Welcome to Qaedastan: Yemen's coming explosion will make today's problems seem tame.
Yemen has so many dire problems that it's easy to be overwhelmed. Al Qaeda is growing in prominence, a Shiite rebellion is expanding in the north, and the threat of secession is renewed in the south. There's a brewing fight over what comes after President Ali Abdullah Saleh, age 67, who has ruled Yemen for 31 years; the country's elites are locked in a closed-door struggle to take power once he departs. Finally, and perhaps most intractably, Yemen is an environmental and resource catastrophe in the making. The country's water table is nearly depleted from years of agricultural malpractice, and its oil reserves are rapidly dwindling. This comes just when unemployment is soaring and an explosive birthrate promises only more young, jobless citizens in the coming years.
Too many problems of too severe a nature to be dealth with in isolation from one another. “Yemen and its challenges have to be understood and dealt with as a whole.”
AQAP in Yemen and the Christmas Day Terrorist Attack By Gregory D. Johnsen
Standard party line “prep” for invading both countries. Most interesting tid-bit: 36 American convicts reached Yemen, ostensibly to study Arabic. Given the number of convicts the USA produces, most jailed for marijuana possession, and in combination with the bankruptcy of the USA and the meltdown of its social and physical infrastructure, we read this in a much more catastrophic homeland manner than might be the case in the cozy ambiance of Capitol Hill. Al Qaeda is no longer the center of gravity–domestic anger easily converted into violence is the center of gravity.
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