Penguin: USS Liberty Messages Declassified by NSA

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
Who, Me?

U.S.S. Liberty Messages

  1. Situation Following Air Attack, 08 Jun 1967
  2. USS LIBERTY Orbited by Jet Fighters, 08 Jun 1967
  3. SIGINT Advisory, 02 Jun 1967
  4. Temporary Repairs Made to TRSSCOMM Hydraulic System, 02 Jun 1967
  5. SITREP Number One AN/SRC-33 (XN-1) System, 02 Jun 1967
  6. USS Liberty, 02 Jun 1967
  7. SIGINT Advisory, 02 Jun 1967
  8. USN 855 NSG PUR 2 Jun 67, 3 Jun 1967
  9. USN 855 Informal Technical Summary for 02 June 1967, 03 Jun 1967
  10. MED OPS, 03 Jun 1967
  11. USN 855 Tasking for MED, 03 Jun 1967
  12. SIGINT Advisory, 03 Jun 1967
  13. USN 855 Tasking Message, 04 Jun 1967
  14. Special Arabic Material, 05 Jun 1967
  15. On Call Circuit, 05 Jun 1967
  16. SITREP/POSIT, 05 Jun 1967
  17. Reporting During Current Crisis, 05 Jun 1967
  18. SIGINT Advisory, 06 Jun 1967
  19. SITREP/POSIT, 06 Jun 1967
  20. USS Liberty Operational Control, 06 Jun 1967
  21. USS Liberty Attack, 08 Jun 1967
  22. RPS Acct 18137, 08 Jun 1967
  23. Personnel CASREPT, 08 Jun 1967
  24. List of Dead and Missing, 09 Jun 1967
  25. Possible Compromise of USN-855 SIGINT Material, 09 Jun 1967
  26. List of Missing Persons, 09 Jun 1967
  27. PERS CASREPT, 09 Jun 1967
  28. U.S.S. Liberty Torpedo Hit Area, 09 Jun 1967
  29. Status of Remains, 15 Jun 1967
  30. USS Liberty Press Conference, 29 Jun 1967
  31. Visit of Rep T. P. O'Neal (D-MASS), 03 Jul 1967
  32. Classified Material Accountability, 02 Aug 1967
  33. Research Space SITREP, 11 Jun 1967
  34. SITREP Research Spaces, 09 Jun 1967
  35. USS Liberty MOVREP, 06 Jun 1967
  36. USS Liberty SITREP/Position, 08 Jun 1967
  37. USS Liberty MOVREP, 02 Jun 1967


See Also:

The Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel's Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship

Penguin: DepSecDef in His Own Words…

10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
Who, Me?
The hampsters' cheeks are bulging.

               Thank you, Tom, for that introduction.  It was almost exactly a year ago today that my former boss, Secretary Gates, spoke to you on the eve of his departure as Secretary of Defense.  In looking back on his tenure as Secretary, he chose to highlight two major themes.   The first was his effort to turn the tide in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He spoke to you about his laser-like focus on delivering urgent battlefield needs to the warfighter in Iraq and Afghanistan.  When Secretary Gates first hired me in 2009, he told me that the “country’s at war, Ash, but the Pentagon is not.”  My job, he explained, was to help him get the Pentagon onto a war footing, especially in acquisition technology and logistics, the part that I was about to take over.

And that has been my focus as well as his, first as AT&L and now as Deputy Secretary of Defense. Under his leadership, we set up a fast lane to get urgent requirements onto the battlefield unhindered by the bureaucracy. We needed better persistent ISR, he said, as did General Petraeus, General Mattis, General McChrystal, General Austin, General Allen.  So we worked hard to deliver capabilities like Aerostats with wide-area lenses, and more UAVs, including small UAVs that could be operated by a patrol along their line of march.

Read full transcript including Q&A.

Phi Beta Iota:  We do not make this stuff up.  The gap between the party line as set forth in this speech, and reality, could not be greater.

See Also:

Winslow Wheeler: ONE COLONEL TELLS THE TRUTH – Major Investigation Called For + Meta-RECAP

Mini-Me: AE911Truth LA Press Conference w/ Ed Asner at Premiere of 9/11: Experts Speak Out; 5-22-12

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
Who? Mini-Me?


AE911Truth LA Press Conference w/ Ed Asner at Premiere of 9/11: Experts Speak Out; 5-22-12

This is the major press conference that AE911Truth held at the occasion of the World Premiere of their powerful myth-shattering documentary “9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out” on May 22, 2012 in Beverly Hills, CA. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth founder, Richard Gage, AIA and AE911Truth supporter and actor, Ed Asner, teamed up to lay into the media in an effort to hold them accountable for their 10-year silence on the subject of the abundant scientific evidence and eyewitness testimony that pulls the rug from under the official story of the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11. This new documentary, introduced by Gage, following the press conference hosts 43 technical and building professionals who cite the evidence and call for a new investigation. It also includes 8 psychology professionals who are well versed in the difficult issues that viewers of this film may face when confronting the evidence.

 Watch Video Below.

Phi Beta Iota:  We are deeply sympathetic about the fact that most Americans, including well-educated Americans and especially well-educated Americans employed by the federal government, simply cannot comprehend this stuff.  They live in a dream world, where America can do no wrong, government can be trusted, Dick Cheney deserves the Nobel Peace Prize and Barack Obama earned the one he got for his first ten days in office, etcetera etcetera.  If the measure of a nation is the combination of public intelligence and public integrity, the USA is deeply mired in a cesspool of its own making.

