Tom Atlee: Movement to Reform Global Understanding

04 Education, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process
Tom Atlee

Dear friends,

As I was preparing another bulletin for you, I stumbled on a very remarkable initiative — a global curriculum reform movement — that I want to share right away.  It seems a revolution is brewing in some parts of mainstream higher education.  Here is a significant piece:

A “Science Daily” article “Higher Education Curricula Not Keeping Pace With Societal, Tech Changes” describes this “global movement to abolish the archaic disciplinary isolation and static teaching practices of the 19th and 20th centuries, and replace them with pedagogy that addresses the complexity and diversity of perspective of a global community in the 21st century.”

The epicenter of this movement is Curriculum Reform.  A group of academics — from college students to university presidents — have created a Manifesto (see below) that has so far been endorsed by two universities in Europe and one in the U.S (Arizona State University, Jacobs University Bremen, and Leuphana Universität Lüneburg).  These universities are now testing specific curricula based on the Manifesto's principles.

I am extremely impressed with the principles these academic innovators have come up with.  More information is available at their website, including some excellent comments following the Manifesto itself.

If you are concerned about education and the state of the world, take a look, and spread the word…


Phi Beta Iota:  Tom Atlee is the minister-mentor to all of us who strive to achieve collective intelligence and evolutionary consciousness.  We urge support for his very personal commitment to  his calling.


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Worth a Look: Curriculum Reform Forum

04 Education, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Threats, Worth A Look
Koko the Reflexive

The Curriculum Reform Forum

The Curriculum Reform Forum is dedicated to disseminating thought leadership in the field of curricular reform in order to inspire local reform initiatives. It is a platform for global dialogue fostering the exchange of ideas as well as a resource offering concrete support to academic practitioners.

Inspired by this question of the father of Modern Skepticism we would like to approach contemporary curricular reform with the wisdom and fervour of an owl going into nosedive. You are invited to read our manifesto and join the conversation!

Phi Beta Iota:  We have focused on Paradigms of Failure and on the loss of intelligence and integrity for decades.  Now George Soros has had his aha moment.  The Reflexive Movement is advancing on all fronts.  Russell Ackoff smiles.

Below is the essence of the Manifesto:

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Curriculum Reform Forum”

Network Learning to Team/Autonomous Learning

04 Education, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Strategy
Howard Rheingold

Harold Jarche » Network Learning: Working Smarter

At its core, network learning is a way to deal with an ever-increasing amount of digital information. It requires an open attitude toward learning and finding new things. Each worker needs to develop individualized processes of filing, classifying and annotating information for later retrieval.


Network Learning: Working Smarter

Posted on October 22nd, 2010 by Harold Jarche

Click on Image to Enlarge

“In the period ahead of us, more important than advances in computer design will be the advances we can make in our understanding of human information processing – of thinking, problem solving, and decision making…” ~ Herbert Simon, Economics Nobel-prize winner (1968)

The World Wide Web is changing how many of us do our work as we become more connected to information and each other. In California, Ray Prock, Jr. (2010) uses a Web-based note system to store messages, manage his financial risk and stay on top of the multiple factors necessary to run a successful dairy farm. He is constantly learning as he works and has found a method to keep up, thanks to the Internet.

Continue reading “Network Learning to Team/Autonomous Learning”

Howard Rheingold’s Pick: Information Curation

03 Economy, 04 Education, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Howard Rheingold

My top pick today:

Maria Popova: In a new world of informational abundance, content curation is a new kind of authorship

NiemanJournalismLab,10 June 2011

EXTRACT: The point is that new tools in general, and Twitter in particular, greatly challenge the binary dichotomy of attention as something that is either given or taken away, distracted. Instead, these tools allow us to direct attention to destinations where it can be sustained with more concentration and immersion.

