Yoda: China Develops Saltwater Rice in Dubai, Could Feed 80 Million

01 Agriculture

China successfully harvests saltwater rice that could feed another 80 million people

Chinese scientists have harvested alkali-resistant ‘sea rice’ planted in east China’s Shandong Province, marking initial success of an ambitious plan to boost the country’s rice production and feed an additional 80 million people.

Earlier this year, the research team successfully grew and harvested the salt-resistant rice in a Dubai desert.

Read full article.

Yoda: Russia Woos White Farmers

01 Agriculture, 06 Russia, Earth Intelligence

Russia ‘tries to woo white South African farmers to live there in the hope they will boost the country's agricultural industry amid land seizures in their homeland'

According to The Daily Star Vladimir Poluboyarenko, a government liaison from the Stavropol region in southern Russia, said: ‘I want them to know that Russia can be their mother country, too.'

The Russian Government have also removed the tourist visa requirements for South Africans enabling them buy potential homes.

CounterPunch: The Ten Big Lies of Traditional Western Politics

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

The Ten Big Lies of Traditional Western Politics

Erik Molvar is a wildlife biologist and is the Laramie, Wyoming-based Executive Director of Western Watersheds Project, a nonprofit group dedicated to protecting and restoring watersheds and wildlife on western public lands.

List only, click above to read full article.

  1. Industrial oil and gas drilling is compatible with healthy wildlife populations
  2. Nobody wants to see the sage grouse (or anything else) listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
  3. Logging, grazing, or fuelbreaks can stop big fires
  4. Wild horses are the real threat to western rangeland health
  5. Ranchers are the real environmentalists
  6. Predators are killing our wild game (or our profits) and their numbers need to be “managed”
  7. When the next boom hits, the good times will return
  8. Ranching is the cornerstone of western rural economies
  9. The oil, timber, and livestock industries have the right to extract private profits from public lands
  10. Local control would result in better management of western public lands

Continue reading “CounterPunch: The Ten Big Lies of Traditional Western Politics”

Yoda: Blockchain Foundation for African Ecosystem Centered on Small Farmers

01 Agriculture, Advanced Cyber/IO

Chris Cleverly is building a totally integrated/harmonious ecosystem for food growth and supply in Africa using AgriTech and Big Data through small holder farmers. Creating greatest wealth to the greatest many through greatest efficiency.

Two videos and three articles below the fold.

Continue reading “Yoda: Blockchain Foundation for African Ecosystem Centered on Small Farmers”

Rebecca Campbell: Digital Map Enables People to People Re-Distribution of Land (Reparation for Past Thefts by Others)

01 Agriculture, Civil Society, Ethics
Rebecca Campbell

A Digital Map Leads to Reparations for Black and Indigenous Farmers

The map’s creators envision equitable distribution of land and resources through “people-to-people” reparations.

As for Soul Fire Farm, they’ve just given the country at least one way to resolve a $6.4 trillion debt to Black America.