John Robb: Automation of Censorship and Extra-Judicial Assassination

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, Corruption, DHS, DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
John Robb

The Automation of Government Coercion

Posted: 25 May 2012 09:10 AM PDT

I recently did a series of interviews for an international venture investing newsletter called Capitalist Exploits.  Here's a question I got that I thought we be of interest to GG readers.  I've extended the answer a bit from the original in the interview.

Mark: Switching gears just a bit… We've watched the SOPA/PIPA controversy, now its CISPA; the “Stellar Wind” project was featured in Wired last month, and recently an NSA whistleblower, former Director William Binney, came out and said flat out that the government is lying, they intercept and store everything we do, Constitution be damned. It seems the government won't stop until it completely controls the flow of information on the Internet and has the ability to monitor and record everything we say and do online. You're a counter-terrorism expert, how much of this is hype and how much of it is really necessary to safeguard national security, in your opinion. And what about our civil liberties and right to privacy?

John: It’s a mixed bag. There’s certainly lots of concern in regards to how the NSA gathers data on US citizens. Added to what the private sector is gathering, its safe to conclude that we don’t have any privacy.

For example, nearly every new phone sold today has a GPS chip in it. It’s constantly gathering data on where that phone is and sending it to the phone company. All of that phone company data, from all of the phone companies across the world, is aggregated and provided to select governments for use in counter-terrorism. In short, the three billion people that are using cell phones are being tracked in order to help find and kill a couple hundred terrorists (its contribution is probably limited to being the primary source for neutralizing a couple of terrorists a year).

Continue reading “John Robb: Automation of Censorship and Extra-Judicial Assassination”

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Col Ted Westhusing, USA (RIP)

09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call
Col Ted Westhusing

Colonel Theodore S. Westhusing (November 17, 1960 – June 5, 2005),[1] a West Point professor of English and Philosophy, volunteered to serve in Iraq in late 2004 and died in Baghdad from an allegedly self-inflicted gunshot wound in June 2005. At the time he was the highest ranked American to die violently in Iraq since the start of the March 2003 United States-led invasion. He was 44 years old, married with three young children.

The following is the suicide note left by Col. Westhusing to his commanding officer General Petraeus. The note was featured in an article by Robert Pryce, published in the Texas Observer on March 8, 2007:[9]

Thanks for telling me it was a good day until I briefed you. [Redacted name]—You are only interested in your career and provide no support to your staff—no msn [mission] support and you don’t care. I cannot support a msn that leads to corruption, human right abuses and liars. I am sullied—no more. I didn’t volunteer to support corrupt, money grubbing contractors, nor work for commanders only interested in themselves. I came to serve honorably and feel dishonored. I trust no Iraqi. I cannot live this way. All my love to my family, my wife and my precious children. I love you and trust you only. Death before being dishonored any more. Trust is essential—I don’t know who trust anymore. [sic] Why serve when you cannot accomplish the mission, when you no longer believe in the cause, when your every effort and breath to succeed meets with lies, lack of support, and selfishness? No more. Reevaluate yourselves, cdrs [commanders]. You are not what you think you are and I know it.
COL Ted Westhusing
Life needs trust. Trust is no more for me here in Iraq.

Works by Col Ted Westhusing

Ted Westhusing (2003). A Beguiling Military Virtue: Honor. Journal of Military Ethics 2 (3):195-212.

Ted Westhusing (2003). Taking Terrorism and ROE Seriously. Journal of Military Ethics 2 (1):1-19.

Ted Westhusing (2002). ‘Target Approval Delays Cost Air Force Key Hits': Targeting Terror: Killing Al Qaeda the Right Way. Journal of Military Ethics 1 (2):128-135.

Links to Specific Stories and Comment by Robert Steele Below the Line

Continue reading “Who's Who in Peace Intelligence: Col Ted Westhusing, USA (RIP)”

Mini-Me: Veteran’s Today Warns of False Flag Terror in US End of May — Russians Exercising in US Around NORTHCOM with Mission to Take and Hold Denver Airport…G-8 Moved to Camp David

06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Corruption, DHS, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call
Who? Mini-Me?


U.S. False Flag Likely May 20-31, 2012

By Captain Eric H. May, Ghost Troop CO

The breaking news from Chicago, ‘NATO 3’ had targeted Obama campaign HQ, Rahm’s house, police stations, prosecutors say, concurs with the analysis below:

The United States is hosting the G8, NATO and the Bilderberg Group in a two-week span, during which elite Russian troops will be occupying key points near Northern Command (NORTHCOM), and it isn’t hard to imagine another 9/11 coming from such a sinister combination of brains and brawn.

Starting with the premise that a false flag attack by the end of May is more likely than not, I’ll present the odds for the top targets and most dangerous days, then evaluate the various entities and individuals likely to be involved.

The top U.S. targets are:

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Veteran's Today Warns of False Flag Terror in US End of May — Russians Exercising in US Around NORTHCOM with Mission to Take and Hold Denver Airport…G-8 Moved to Camp David”

Owl: VIDEO – Twelve Year Old Nails Canadian Government & Banks

03 Economy, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Movies, Officers Call
Who? Who?

WATCH THIS. 12 year old Canadian girl on banksters and debt

This little girl is simply amazing. She must have some pretty awesome parents. In a concise and clear way she explains the problem of national debt in language that anyone can understand.

VIDEO (5:26) from GodLike Productions

Phi Beta Iota:  Going viral, and rightly so.

See Also: