Robert Steele: On Pedophilia & Punishment

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, Cultural Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

As a result of the hacking of John Podesta's emails by a Romanian taxi driver (not Russian intelligence), and the subsequent Pizzagate, then PedoGate, with the former Prime Minister of the UK (and probably two former Vice Presidents of the USA) as top known pedophiles, there is finally a growing public demand for action.

I was interviewed yesterday by the great Sacha Stone of Humanitad Foundation and will be interviewed today by Victurus Libertas on this topic. I made three points to Sacha:

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Jon Rappoport: US Doctors Kill 1 in 10 Through Error

06 Family, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Ineptitude
Jon Rappoport


How the mind treats “impossible things that couldn't be happening”

On May 3, 2016, the Washington Post ran an article detailing deaths from medical errors. This bomb dropped: doctors' errors account for “about 9.5 percent of all deaths annually in the United States.”
Let that sink in. Roughly one out of every 10 deaths in the US is caused by medical errors. (Under “errors,” you can include a wide range of toxic treatment.)

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Berto Jongman: Hundreds of Pedophilia Arrests Across US Connected to Washington DC Pizzagate

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice
Berto Jongman

Hundreds Arrested In Nationwide Pizzagate Raids

A massive nationwide sting has seen over 500 individuals connected to child sex offences arrested in the first of many Pizzagate raids. 

Officials from police departments, fire departments and local government are said to be among the hundreds arrested, as the FBI ramp up efforts to arrest everybody connected to a Washington D.C pedophile ring.

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Berto Jongman: Trump & Sessions Agreed, Pedophiles Have to Go Down — FBI Set to Arrest 30% of Top Republican and Democratic Party “Leaders”

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Officers Call
Berto Jongman

FBI: 30% Of Washington DC Part Of Elite Pedo Ring

An FBI whistleblower estimates “close to 30% of the political spectrum” in Washington D.C. is connected to the elite pedophile ring that has been infiltrated by law enforcement, with “high level arrests of close to three dozen pedophile politicians” expected next week.

The insider at the Federal Bureau of Investigation says that the FBI finished submitting paperwork to the Department of Justice in preparation for the “Pizzagate” arrests which will begin as soon as Jeff Sessions is confirmed as Attorney General.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Trump & Sessions Agreed, Pedophiles Have to Go Down — FBI Set to Arrest 30% of Top Republican and Democratic Party “Leaders””

Mongoose: How the New York Times Became a Rothschild Outpost and the Protector of Elite Pedophiles

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Media

Tip of the Hat to Frank Bacon.

Pedophile Savile Haunts The New York Times – PizzaGate 7

Here in Part 7 of the Pizzagate series, we trace the media cover-up of Pizzagate pedophilia back to the 2012 decision by publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. to install former BBC director-general Mark Thompson as CEO of The New York Times. The British import was previously involved in two criminal cover-ups in the UK: of the suspicious circumstances behind the death of Iraq-invasion whistle-blower Dr. David Kelly and insider protection of BBC’s in-house pedophile ring leader Jimmy Saville.

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