See Also:

Review: Everything Is Miscellaneous–The Power of the New Digital Disorder

Link TV Educating Americans About Real World

04 Education, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Augmented Reality, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Peace Intelligence, Whole Earth Review
John Steiner

Dear Friends far and wide:

Link TV in San Francisco is a precious resource for the progressive/transpartisan communities, and we¹re asking you to join us in making a gift to Link.

In December 1999, our good friend and colleague, Kim Spencer, launched Link TV, the first nationwide television network dedicated to providing Americans with global perspectives on news, events and culture. In the wake of media consolidation. Americans have little access to diverse perspectives on critical global issues, and Link challenges this trend.  Today, Link is now broadcast into 35 million homes across the US (largely through DISH, DIRECT TV and with some cable outlets), has 6.7 million regular viewers (many across the political and cultural divides), and provides coverage not found anywhere else in the US.

Link is the only US provider of Al Jazeera English, broadcasts Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! daily, and has won a Peabody Award for its Middle East news program, Mosaic.

Continue reading “Link TV Educating Americans About Real World”

Amazon’s Broken User Experience

03 Economy, 04 Education, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, IO Sense-Making
Jon Lebkowsky Bio

Doc Searls has posted a slideshow explaining how Amazon’s user experience is broken, in the context of a discussion about vendor relationship management (VRM), which is about evolving a world where customers have at least symmetry in the power relationship of customer and vendor. The slides are old (January 2010) and things might have changed, but I don’t think they’ve changed as much as they should’ve, because I still experience similar frustrations when I visit Amazon.

Phi Beta Iota: Amazon is a great company with an extraordinary cloud offering and enormous potential they have chosen to leave unattended.  They rejected a 2007 proposition (Amazon as the Hub of the World Brain) that would have seen them create a markeplace for informed relationships and knowledge by  the call or page, and they have rejected all suggestions for enabling buyers, readers, and reviewers to “co-create” the Amazon experience.  It's a pity mostly because the world need multiple forms of M4IS2 hybrids, and this is something Amazon could have provided as a service of common concern, with both the cloud for melded shared information and the authors and their readers as the human intelligence component.

Event: Free Online Download Why Stone-Age Instincts Run Your Life & How Science Can Change That

04 Education, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Methods & Process, Strategy, Threats
Tom Atlee

Dear friends,

I’m excited to let you know about an upcoming free teleseminar by colleagues of mine, Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow. This couple is well known for their work in translating the various evolutionary sciences into practical wisdom for meeting the challenges of everyday life.

The focus of their hour-long audio seminar will be, as they summarize it: “Why the Stone-Age instincts we’ve all inherited can so often challenge us in our modern-day settings—and how new discoveries in the evolutionary and human sciences offer perspectives that are both practical and profound.”

Michael and Connie were the ones who launched me into my own evolutionary perspective, which expanded and deepened into the vision in my book REFLECTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY ACTIVISM.

I'm beginning to see an emerging whole-life curriculum to bring actionable evolutionary understandings into virtually every aspect of life, just as feminist and ecological understandings have spread into every niche.  The first rough outline of such an “evolutionizing” curriculum might look something like this:

*  Evolutionize yourself and your relationships:
Connie and Michael's class
*  Evolutionize your groups, organizations and communities:
*  Evolutionize your society and social systems:
Robert Wright's NON-ZERO
Paul Ehrlich and Robert Ornstein's NEW WORLD, NEW MIND
*  Evolutionize your worldview
Elisabet Sahtouris' EARTHDANCE
Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme's THE UNIVERSE STORY

There are many other dimensions that could be included in such a curriculum — evolutionizing technology, education, heatlh care, you name it — and dozens of other really fine books and other resources that could be used — but the general idea in this outline intrigues me and, I hope, others who might act on it.

I invite you get a good whiff of how this perspective could play out in your own life.  Check out Connie and Michael's free evening teleclass this Wednesday (May 18th) — “Evolutionize Your Life: The Science of How to Decode Human Behavior, Eliminate Self-Judgment, and Create a Big-Hearted Life of Purpose and Joyful Integrity”.   You can read more about it and register at .

