on emulating the Vietnamese model for developing a modern market economy and in close cooperation with German advisers. In his new years speech, Kim Yong-Un explained, that the DPRK would open its economy for Asian as well as European partners, including South Korea, Japan and Germany.

2013-03-21  Ben Affleck could be hanged for war crimes: US intelligence expert

In a radio interview Tuesday on the Kevin Barrett Show, Honegger stated that filmmaker Ben Affleck might one day be hanged for war crimes and treason – not only for Argo, which she said is designed to pave the road to war on Iran, but also for his role in the 2001 film Pearl Harbor, an earlier intelligence operation designed to pave the road to the 9/11 “New Pearl Harbor.” According to Honegger, Affleck – like his character in Argo – appears to be a covert operator posing as a filmmaker.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Peeling the Syrian Onion”