Pedophilia Pedopredation Live Art and More — a Plan for Mapping the Elite Pedophiles Through Art?

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call

Modern Art Scandal Uncovered: Are Children shipped in boxes as “LIVE ART” under the “ART FOR EMBASSIES PROGRAM” to feed Pedophiles and Cannibals?

Modern art being used as open code by pedovores — we can map them all….on top of what we already have from NSA, this particular map — the images next to the faces of the owners — will be easily understood by the public.

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Sir John Walsh of Brannagh on Defamation and the Deep State

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Law Enforcement

Defamation and the Deep State

Before talking about defamation and the concerns raised by some members I would like to clarify how the evidence of witnesses and the submissions from witnesses and others will be presented in the Final Report (and any intermediate reports). It is understood by the Justices and the Commissioners that persons coming forward will consist of those who have been the subject of kidnapping, rape, torture and other barbaric paedophilia practices, and who wish their full story to be told to the world including their identities and who are willing or have already given affidavits. There will be others who want the story told but their identities repressed. Others may just wish to put forward a submission on suggestions and recommendations. All will be catered for.

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Mongoose: Pedophilia Is More Common Than You Think

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence

Pedophilia Is More Common Than You Think

Committing—and tolerating—this grotesque sin brings severe consequences.

Dwight Falk

The Trumpet, 26 April 2018


  • During a one-year period in the U.S., 16 percent of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized.
  • Over the course of their lifetime, 28 percent of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized.


Carine Hutsebaut: Thoughts on Documenting Pedophilia / Pedopredation

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Ethics, Law Enforcement

Carine Hutsebaut

Psychotherapist and Criminologist and author on child sex abusers and child murderers. Frequent Expert Witness and profiler for ministries of justice across Europe. Founder of the International Center for Molested and Abducted/Adopted Children. Author of the book, Child Hunters: Requiem of a Childkiller (Xlibris, 2011). Member of the Academy of Behavioral Profiling. Multiple movies have been made on the basis of her work.

Preliminary thoughts on sources & methods related to pedophilia survivor debriefings, responding to Chief Counsel Robert Steele's preliminary rules of engagement:

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Mongoose: USG Admits It “Lost” 1,500 Immigrant Children, Handed Many of Them Directly to Human Traffickers

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

US Admits It ‘Lost’ 1,500 Immigrant Children, Handed Many of Them Directly To Human Traffickers

Acting assistant secretary at HHS, Steven Wagner, told the committee that between October and December of 2017, HHS called 7,635 children that the agency placed with sponsors and they were only able to track down 6,075 of them. At least 28 of them had reportedly run away, five others were deported, 52 were living with someone else and 1,475 were missing.