Journal: Systems Design & “Reverse Innovation”

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Key Players, Policies, Threats
Zuckerman vs Bloomberg
Zuckerman vs Bloomberg

We are fascinated to see Mort Zuckerman bidding against Bloomberg the company for Business Week.  He spoke to OSS '96 to great effect, and with Paul Strassmann has been one of our most dynamic speakers “jacked in” to the real world with real world bottom-line seriousness.

We admire all parties concerned, along with TIME Magazine and Forbes, and we dare to hope that whoever wins, they might try Systems Design & “Reverse Innovation,” two elements of this week's Business Week as issued in Europe.

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Journal: China 8, USA 0

02 China, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Media Reports, Policies, Threats, Topics (All Other), Worth A Look
Full Op-Ed Online
Full Op-Ed Online
Phi Beta Iota: First, tip of the hat to the  New York Times for open persistent URLs.   Bravo! We strongly recommend a reading of the entire piece at the NYT website. Shame on the USA for not living up to the Founding Father's aspirations for a wise government and an engaged public.  No one now working for the White House can recite the ten high-level threats, the twelve core policies that must be harmonized, or the eight demographic challengers–including China–who we should be helping devise the World Brain with embedded EarthGame.  US voters are slow to anger, but that anger will rise in 2010 and crest in 2012.
Op-Ed Contributor:  Eight Idas Behind China's Success

By ZHANG WEI-WEI, Published: September 30, 2009

EXTRACT:  Critics of China like to claim that despite its economic success, the country has no “big ideas” to offer. But to this author, it is precisely big ideas that have shaped China’s dramatic rise. Here are eight such ideas:

1. Seeking truth from facts.

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Journal: Global Impact Vulnerability Alert System

Key Players, Non-Governmental, Policies, Real Time, Strategy, Threats, Tools, True Cost
Full Text Online
Full Text Online

Extract from Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon Press Conference

“We are also creating a new Global Impact Vulnerability Alert System, giving us real-time data and analysis on the socio-economic picture around the world, so that governments can reach those who most need it.”



Briefing Press, Deputy Secretary-General Says Global Impact Vulnerability Alert System Promises to Be 21st Century Tool to Help Analyse Modern Global Problems, 18 September 2009

iRevolution, Global Impact and Vulnerability Alert System (GIVAS): A New Early Warning Initiative? July 2, 2009 Patrick Philippe Meier

Journal: Clinton Global Initiative Update

01 Poverty, Communities of Practice, Gift Intelligence, Key Players, Mobile, Policies, Reform
Clinton Global Initiative
Clinton Global Initiative

With a tip of the hat to John Steiner and  Janice Hall, here are some highlights from the recent Clinton Global Initiative that struck us as truly righteous.

“I think we can say with some certainty that this mode actually does work,” President Clinton said. “People don't have to have the same politics, the same religion, or speak the same language to work togethr and to have an impact. We all have things to learn from each other. What weneed is a shared mechanism to achieve common goals.”

In 2009, members made284 Commitments valued at $9.4 billion dollars 1,700 commitments hae been made since 2005 valued at more than $57 billion.

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Journal: Integrity, Afghanistan, & The White House

02 Diplomacy, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Ethics, Military, Peace Intelligence


Robert Haddock
Robert Haddock

This Week at War: America's Last Counterinsurgent?

McChrystal report unwittingly slays counterinsurgency doctrine

September 25, 2009

Robert Haddock

This summer the U.S. government has faced a deteriorating crisis in Afghanistan. Such crises tend to force policymakers to face up to the facile assumptions they have previously made. Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s report to his civilian masters on the faltering counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan has caused President Barack Obama and his advisers to face up to their basic assumptions about U.S. objectives and strategies for perhaps the first time. Obama and his team seem very likely to conclude from this long overdue examination of first principles that it will be impractical for the U.S. to successfully implement a counterinsurgency campaign plan in Afghanistan. McChrystal’s assessment has unwittingly tossed the U.S. military’s counterinsurgency field manual into the shredder. McChrystal’s report is brutally honest about the troubles in Afghanistan.

Click on title above for complete article, below for Phi Beta Iota comment and links to three “fix” pieces.

Continue reading “Journal: Integrity, Afghanistan, & The White House”

Journal: Why G-20 Is Dying Not Reforming

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Policies

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

SNAP ANALYSIS: New world economic order takes shape at G20

By Lesley Wroughton Fri Sep 25, 2009

PITTSBURGH (Reuters) – The Group of 20 is set to become the premier coordinating body on global economic issues, reflecting a new world economic order in which emerging market countries like China are much more relevant, according to a draft communique.

Phi Beta Iota: G-20 along with the International Monetary Fund (IMB) and the World Bank are headed for a rude decline in the next decade.  What matters now is NOT trade in industrial era terms (that ignored “true cost”) but rather population and the potential of that population to create wealth.  Here's our take, followed by a new book we recommend, and several categories of books that we have reviewed that bear on this matter.

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Reference: Cloud Computing 1.0 25 Sep 09

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Policy, Real Time, Reform, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools, True Cost
Could Computing 101
Could Computing 101

There are at least two organized gangs in cloud computing, with several more emerging in the wings.  This is a first cut at what we have in play.

Below the fold are a list of members of the Infrastructure 2.0 Gang and the Cloud Connect Gang, followed by a number of headlines from 2007 to date that comprise a rapid read-in.

As with the origin of computers, when librarians were not consulted, the focus on these gangs is on technical connectivity and related issues (e.g. authentication, security), and NOT on information-sharing and sense-making as the ultimate objective.

Continue reading “Reference: Cloud Computing 1.0 25 Sep 09”